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Kamui's Bug Report Thread


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Dragon Whelp Boom!:

Around 63.8, 48.5 are far too many Ebon Whelps spawned.

Broken Quest:

For Peat's Sake is broken. Using the Blessed Floodlily on the Marsh Fires only does the visual effect of water coming out, but the trigger doesn't go up.

The Battle of Thandol Span auto accepts and auto completes without the player having to do the objective, it seems to break the rest of the chain. The reason may be that the required event and npc's aren't spawned. If spawned manually, Calamoth Ashbeard is friendly and has a level of 1.

Duplicate: Caleb Baelor <Gryphon Master>

Pre-Cata Mobs: Fen Dweller, Dark Iron Dwarf, Dark Iron Saboteur, Dark Iron Tunneler, Dark Iron Demolitionist shouldn't be spawned anymore.

Twilight Rifleman have level 1 and react friendly.
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Northern Stranglethorn


I Think She's Hungry auto completes itself, without you doing anything.

Favored Skull is available upon summoning the Lashtail Hatchling without doing anything, also the NPC needed to turn the quest in, isn't spawned. Probably due because the quest to rescue the said NPC hasn't taken place yet.

Spared from Madness all objective npc's are missing, therefore not beeing rescuable.

A Nose for This Sort of Thing the Lashtail Hatchling doesn't do anything except attack all hostiles on sight. Quest can't be completed.


Chief Anders <Kurzen Special Forces>, Foreman Cozzle, Sin'Dall, Nezzliok the Dire <Bloodscalp Clan Witchdoctor>, Gan'zulah <Bloodscalp Chief>.

Bugged NPC's:

Chief Miranda <Kurzen Special Forces> is friendly to player, should be hostile.
Chief Esquivel <Kurzen Special Forces> same problem.
Chief Gaulus <Kurzen Special Forces> this one too.
Pogeyan <The Fire Spirit> doesn't drop anything nor is it skinnable.

Emerine Junis and Berrin Burnquill are missing and are quest givers.

That's all for now more in the next post.
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Dun Morogh

Quest Bugged:

Trolling for Information: standing near the npc's does not trigger the count although they speak.

The Ultrasafe Personnel Launcher: upon trying to use it you should be launched, but it never happens.

Forced to Watch from Afar: the targets Mountaineer Dunstan, Mountaineer Lewin, Mountaineer Valgrum are all hostile, while they should be friendly. Killing them triggers the objectives to be completed though.


Jarven Thunderbrew, Delber Cranktoggle <Covert Operations Technician>, Milli Featherwhistle <Mechanostrider Merchant>, Binjy Featherwhistle <Riding Trainer> (also almost all random NPC's and even the Mechanostriders in the viccinity are duplicates aswell), Loslor Rudge <Engineering Supplies>, Bronk Guzzlegear <Engineering Trainer>, Yarr Hammerstone <Mining Trainer>, Beldin Steelgrill, Mountaineer Dunstan, Mountaineer Lewin, Mountaineer Valgrum.

to be continued...
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New day, new post!

Quest Bugged:

Pushing Forward using the provided item does not work, it seems to target the player automatically, instead of the totems.

The View from Down Here can't be completed. Using the item shrinks the builders as intended but the count never goes up. Also as a side effect you seem to be able to shrink anyone even yourself.

Strike From Above: using the flare on the destination zones doesn't trigger the count, making it impossible to complete the quest.

It's Raid Night Every Night: broken, after accepting nothing happens.

Rams on the Lam: broken, whistling has no effect on the rams.


Snevik the Blade <Gnomeregan Covert Ops>, Slamp Wobblecog <Gnomeregan Covert Ops>, Battok the Berserker, Sergeant Flinthammer, Veron Amberstill <Ram Breeder>, Sergeant Flinthammer, Ultham Ironhorn <Riding Trainer>, Vagash, Mathel Rustwrench <Flying Machine Engineer>, Cook Ghilm <Cooking Trainer>, Quarrymaster Thesten <Miners' League> (also pretty much every npc in the quarry), Prospector Drugan <Explorer's League>, Dank Drizzlecut <Mining Trainer>, Frast Dokner <Apprentice Weaponsmith>, Senator Mehr Stonehallow, Dominic Galebeard <Gryphon Master>, Avarus Kharag, Foreman Stonebrow <Miners' League>, Miner Grothor, Miner Grumnal, Kazan Mogosh <Food & Drink Merchant>, Hammerspine.

more on the next post, next time...
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Veteran Member
Here we go once more:

Quest Bug:

Entombed in Ice: isn't working, the required object you have to destroy, is either missing or if i'm correct i saw one sinking trough the ground making it impossible to destroy them and complete the quest. If spawned manually in, they can be destroyed and don't sink into the ground making it possible to complete the quest. Still they follow you around like a normal mob would and try to attack you.

Get to the Airfield when approaching Mathel Rustwrench <Flying Machine Engineer> and his Flying Machine nothing happens and you are stuck. Unless you use gm commands.

Extinguish the Fires using the fire extinguisher makes some visual effects of water coming out, but nothing happens and the counter does not go up.

Rallying the Defenders: working but bugged. You are able to complete the quest by placing all banners on one mound only, furthermore sometimes it will happen that you get stuck in the banner.

