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Kamui's Bug Report Thread


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So yeah, back again sort of.
Go to Page 9 for the most recent Bug Reports on v4.1

This is basically a repost from the release thread to make it easier to browse.
Currently I'm playing a Warlock/Human, so I'll be concentrating on bugs related to quests and other stuff found in my playthrough.

Bug Report:
Quest: Rest and Relaxation is not obtainable altough NPC is spawned.
Helene Peltskinner and Adele Fielder are spawned double.
Princess is spawned twice, one pre-cata model and one cata model and seems to have a staff equiped? The one with displayid 8871 and db guid 46568 should be deleted.
Narg the Taskmaster spawns twice, once inside the mine and once outside, should only be outside.
Goldtooth also spawns twice. Level 7 db guid 19783 should be deleted.
Morley Eberlein <Clothier> Kita Firewind Theocritus Dawn Brightstar same as above and I believe most of the Servants are spawned twice as well.
Baros Alexston <City Architect> & Shellene & Thomas & Brother Crowley & Brooke Stonebraid <Mining Supplies> another case of twins.
Gelman Stonehand <Mining Trainer> only the one downstairs should be spawned.
Myrla Stoneround <Barmaid> Thaegra Tillstone <Innkeeper> Colin Field <Tavernkeeper> must be the booze cuz I'm seeing double :D
Karrina Mekenda <Pet Trainer> Einris Brightspear <Hunter Trainer> Thorfin Stoneshield <Hunter Trainer> Ulfir Ironbeard <Hunter Trainer> damn who the hell made the dwarves wet, they are multiplying like crazy.
Betty Quin Donni Anthania <Crazy Cat Lady> spawned twice.
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In Westfall there seem to be too many wandering NPC's and investigators, just a feeling though.
The problem with harvesting Bruiseweed in Westfall remains. Even with enough skill I still get the "That is already being used." message all the time.

Next round of Twins:
Farmer Saldean, Salma Saldean, Mama Celeste, also several of the homeless people there seem to be double spawned.
Master Digger is spawned twice aswell and serveral mobs seem to be doubled aswell.

Lou's Parting Thoughts This quest spawns far to many thugs, furthermore Lieutenant Horatio Laine should spawn near where you got the quest to end this one and give you the next one.
Another weird bug seems to make all NPC's in the vicinity go invisible after completing this one. They seem to remain invisible for the remainder of the game with the character you ended the quest with, this also includes the gryphon master.

Zalna Wefhellt <Mage Trainer> doesn't teach you anything.
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The quest Feeding the Hungry and the Hopeless isn't working correctly. You receive the item, and are able to click it, to spawn it but when spawning it near the homeless nothing happens at all. Although the count should go up.

Secrets of the Tower Also not working correctly, you get the item and are able to use it upon entering the tower as intended, but uppon reaching the top no dialog triggers.

The Dawning of a New Day Event does not start, making it impossible to complete the quest.

Captain Grayson, Kriggon Talsone spawned twice.
Old Murk-Eye Congratulations it's tripplets.

Harvest Watcher doesn't seem to drop Harvest Watcher Heart, thus the quests Heart of the Watcher and It's Alive! aren't obtainable.
Also during the quest It's Alive! you have to reanimate a Overloaded Harvest Golem and although you are able to do so, the count of the objective to enable the Golem does not go up and the Golem follows you but does not attack. You are able to kill the 25 Energized Harvest Reaper and make the count go up, but without the first objective the quest is not completable.
Rise of the Brotherhood nothing happens after accepting the quest, thus remaining incomplete.
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The Deadmines:
Rare NPC Brainwashed Noble does not spawn.
You can't enter the Instance, error: You must be at least level 10 to enter, I was lvl 20. Can be overridden with a config edit though.
Lieutenant Horatio Laine spawns twice falsely only the one with id 46612 is correct.
The quest A Vision of the Past does not work because the item does not trigger any cutscene, i'm guessing this is supposed to be the trigger for it: General Purpose Bunny JMF which is spawned and visible?! but not working.
Glubtok <The Foreman> spawns twice once as normal mode and once as heroic mode.
Miner Johnson Seems to have been removed in cata but still spawned trough database.
Helix Gearbreaker spawns and fights and seems to be scripted to an extent but seems to be bugged, as soon as you are grabbed he doens't drop you anymore. Killing him with .die command does the trick, but even though i've set the config to allow .die to trigger loot and stuff, he dies and isn't lootable.
Foe Reaper 5000 is flagged as skinnable but obviously not skinnable at all.
Ol' Beaky spawns at heroic levels in normal mode.
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The item Riding Training Pamphlet is not useable and therefor not triggering the quest Learn to Ride in Elwynn Forest. Could be because I'm a Warlock and shouldn't get the quest in the first place?
A couple more twins i missed before:
Agustus Moulaine <Mail Armor Merchant> and Theresa Moulaine <Robe Vendor>, Zardeth of the Black Claw and Zggi <Zardeth's Minion>.

Marshal Gryan Stoutmantle disappears after returning from the quest Return to Sentinel Hill, also all other npc's in the area seem to disappear aswell.
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Redridge Mountains:
Wanted: Redridge Gnolls looks like it's broken. You can't accept the quest nor click the sign where you're supposed to get it.

Bruiseweed is bugged here as well, seems to be are unrelated, unlike my first asumption.

