Some DBError log clean up and assigned the proper equipment to the creatures while I was at it.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version: 7.0.2
-- DBError.log Clean-up
-- Assign...
The first update fixes issues listed in the DBError.log file. This took a massive chunk of errors out of the file.
Most of the creatures in this first update had corresponding entries in the creature_equip_template table.
The second corrects the creature_template.equipemnt_id field to associate...
Fixes for many beast having items equipped
Some were rather funny to see. Boars with a mace is the hand (hoof) . Not blizlike but still funny.
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Set the item chance to a negative (quest drop) value. May or may not need condition table entries.
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-- Repack version: 7.0.2
-- ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence -...
Set the item chance to a negative (quest drop) value. Most entries where already negative except the ones below. May or may not need condition table entries.
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-- Repack...
Missing in Gnome starting area. Needed for priests to complete quest (The Arts of a Priest).
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-- Repack version: 7.0.2
-- Missing NPC need to quest
-- NPCID: 42501 Wounded Infantry
-- QUESTID: 26200 The Arts of a Priest...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
Last but not least ;)
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
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-- Repack...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
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-- Repack...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
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-- Repack...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
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-- Repack...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
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-- Repack...
Please disregard this post. There is a better and safer way referenced here.
Will need multiple posts as this hits the 60000 character cap.
Not game fixing stuff just DBError.log clean up.
NPC set for way to much HP.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version: 7.0.2
-- NPCID: 3771 Bleakheart Hellcaller
-- Inncorrect health_mod value. Was 433 which gave NPC 252,872 HP