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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
This repack is so good I'm looking for some things to be harder than they are. If I'm correct this is set up to listen to all the machine's network adapter IPs and localhost, right?

I got my wife's machine to login now but am having another issue, as follows. My computer has win7 64bit, is running the repack, and the game client on my machine connects in flawlessly with my realmlist.wtf set to my LAN IP address. My wife's computer has XP 32bit and is running a copy of the same game client I am. On hers I can launch the game client and login successfully, then it shows the "Realm Selection" window. "EmuCoach Repack" is the only realm of course, so I just hit "Okay" and it shows the small "Logging in to game server" window for about a second. Then the "Logging in to game server" window goes away, and it just sits with the "Realm Selection" window open. I've checked my firewall and even disabled it with no change. Both computers are logged in with matching password protected accounts, so it shouldn't be one of the odd XP networking issues. I've read through this thread and tried anything I found that sounded like it may affect it but have seen no change. Is there something in the configs that would be limiting the worldserver to only accept local connections, not from other IPs? I must be missing something. If anyone has suggestions, thanks in advance! :)
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Verified Member
Hey, i'd like to say first. GREAT REPACK!

I bumped into a little problem tho, whenever i try to enter the game. It's stuck on ''Connected''. Somehow it doesn't let me get into game through a different computer. And it seems toomuchvoltage has the exact same problem as i do. Any solution?


Verified Member
I got it working! To fix the issue I described two post up, I used a mysql editor to open the "realmlist" table in the "auth" database and changed two IP addresses in there. The first is in the "address" column where I put my server's IP address (in my case The next column is "localAddress" where I put the address range for my network (in my case 192.168.0:24.) As I understand it, the ":24" tells the computer that only the first three octets of the address need to match. This should work for the local area network. If you are opening up to a WAN (wide area network, or internet) you may need to try something like in the localAddress column. I haven't tested this on anything but my LAN, so maybe someone else can give better input on the WAN situation. This is what worked for me though! :D
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Verified Member

I'm getting a error code. 0x0000007 error code whenever i try to open authserver. Even tho i have all the required microsoft visual c++ etc.
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Verified Member
I am sorry if the links I post did not work you should get all the links you need to fix the connecting issue from this thread http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?157-EmuCoach-s-Official-Repack-FAQ-(Useful-Good-to-read) And divine plz copy the full error code if there is more I'll try to help you find a fix for this. And Surya1122 I'll pm you a guide that should work for lan play :)

Whenever i use the ones from the link you send me, i get the 0x0000007 error. That's mostly caused by Microsoft visuals etc, but i already have all the visuals that i could find. 2010 works for the the post from Pewzz but the fixed ones gives me that error. By the way, thank you very much for your help and assistance!


Senior User
Veteran Member
@surya1122, Public or just friends?

if your just wanting to make it with you and your friends I would suggest Hamchi.
If you want a public server I would suggest buying a vps or dedicated server.
There are many guides that will help you.