Bellygrub is spawned five times.
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Dirt-Stained Scroll is supposed to start the quest: He Who Controls the Ettins, but all I get is the message "You don't meet the requirements for that quest.", as far as I can see there aren't any though. Except for being level 14, which I am.

Edit: seems to work only after completing Tuning the Gnomecorder, which according to wholly is a prequesite although you get the item before completing that quest?

Mob / NPC:

Yowler is spawned double.

Ardo Dirtpaw is spawned twice once with cata display id = 33963 and original display id = 603.

Marshal Marris, Messner are spawned twice.

Murdunk and Homurk are spawned twice.

Utroka the Keymistress is too.

Ticky the Alchemist <Alchemical Goods> spawned twice and does not act as a vendor, although you get the bag icon.

Jorgensen is spawned twice but invisible except with gm mode on.
He should come free after completing the related quest, but he remains in the cage, which prevents spawning the next phase, making it impossible to get the next quest in the chain Krakauer.

Kazon should be hostile instead of neutral.

Ritualist Tarak should also be hostile not friendly.

Krakauer is invisible except to gms as is Danforth this also breaks pretty much all quests were they are involved.

Overlord Barbarius spawned twice.


Saving Foreman Oslow doesn't work, since you can't use the item you receive to control an Ettin.

John J. Keeshan also not working, because the target NPC and the entire event are missing.

Breaking Out is Hard to Do does not start after finding Messner and completing In Search of Bravo Company. Also the item Messner's Cage Key drops before getting the quest to free him.
This seems to break the entire quest chain, after using GM commands to get the quest and successfully completing it the next quest never starts, because Messner should have been replaced with the next phase .

Return of the Bravo Company is not obtainable because of the bugs described above.

It's Never Over never starts and breaks the entire chain.
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Is anyone reading this?
And for the devs do you prefer that I edit my posts when I find new bugs like until now or always make a new post, so you can recognize which are new?


Yeah I'm reading this, I'm checking all the bug report threads so don't worry - keep up the good work!

Also I prefer it in a new post as it's more organized and such.
But yeah, don't worry - your thread is getting attention & I can see by reading how many members who have read this thread that it's far from only me :)

Best Regards,

- Sent from my phone -​
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Mistmantle's Revenge not working, because ring is supposed to spawn Stalvan Mistmantle, but instead it keeps on insisting to require Mistmatle's Manor without recognizing I was already there.

Cry For The Moon not working, missing cutscene related to bug with Lurking Worgen.

The Fate of Morbent Fel is missing starting npc: Sven Yorgen, thus not allowing you to get the entire quest chain.


Oliver Harris and Jitters invisible except to gm's.
Lurking Worgen spawned twice but does not jump at you like he is supposed to. You can't attack him either. Subject of quest A Curse We Cannot Lift.


Coalpelt Bear is supposed to be skinnable but isn't.
Unseen seems to be spawned to often and at too high levels in Duskwood.
Morbidius <The Tomb Guardian>, Morbent Fel, Mor'Ladim spawned twice.
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Dragonmaw Grunt should be hostile to both factions but is friendly to alliance at least, seems to affect only those that are level 1. The hostile ones also have an animation bug, if attacked while sleeping they fight lying down.

Ma'ruk Wyrmscale <Dragonmaw Warlord> is duplicate.

Several Mosshide Gnolls and the rest of the Mosshide family have been spawned at their pre-cata locations meaning they are underwater now arround 62.9, 70.5.

Dark Iron Holdout, Slavering Ooze, Torrention have wrong level of 1 and react friendly, Torrention is also duplicate.

Also several Herbalism nodes are spawned in mid air e.g: @ 58.0, 71.7.

In the quest Incendicite Ore where you are supposed to obtain the equally named item, there are several bugs. First of them is the item itself which is obtainable in 3 ways. From the Cave Stalkers which seems to be correct as of Cata, from certain Incendicite Mineral Vein which are pre-cata and thus give you the wrong item, wrong because it won't count for the quest and from other Incendicite Mineral Veins which act as containers instead of mining nodes and give you the correct item.


Archaeologist Flagongut <Explorers' League>, Regina Halloran, Jesse Halloran, Gimlok Rumdnul, Gobbler, Mirelow, First Mate Snellig, Shep Goldtend <Stable Master>, Innkeeper Daughny <Innkeeper>.
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Great rreports, i'm sure that Pewz will find this useful :)
Thank you for your kind words, just doing what little I can to help.

Teep Topup <Engineering & Mining Supplies> doesn't react to clicking at all, no greetings, no selling, nothing.

Mosshide Mystic several are friendly to the player, and should be hostile.

Ocean Crawler wrong level and friendly.

First Mate Fitzsimmons doesn't seem to start any quest. Normally you should get the quest The Third Fleet to set off a chain.

The Cursed Crew isn't completeable because the related mobs: Cursed Sailor and Cursed Marine are friendly and also level 1. Killing them with the .die command will trigger the count though.

Captain Halyndor has wrong display ID and is friendly plus level 1 making it impossible to complete the quest Lifting the Curse.

Horrorjaw is spawned twice and should be skinnable but isn't.

The quest Swiftgear Station does not seem to trigger correctly, making you not receiving the quest, which seems to break the quest chain.

Sarltooth is duplicate.

Gorfax Angerfang duplicate.

Mouldering Mirebeast level 1 and friendly thus breaking a related quest, unless using gm commands.
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