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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Trial Member
The repack is now available for download, please be aware that this is the first version and you might expect some issues or so.

If you have any questions feel free to post it in here or in the support section in a thread.
If you found any bugs feel free to post it in this thread and they will be fixed asap in the next version.

There's not a specefic date for version 2, it depends.
Thanks for the support & enjoy it:
Nothing yet. If you found any, please report it on this thread.

man why 500mb the data bases only ??


Verified Member
it seems i can not change my realm list i put in set realmlist but its still gonig to blizzard servers

I just find the solution ! it's easy ! download Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1g.exe install it ! delet ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll from relase folder in realmlist put your machine locale IP ! not ! put your locale Ip like or something else ur is ! in my case it's was because the my modem gateway.

insider DB server realmlist creat new realmlist with different ID and IP that should be in my case !

it's worked for me


Verified Member
Where i can find GM commands list to use insider game if it's possible ?? what is the syntaxe to use ? and the commands avaible?


Trial Member
Yeah some more information as the others said, would be great.

Are you getting the error that your login is wrong or is it stucked at connecting aka realm selection? Also if you are being stucked at realm selection are you getting any worldserver error?

No my login is correct. It stucked at the login page. After I have enetered login and password appeared inscription "Connected". But it doesn't further.
May be it happens because I have a russian wow?

Thank You.


man why 500mb the data bases only ??
The database is around 550 mb (if I remember right) but it's in a rar file so it's less. However there's no reason to have a one GB database if it's possible to keep lower.

No my login is correct. It stucked at the login page. After I have enetered login and password appeared inscription "Connected". But it doesn't further.
May be it happens because I have a russian wow?

Thank You.

Try to check one of these threads:

Solution for the person who had the same issue was removing the 2 dll files (ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll) from the release folder.
Hope it helped.

Where i can find GM commands list to use insider game if it's possible ?? what is the syntaxe to use ? and the commands avaible?

Ingame you can type .commands to see a list of commands available, or you can go into the database and find command table and look there. :)


Verified Member
hey, i set it up, all of it changed it to my realmlist, and its saying please log into with your battle.net account,
ika...the info is rwong? so i made a New account,...same thing its not finding the account info** so its not login in* how do i fix?


Verified Member
ok well i thout id fixted it : (
so i cant get theWorld Server To stay open and run its opening and starting than it closes straight away
and i got a question, Can we add our owen Items into the Database? i tried, but keepted giveing me that Hsql error unko

ake it dosent know waht the item is so i use wow - v and made a driffent 1 and downloaded it as evry file thay can do not 1 of them workted not even Mangos saved wep >: sigh
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Trial Member
OK i got a lil problem log in in my worldserver i am geting worldsocket:: handle_input_header() client (account: 2, char {GUIDNE}) sent malformed packet (size:13345 , cmd:1140232931) and it kicks my game. go's all the way up to loading to make a new toon and thats it. if any one has any info what i am doing wronge plz late me know would realy like to play been hearing good stuff about you guys and the work you'll or one person has done on this repack


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member

Bug Report:
Quest: Rest and Relaxation is not obtainable altough NPC is spawned.
Helene Peltskinner and Adele Fielder are spawned double.
Princess is spawned twice, one pre-cata model and one cata model and seems to have a staff equiped? The one with displayid 8871 and db guid 46568 should be deleted.
Narg the Taskmaster spawns twice, once inside the mine and once outside, should only be outside.
Goldtooth also spawns twice. Level 7 db guid 19783 should be deleted.
Morley Eberlein <Clothier> Kita Firewind Theocritus Dawn Brightstar same as above and I believe most of the Servants are spawned twice as well.
Baros Alexston <City Architect> & Shellene & Thomas & Brother Crowley & Brooke Stonebraid <Mining Supplies> another case of twins.
Gelman Stonehand <Mining Trainer> only the one downstairs should be spawned.
Myrla Stoneround <Barmaid> Thaegra Tillstone <Innkeeper> Colin Field <Tavernkeeper> must be the booze cuz I'm seeing double :D
Karrina Mekenda <Pet Trainer> Einris Brightspear <Hunter Trainer> Thorfin Stoneshield <Hunter Trainer> Ulfir Ironbeard <Hunter Trainer> damn who the hell made the dwarves wet, they are multiplying like crazy.
Betty Quin Donni Anthania <Crazy Cat Lady> spawned twice.
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Trial Member
hi, how to create an account for this repack? i have set up this repack..
but i dont know how to create the account


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
HEy, I managed to download it. I Launched Apache and MySQL .bat files with no problems, but when I try to launch authserver and worldserver, I get notification which says that system cannot gain access to those files and I don't have high enough permission to launch those files.


hi, how to create an account for this repack? i have set up this repack..
but i dont know how to create the account

You can also find out how to create an account by reading the F.A.Q

fixed, can i play LAN? how?

To make it public you should portforward your router, if you wish I can find a guide for you.

If you wish to just play with friends and you don't want to spend time figuring out how to make it public, you could do it the easy way (by hamachi)

HEy, I managed to download it. I Launched Apache and MySQL .bat files with no problems, but when I try to launch authserver and worldserver, I get notification which says that system cannot gain access to those files and I don't have high enough permission to launch those files.

Hey, I'm not exactly sure what is up, it's obviously something with your permissions on your PC, try to run it as administrator, block antivirus or whatever you have installed that could block it and such.
Hard to say without knowing how your PC is handled (permissions, antivirus) and such.

@Kamui, thanks for the bug reports. However it would be awesome if you could report them in the bug report section as well, (better to organize it, find the bugs and such by having it in a bug report section instead)

Also for everyone:
Make sure to read EmuCoach's Repack F.A.Q which contains useful information & solutions:


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
You can also find out how to create an account by reading the F.A.Q

To make it public you should portforward your router, if you wish I can find a guide for you.

If you wish to just play with friends and you don't want to spend time figuring out how to make it public, you could do it the easy way (by hamachi)

Hey, I'm not exactly sure what is up, it's obviously something with your permissions on your PC, try to run it as administrator, block antivirus or whatever you have installed that could block it and such.
Hard to say without knowing how your PC is handled (permissions, antivirus) and such.

@Kamui, thanks for the bug reports. However it would be awesome if you could report them in the bug report section as well, (better to organize it, find the bugs and such by having it in a bug report section instead)

Also for everyone:
Make sure to read EmuCoach's Repack F.A.Q which contains useful information & solutions:

No problem, glad to be able to contribute to this awesome repack.


Verified Member
Awesome repack! This seems to work great on my local machine, but I'd like to open it up so my wife can join on our LAN. I can find the IP configs in authserver.conf and worldserver.conf, but I haven't found them for mysql. How would I set mysql to look at a network adapter's IP instead of localhost? Or is there a better way that I'm not aware of?


Trial Member
still haveing promblem geting in to the game the build is right and the server is up working but keep being kicked can not login to make a toon help plz would love to start this repack