Search results

  1. mastermind

    More creature assigned equipment and DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    More assigned equipment fixes while cleaning up DBError log messages. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- DBError.log Clean-up -- Assign proper equipment for the...
  2. mastermind

    Fixed creature assigned equipment and DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Some DBError log clean up and assigned the proper equipment to the creatures while I was at it. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- DBError.log Clean-up -- Assign...
  3. mastermind

    Fix for hundreds of creature equipment issues and DBError.log cleanup v7.0.2

    The first update fixes issues listed in the DBError.log file. This took a massive chunk of errors out of the file. Most of the creatures in this first update had corresponding entries in the creature_equip_template table. The second corrects the creature_template.equipemnt_id field to associate...
  4. mastermind

    Fixes for many breast having items equiped

    Fixes for many beast having items equipped Some were rather funny to see. Boars with a mace is the hand (hoof) . Not blizlike but still funny. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --...
  5. mastermind

    Missing NPCID: 4254 Geofram Bouldertoe (Mining Trainer) Ironforge

    Fix for missing mining trainer in Ironforge. -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- Missing NPC (Mining trainer in Ironforge) -- NPCID: 4254 Geofram Bouldertoe -- -------------------------------------------------------- DELETE...
  6. mastermind

    Fixes ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence dropping when you do not have the quest

    Set the item chance to a negative (quest drop) value. May or may not need condition table entries. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence -...
  7. mastermind

    Fixes ItemID: 6443 Deviate Hide dropping when you do not have the quest

    Set the item chance to a negative (quest drop) value. Most entries where already negative except the ones below. May or may not need condition table entries. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  8. mastermind

    Missing NPCID: 42501 Wounded Infantry v7.0.2

    Missing in Gnome starting area. Needed for priests to complete quest (The Arts of a Priest). -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- Missing NPC need to quest -- NPCID: 42501 Wounded Infantry -- QUESTID: 26200 The Arts of a Priest...
  9. mastermind

    ItemID: 5463 Glowing Gem drops without having quest v7.0.2

    Fixes item dropping without having the quest. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ItemID: 5463 Glowing Gem -- QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even...
  10. mastermind

    Post 7 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. Last but not least ;) --...
  11. mastermind

    Post 6 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  12. mastermind

    Post 5 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  13. mastermind

    Post 4 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  14. mastermind

    Post 3 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  15. mastermind

    Post 2 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack...
  16. mastermind

    Post 1 of 7 Massive DBError.log Clean-up v7.0.2

    Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here. Will need multiple posts as this hits the 60000 character cap. Not game fixing stuff just DBError.log clean up. --...
  17. mastermind

    Missing object spawn ObjectID: 19015 Soot-Covered Elune's Tear v7.0.2

    Missing game object spawn needed to complete quest. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ObjectID: 19015 Soot-Covered Elune's Tear -- QuestID: 1033 Elune's Tear (This quest is...
  18. mastermind

    Missing NPCID: 3916 Shael'dryn v7.0.2

    Missing NPC needed for multiple quest starts and ends. -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- Missing NPC -- NPCID: 3916 Shael'dryn -- -------------------------------------------------------- DELETE FROM `creature` where `id` =...
  19. mastermind

    NPCID: 3771 Bleakheart Hellcaller health_mod value in creature_template high v7.0.2

    NPC set for way to much HP. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- NPCID: 3771 Bleakheart Hellcaller -- Inncorrect health_mod value. Was 433 which gave NPC 252,872 HP --...
  20. mastermind

    Missing object spawns (ObjectID: 181686 Warsong Lumber Pile) v7.0.2

    Adding missing spawns. Quest can not be completed without them. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- ObjectID: 181686 Warsong Lumber Pile -- QuestID: 9517 A Shameful Waste (This...