Striking Back: you can't board the bomber, but throwing the bombs on the mobs manually will still work and count.

Grimaxe's Demise: can't be completed, because the good ol' General Grimaxe is floating in the air above the golem (instead of riding it) and doesn't want to die statting "invalid target", turning gm on does not help unless using the .die command. Also on a side note he and his golem are spawned twice.

Npc/Mob Bug:

Captain Beld <Dark Iron Captain> is invisible except with gm on, but is required to complete a quest.
Meteor Target: are visible to the player, as well as other otherwise invisible markers around Ironforge Airfield.

Next round of duplicates: (has anyone confirmed these duplicates, or are they on my end only?)

Commander Stonebreaker, Steven Ramalot <Food & Drink>, Trenton Ramalot, Jade Ramalot, Rixa Quickwrench <Charter Flights to Gol'Bolar Quarry>, Rixa's Flying Machine <Charter Flights to Gol'Bolar Quarry>. Also many of the Mobs and random Npc's like the engineers and guards are duplicates in this area.
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I must say, I'm very suprised about your reports, you've really reported many bugs, so yeah - awesome job!


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Thank you for your kind words, but I'm just trying to help with what little I can. Since I can't program or anything, this is the best I can do.
Anyways the bug hunt must go on:

Quest Bug:

Seize the Ambassador: using the manacles on the ambassador doesn't seem to do anything. After turning gm mode on and respawning the npc and moving him around, I was able to use the item on him and a second version spawned, with the title indicating he was arrested and it followed me around like a pet. That didn't trigger anything though and bringing him back to the High Council did nothing either. The quest isn't completable therefore. Another minor bug, the visual of having him in manacles did not happen as it is shown here (chains were missing).

The following quests are available the entire time, although iirc they should be seasonal: The Master of Summer Lore, Pilgrim's Bounty, Brewfest!, all of them are available at the same time from several npc's in alliance capitals (not checked yet, but I believe the same applies to the Horde versions too).


Grenil Steelfury <Weapon Merchant>, Dolman Steelfury <Weapon Merchant>, Geofram Bouldertoe <Mining Trainer>, Golnir Bouldertoe <Mining Supplies>, Jormund Stonebrow <Tailoring Trainer>, Sraaz <Pie Vendor>, Gwina Stonebranch <Herbalism Supplies>, Reyna Stonebranch <Herbalism Trainer>, Nissa Firestone <First Aid Trainer>, Grimnur Stonebrand <Fishing Trainer>, Courier Hammerfall, Bimble Longberry <Fruit Vendor>.

More next time...
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Scarlet Monastery

Joseph the Awakened Graveyard version missing and if manually spawned has the wrong display id 2460, should be 2461.

Joseph the Awakened same guy Library version also missing.

Ironspine neutral reaction to my character (alliance), should be hostile.

Azshir the Sleepless neutral reaction to my character (alliance), should be hostile.

Scorn is friendly and it seems he shouldn't spawn at all anymore since wotlk.

Joseph the Crazed missing.

Dominic Library version missing.

Dominic Armory version also missing.

Dominic Cathedral version also missing.

Joseph the Insane <Scarlet Champion> Cathedral version missing as well.

Compendium of the Fallen object seems to be there and is sparkling but not interactible, even in gm mode. You can select it with the command .gobject target but that is it. Also brakes the corresponding quest since it isn't obtainable.

Right Under Their Noses: you aren't able to kill High Inquisitor Fairbanks, because the secret door (entry: 97700) leading to his secret chambers does not react to the torch (entry: 97701) and does not open. Using .gobject activate on the door opens it though. Also the Inquisitor is already lying on the floor which is the state he should be only in MoP.

That's it for now...
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The Hinterlands

Good ol' dupes:

Killium Bouldertoe <Stable Master>, Innkeeper Thulfram <Innkeeper>, Truk Wildbeard <Bartender>, Drakk Stonehand <Leatherworking Trainer>, Nioma <Leatherworking Supplies>, Harggan <Blacksmithing Supplies>, Grella Stonefist <General Goods> (is also named wrongly: Aerie Peak General Goods <General Goods>), Gan'dranda <Revantusk General>, The Direglob, Doran Steelwing, Fraggar Thundermantle, Tracker Yoro.

Quest Bugs:

Razorbeak Friends: trying to feed the Gryphons does nothing, a short animation is played but counter does not trigger.

All That Skitters the Spiderlings are spawned but cannot be looted.

Faces of Evil the masks can't be targeted, using the item near them does nothing and they are already burning.

Summit of Fate: requires you to obtain 8 Spider Idol from Sacrificed Vilebranch which are spawned, but should be lying arround dead and lootable. Instead they're standing around looking quite lively and since they're friendly can't be looted.

Hunt the Keeper: can't be completed, because the Keeper is friendly.

Summoning Shadra: it's broken, because using the Idol at the temples does nothing except a short animation. No error message, nothing at all. Also even after manually setting the quest to complete and receiving the next one: Shadra the Venom Queen, Shadra <The Venom Queen> does not spawn nor anything at all happens, making it impossible to complete it. If spawned manually, Shadra <The Venom Queen> is not hostile and so you can't kill it. Only option is the good ol' .die command.

That's it for today...
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