Search results

  1. mastermind

    Missing object spawns ObjectID: 181916 Satyrnaar Fel Wood) v7.0.2

    Adding missing spawns. Quest can not be completed without them. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ObjectID: 181916 Satyrnaar Fel Wood -- QuestID: 26454 A Shameful Waste -- Add...
  2. mastermind

    Missing object spawns (ObjectID: 181690 Fertile Dirt Mound) v7.0.2

    Adding missing spawns. Quest can not be completed without them. @Devs - I believe there is an animation of a tree sprouting after planting the seed. Not sure how this is handled. Planting works and you get credit for the quest it is just the animation part that is not currently functioning...
  3. mastermind

    Another quest item dropping as normal loot v7.0.2

    Item is correct in creature_loot_template table. Adding conditions. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ItemID 7128: Uncloven Satyr Hoof - fixes issue for quest item dropping even...
  4. mastermind

    Quest item dropping as normal loot v7.0.2

    This item is correct in the creature_loot_template so adding entries to the condition table. Addresses one item and three quests. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ItemID 5481...
  5. mastermind

    Adding additional spawns for Muddy Crawfish (ID: 42548) - v7.0.2

    This was noted in the bug section Quest: 26226 - Crawfish Creole (Orgrimmar cooking daily) by sputnik1 Adding SQL fix here as well for consistency. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2...
  6. mastermind

    Adjust quest item drop chance QuestID: 12176 v7.0.2

    This was noted in the bug section Quest 12176 - A minor substitution by sputnik1 The SQL was posted there to adjust the drop chance. Adding it here so the SQL fixes are in one location. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  7. mastermind

    Fix for quest item dropping as normal loot 7.0.2

    The Naga in the Zoram Strand drop quest item (Wrathtail Head ID: 5490) without having quest. QuestID 1008: The Zoram Strand (Alliance) QuestID 6442: Naga At The Soram Strand (Horde) Creature_loot_table is correct at -100 'ChanceOrQuestChance' The following adds entries to condition table...
  8. mastermind

    Fixes for phaseMask DBError.log v7.0.2

    Some more DBError.log clean up. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- Fixes a lot of creature.phaseMask errors in the DBError.log --...
  9. mastermind

    More equipment_id DBError.log fixes v7.0.2

    These are fixes for mostly beasts or creatures this no item in-hand when idle. Roughly 900 log entries in all. I may have missed a few. The remainder will require a bit more research to identify which item they do stand around with in-hand. --...
  10. mastermind

    Another quest item dropping as normal loot and some DBError.log cleanup v7.0.2

    Good evening all. Found another quest item dropping as normal loot. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- QuestID 13582: Elune's Fire - fixes issue for quest item...
  11. mastermind

    Fix for quest items dropping as normal loot 7.0.2

    Items for the quest listed below drop as normal loot when you do not have the quest. The item_loot_template for the three items in question is correct. Special thanks to ExO for pointing me to the conditions table. --...
  12. mastermind

    InnoDB: Operating system error number 87 in a file operation error

    Posting this in case anyone else runs into this head scracher. @admins I was not sure which forum to post this in so if this is the wrong place please move. Ran in to this error when I attempted to launch the MySQL server (MySQL.bat) in the _Server folder. Long story short it is a know issue...
  13. mastermind

    More DBError.log fixes v7.0.2

    Here are a few more DBError log fixes. -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- -------------------------------------------------------- update `creature_template` set `unit_class` = 2 where `entry` = 530930; -- Fixes unit_class...
  14. mastermind

    A few more DBError.log fixes v7.0.2

    As with my prior post the three errors that the below SQL takes care of are not game breaking errors just cleaning up the log. UPDATE `creature_equip_template` SET `itemEntry3` = 0 WHERE `entry` IN (46506, 46490, 46499) Enjoy
  15. mastermind

    Fixes for some creature_template errors (equipment_id's) v7.0.2

    The errors were not game breaking errors The server set them to 0 at startup. This just cleans up the DBError.log file a bit. These are either beasts or humanoid npc's that do not have anything in hand when idle. UPDATE `creature_template` SET `equipment_id` = 0 WHERE `entry` IN (92, 118...
  16. mastermind

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    maelthion In the worldserver.exe command window type account create admin admin 3 then press enter. This creates a username "admin" with password "admin" and account level 3 (GM Level) TC>account create admin admin 3 Account created: admin TC> maelthion and wower The dbc, maps, mmpas and...
  17. mastermind

    Few missing trainers in Darnassus 7.0.2

    Three missing trainers in Darnassus (Leather working, Inscription and Enchanting) -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Missing Darnassus Trainers DELETE FROM `creature`...
  18. mastermind

    Minor Research (Inscription) bug 7.0.2

    The minor research (inscription) skill should have a 20 hour cool down. Unless that changed in Cataclysm. If you use the skill, log out and back in you can use the skill again. You can do this over and over. Not sure if the "character_spell_cooldown" table is still used in this version of the...
  19. mastermind

    Stormwind Portal Trainer bug 7.0.2

    The trainer in the mage tower ID:2485 does not have to option to learn the Stormwind teleport spell ID: 3561 She just has the default gossip text as if the character was not high enough to learn the spell. The level requirement is 24.
  20. mastermind

    Character create bug 7.0.2

    Creating new character results in the following message in the log. SQL(p): REPLACE INTO character_currency (guid, currency, week_count, total_count, week_cap, new_cap, season_cap) VALUES (10, 392, 0, 0, 165000, 165000, 0) [ERROR]: [1364] Field 'season_count' doesn't have a default value...