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Kamui's Bug Report Thread


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Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins, Witch Doctor Unbagwa, Princess Poobah, King Mukla, Long John Copper <The Brashtide Crew>, Brutus, Gurlgrl <Sword Vendor>, Cowardly Crosby <Tailoring Supplies>, Harry No-Hooks <Birds and Rum>, "Dead-Eye" Drederick McGumm, Ironpatch, Fleet Master Firallon, Enormous Shawn Stooker <The Brashtide Crew>, "Pretty Boy" Duncan, Wailing Mary Smitts <The Brashtide Crew>, Sweet Gary Guns <Gun Vendor>, Garr Salthoof, Captain Keelhaul, Freewheelin' Juntz Fitztittle.

Booty Bay:

Gim'hila, Fargon Mortalak <Superior Armorer>, Hurklor <Blacksmithing Supplies>, Glyx Brewright <Alchemy Supplies>, Jaxin Chong <Alchemy Trainer>, Nixxrax Fillamug <Food & Drink>.

Npc/Mob Bug:

Witch Doctor Unbagwa: the good ol' doc has a shiny yellow ? over his head, but neither do I have accepted any quest from him nor have I any quest to complete with him.

Prowler is aboard one of the ship of Harry No-Hooks <Birds and Rum>, not sure if bug or intended.

The birds on this picture View attachment WoWScrnShot_062714_065133.jpg have no name and aren't targetable. Also there are Murlocs onboard of the ship.

Booty Bay:

Crewman Hammertink <The Maiden's Fancy>, Crewman Gearspinner <The Maiden's Fancy>, are dupes like the rest of the crew, but the actual bug is: while the ship is anchored in booty bay the Crew of the Maiden's Fancy is on the ship, but as soon as it starts to leave only some of the Npcs actually go with the ship while others remain floating in the air. This is also the case with some of the chairs. View attachment WoWScrnShot_062714_050945.jpg, View attachment WoWScrnShot_062714_050735.jpg
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Quest Bugs:

The Damsel's (Bad) Luck: at the place where the Bloodsail Corsair there is nothing, and after I've found some, I had to realize that they are different npc's namely Bloodsail Corsair. This makes the quest impossible to complete as of now.

Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me: Oversized Pirate Hat can't be obtained, the vendor doesn't have a gossip option and goes to shop mode immediately. Also the cow Bossy that should give you the Cow Head doesn't have a dialogue option neither.

The Final Voyage of the Brashtide can't be completed. Attack event missing. No Brashtide Crewman nor Brashtide Attack Boat destroyed are spawned.

Turning the Brashtide can't be completed. The attack of the Brashtide Crew never happens.

A Giant's Feast: none of the items can be bought. Dialogue option missing.

A Dish Best Served Huge : not working, clicking on the boat does nothing, therefore Negolash never appears.

Details of the Attack: Bloodsail Orders are spawned but can't be interacted with.

Stranglethorn Fever: bugged, probably due to the bug with the Witch Doctor mentioned above. You can click on him after obtaining the quest, but besides greetings he doesn't say or do much. After adding the quest The Heart of Mokk and obtaining the Gorilla Fang, I was able to return it to the Witch Doctor. Unfortunately he didn't summon Mokk.

Kill-Collect: can't be completed, to obtain Ephram's Jeweled Mirror, you have to speak to Ephram "Midriff" Moonfall, to have him go hostile. Unfortunately he has no dialogue option.

That will be enough for today, more next time...
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The Cape of Stranglethorn

Your First Day as a Pirate: can't be completed. The Captain should turn friendly for the duration of this quest and the rest of the chain, but he remains hostile.

The next quest in the chain is also broken: Swabbing Duty, clicking on the broom does nothing except a little visual effect, and the stains are missing.

Attracting Attention also broken, same reason as the captain.

Backdoor Dealings: trying to place the incense doesn't work, quest broken.

Eliminate the Outcast: Zanzil the Outcast is missing, instead this Dustbelcher Initiate is running arround. If spawned in manually Zanzil is friendly to boot, making it impossible to finish the quest. If manually set to complete, you aren't able to return the quest .
Through the Troll Hole the portal can't be entered and you can't complete the quest. This breaks the rest of the quest chain: High Priestess Jeklik, Plunging Into Zul'Gurub, High Priest Venoxis.

The Brashtide Crew: this one never showed up for me. When added manually even if I talk to the required npc's the counter doesn't go up, making the quest impossible to complete. Also breaks the rest of the quest chain.
Sinking From Within: interacting with the items required to sabotage you only get a grettings.

