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Kamui's Bug Report Thread


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Some of the Frenzied Cyclones have a display id of 11686 and are therefore invisible except the aura effect that swirls arround them. Also there are lots of duplicate spawns of these.
- Fixed.

Against the Wind is bugged. While in the Auberdine Moonwell using the bracers does nothing except tell you that you need the Auberdine Moonwell to use them.

The Last Refugee just auto completes itself.
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The Twilight Riders can't be attacked supposedly "Too far away", even when beeing in front of you. Also directly bellow the Dragons are humans that are labeled Twilighlight Rider (humanoid).

Soothing the Elements not completable.
After placing the Totem nothing happens and btw the Totem moves arround if it's attacked or you move. Also you have to place it at the altar instead of the spot like in the videos.
Also all of the Elementals have duplicate spawns. And most quests are missing the text upon returning them.
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Maplewood Treasure Chest is spawned but has no loot.

The Emerald Dream isn't completable, using the portal does nothing. Well actually it casts an aura named into the nightmare on the character, which makes every other npc and creature invisible to the player. You have to right click the Aura Symbol to be able to continue playing normaly so it disapears. Also as seen in the video, after completing the prequesites for this quest all three creatures should be near Malfurion but it doesn't happen.

The Eye of All Storms can't be completed.
Thessera is missing, and you can't attack any of the objectives.
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Leave No Tracks just auto completes.

Consumed Thistle Bear can't be skinned.
- Fixed on 14-02-2015

Fleetfoot should be neutral is friendly instead. Also should be skinnable and drop the item Fleetfoot's Tailfeathers for the quest The Bear's Blessing which is imcompletable without it.
- Fixed on 14-02-2015

Cleansing the Afflicted isn't working correctly. Using the item works and it spawns the Spirit of Corruption, but it's friendly which means you can't kill it.
- Fixed on 14-02-2015
Even after killing it with .die command the Furlbogs remain hostile and should turn friendly.
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Bug Report for Ver 4.1

Achievement: Upon using /love on a rabbit I immediately received the Achievement "To All the Squirrels who cared for Me".
Shouldn't have happened, because it was the first and only creature I used the command /love on.
This happened in Northshire Valley level 1 Human Mage.

Quest: Mastering the Arcane can't be completed. Using Arcane Missiles as per quest description won't work. Also the Training Dummies follow you after being attacked.

Trigger/Quest: During the quest Extinguishing Hope the Fire Triggers are misplaced, making you blindly spray all over the place to be able to find the fires. Furthermore some of the triggers are visible to players.

Quest: Rest and Relaxation not obtainable from Falkhaan Isenstrider.
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Veteran Member
Quest: The Fargodeep Mine can't be completed, after scouting the entire mine, the game still does not recognise it.

Location: The Fargodeep Mine has too many duped mobs, also as reported before Narg the Taskmaster (should only be spawned outside now) and Goldtooth (spawns outside correctly but falls trough the floor) are both spawned twice.

Achievement: The Fishing Diplomat I was able to achieve this while fishing at the Crystal Lake near Goldshire. Never been to Orgrimmar yet.
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Verified Member
Nice list of bugs, however many of these can be easely fixed in db even on ur own. Some dead bug can be solved by changing a creature's hp or if some quest is too bugged, just completely edit it into something custom but similar to original :D that's what i do anyway. Was working with some old version maybe v2, it had those npcs in vortex pinnacle bugged dead that are supposed to throw u around to other platforms, got em fixed easely by editing them and they started working normally. However i'm not able to fix some boss scripts like in the prophet Skeram in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, his spells do not work correctly and get ur char bugged. On a repack some scripts can be fixed manually in db and with the help of event horizon or something similar, but to fix a spell's effect well thats a little bit more time-consuming, more effort and usually needs source. When i find such trouble i just create a completely new boss and script it, this is more easy for me to do on a repack than to mess with spells coding.