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  1. mastermind

    VIP Access after donation

    I sent ExO a PM with the PayPal translation ID number but thought I would ask in general in case any other forum admins are online. PayPal transaction completed and if I understand the process my account should have changed to supporter and access to the VIP section should have happened in...
  2. mastermind

    Deposit item in guild bank closes guild mates inventory window and one NPC placement

    I searched the forum to see if this had been posted prior but did not find any mention of it. When a guild member puts an item in one of the guild bank slots other guild members, not even close by, have their inventory windows close. Can someone else confirm this behavior? One other minor issue...
  3. mastermind

    Bug - Enchanting item in trade cancels trade

    When enchanting an item in the not for trade slot the enchanting process finishes but the trade is automatically cancelled. The item does not receive the enchant.