This is a buggy zone if I ever saw one...
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Quest bugs:

Bearer of Good Fortune: opening the cages to free the animals works, but no count is triggered. Solution I found was killing the Bears with .die command which triggers the counting!

A Troubling Prescription: you can't interact with the Workbench, making it impossible to obtain the quest without using .quest add.

Power Over the Tides: after using the provided item on the remains of Enraged Tidal Spirit a Tranquil Tidal Spirit appears as intended but the count doesn't go up, yet again killing the Tranquil Tidal Spirit with the .die command after summoning them makes the counter go up. It seems according to the comments on the page of the quest, that you are only supposed to used the items on the remains after looting them. I've found out that you can use the items while the mob is still alive or after killing but before looting, plus you can repeatedly use the Orb on the same mob over an over to summon several Tranquil Tidal Spirit in one go, whether it's on the remains or on the living mob.
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Trial Member
omg soo many bugs, the question is, Is it difficult to fix all these bugs, and how long it would take them?
I think with all these bugs that you've reported them, gonna take some time to fix them, adding that they also have to fix the dungeons, raid, and all the world pvp too.
Really, I wish the best to the people of EmuCoach, continue with this project, too many people are excited about this repack and emu GL all

PD: really really great job Kamui2040 , you're a professional hunter of bugs



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Elwynn Forest


Bounty on Murlocs is not obtainable. The Bounty board does not offer this quest.
Rest and Relaxation can't be obtained from Falkhaan Isenstrider.

Duped NPC's:

Goldtooth, Narg the Taskmaster.


Bruiseweed still has several spawns that cannot be harvested. One example is to the right after crossing the bridge between Elwynn and Westfall.
Seasonal Events like Brewfest or Midsummer are spawned randomly/ the whole time instead of only when they should. Furthermore the related Npc's and other requirements aren't completly spawned which makes the events totally bugged.
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At around wednesday until sunday I'll work extra extra much on the EmuCoach Repack to try and improve it, so looking forward to seeing your current posted bugs that I haven't fixed yet and eventually look into your new ones in case you post more.


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Unfortunately I didn't make a backup neither, fortunately there is somthing called google cache, but unfortunately all the links are blocked out in the cache version because you can't login.
This means I have parts of the reports but all the links are missing which leads to lots of guessing. I'll try my best to restore the original reports except those you had edited as fixed.


Unfortunately I didn't make a backup neither, fortunately there is somthing called google cache, but unfortunately all the links are blocked out in the cache version because you can't login.
This means I have parts of the reports but all the links are missing which leads to lots of guessing. I'll try my best to restore the original reports except those you had edited as fixed.

Damn yeah I see. I'll try to see if I can find a way to bypass it (the link protection) so we can view it again.


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Seasonal Events are bugged. They are spawned randomly/ the whole time instead of only when they should. Furthermore the related Npc's and other requirements aren't completly spawned which makes the events totally bugged.

Bruiseweed still has several spawns that cannot be harvested. One example is to the right after crossing the bridge between Elwynn and Westfall.

The Gray forest wolves have what seems to be a shield equiped.
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Evacuate the Merchant Square is bugged. You can open the door but it doesn't count nor does anyone come out as it shows here.

Save Krennan Aranas is bugged, auto completes itself after getting the horse. You have to dismount to be able to return the quest.

Sacrifices isn't working correctky. You get on the horse but it stands for a minute or so until you are auto dismounted. Afterwards you have to walk and kill them manually. Using the torch provided makes you burn too.
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Two by sea isn't working. The Catapults aren't manned which is a minor bug.
after taking over the catapult you aren't able to catapult yourself to the ships. It seems to work at first and you see yourself flying for a bit and then are pulled back to the catapult. This sorta loops the entire time until you exit the catapult. Also the forsaken inside the ship have no weapons equiped.

An event occurs when accepting the quest as the land shatters, the screen shakes but in the emu the npc's in the cellar start attacking some invisible enemy. As you step outside there are serveral npc's and resource spawns floating above the water. Also after the event the area should be largely clean of forsaken specially arround Duskhaven.


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Gasping for Breath bugged. You are supposed to rescue the drowning watchmen, but it doesn't work. The only thing you can click are the sparkles arround them and nothing happens. This makes the quest impossible to complete.

After the quest the crowley orchard you are supposed to get the quest the hungry ettin.
But as you receive it the quest is auto completed so that you have to return it only. Instead you should have to gather the horses.