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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Trial Member
I need some help! i set everything up right and everything seems 2 be in working order, but when i type in the password admin and username admin i cant get in, it says the information is invalid. what to do?? also what should i do with the mmaps folder?

well when you open the world server type in a command account create [user] and than your pass so like this
account create admin admin
your username would be admin and your password would be admin
to your account a gm you would do this
account gm [the username you chose] 3 -1
i'm pretty sure thats what you do
also i have a question for you. where do i put dbc and maps and vmaps


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In the worldserver.exe command window type account create admin admin 3 then press enter. This creates a username "admin" with password "admin" and account level 3 (GM Level)
TC>account create admin admin 3
Account created: admin

[MENTION=18209]maelthion[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18235]wower[/MENTION]
The dbc, maps, mmpas and vmaps folders go at the same level as the worldserver.exe. See example image below.
View attachment filelist.jpg

NOTE: Make sure that when extracting them from there downloaded archives you do not have folders withing folders.
(Ex: \dbc\dbc\<all the files> or maps\maps\<all the files>)

Good Luck and happy gaming
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Mr. Satan

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Thanks for the reply.

I know there were issues in V6, as that was where I started. I would happily support the future development of the repack and try V7, however if I upgrade to VIP and the same things don't work, I know I won't be using it and stick with the Jeutie repack I am currently using. The cannons work in that repack, but obviously no Worgens :)

I have other people that would like to play on a Cata server, but I know they'll just leave if they can't even get out of the starting zone.

I *think* the deathknight starting zone is leave-able without GM, but I could be wrong on that. I think the cannons might somewhat work. It's either an auto-complete quest, or the npc's respawn slowly or something like that.
From when I played, the worgen starting zone needed some commands, but only within the city. Once you get out of the city, same with goblins I think, everything should be fine. It's the bugs in phases that cause the problem.
IMO, as someone who loves the questing in WoW, it's definitely worth it to buy the VIP and get the up-to-date repack. I myself used to use Jeuties repack for 3.5.5, I couldn't stand it though simply because I started in Cata, and I absolutely love the Horde, and Orgrimmar is ugly to me in WotLK.

These are just my opinions, I understand they might not apply to you.

also i have a question for you. where do i put dbc and maps and vmaps

Put them in the same folder as your worldserver.exe and authserver.exe


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Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Project Blizzlike has started.

Lets face it. We all want the repack and the emulator (434), to be as blizzlike as possible. We currently make good progress, but it's not as fast as we would like. So, why don't we help each other reaching the goal?

The answer is.. Freelance developers.
Recently we've had a lot of very fast improvements because of freelance developers that have helped us speed up the process.
Lots of zones were fixed within a short amount of time.

However, this is not free. Without giving a detailed amount, this is rather costy for us, and not something we can continue doing without your help!

Imagine, several very active developers working at once. I think nearly all zones could be somewhat complete within a rather short time.
This also means LKArthas can focus on his fixing (He's currently working on Vashj'ir, yep - you heard right), and I can focus on mine + core (dungeons, raids, spells etc)

So why don't we help each other reaching our goal, a full blizzlike experience?

ANYTHING HELPS! Whether it's 5$, 30$, ANYTHING HELPS! It will all be used on developers and improvements.

You can donate here:

Or your own amount:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!​

nice job! , keep the work going.


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I *think* the deathknight starting zone is leave-able without GM, but I could be wrong on that. I think the cannons might somewhat work. It's either an auto-complete quest, or the npc's respawn slowly or something like that.
From when I played, the worgen starting zone needed some commands, but only within the city. Once you get out of the city, same with goblins I think, everything should be fine. It's the bugs in phases that cause the problem.
IMO, as someone who loves the questing in WoW, it's definitely worth it to buy the VIP and get the up-to-date repack. I myself used to use Jeuties repack for 3.5.5, I couldn't stand it though simply because I started in Cata, and I absolutely love the Horde, and Orgrimmar is ugly to me in WotLK.

These are just my opinions, I understand they might not apply to you.

Nice one, thanks for that. I'll go for it, Totally agree about Orgrimmar :)


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Once paid for VIP, link should be automatic? I made payment a few hours ago.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Once paid for VIP, link should be automatic? I made payment a few hours ago.

Sorry, I would've replied sooner, but the forum's database gave out for a bit and I was busy until now.

Basically you just have to wait a bit, the payment processing with paypal is a bit slow, I think it's some recent update causing it.
Either way, you're VIP now, so all is settled.

Now that you are VIP, you'll see a forum section on the bottom of the forum titled "VIP", then go into the sub-category titled "VIP Releases" and you'll see it there titled 7.0.2 release.


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I've got a question. Is there a chance you guys could possibly remove the stat cap (32767) or just provide the source with the repack? I can't find a server like that anywhere

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I've got a question. Is there a chance you guys could possibly remove the stat cap (32767) or just provide the source with the repack? I can't find a server like that anywhere

I think that number is a client-side limitation, or a programming limitation. That's probably why it can't be found anywhere.
IMO having stats above the max amount is too OP, it causes you to get bored too quickly.

As for releasing the source, you'd have to pay for it, if it's even being sold anymore.

Mr. Satan

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Im talking about v6 of the core ....NO answer yet ?

We get a lot of posts in this thread, and the community isn't active enough to have moderators per section. I can only see so many posts to reply to.
Also, if something isn't working, the best place to bring it up is in the bug reports section, link here:
If you report bugs there, there is a good chance a developer will see it.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner.

If you need to get past a quest, use the command:
.lookup quest QUEST_NAME_HERE
then find the one that has (Active) next to it, meaning you have that quest, and get the quest's ID, which should be to the left of the quest name. Then, type the command:
.quest complete QuestID
followed by:
.quest reward QuestID


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I think that number is a client-side limitation, or a programming limitation. That's probably why it can't be found anywhere.
IMO having stats above the max amount is too OP, it causes you to get bored too quickly.

As for releasing the source, you'd have to pay for it, if it's even being sold anymore.

It's in the source. (http://www.emucoach.com/showthread....Remove-quot-32747-Stat-Cap!-TrinityCore-4-3-4)
I mean sure, it would make everything super op, but I just want it for fun. There's lots of servers that have the stat cap removed, and they're really enjoyable. PvP wise, those numbers are really unfair. But that doesn't mean that you have to give players those kinds of items. It's merely just a cosmetic feature that can't be added without recompiling the whole server. I just thought it would be a nice suggestion for people who like to go crazy with numbers :)

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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It's in the source. (http://www.emucoach.com/showthread....Remove-quot-32747-Stat-Cap!-TrinityCore-4-3-4)
I mean sure, it would make everything super op, but I just want it for fun. There's lots of servers that have the stat cap removed, and they're really enjoyable. PvP wise, those numbers are really unfair. But that doesn't mean that you have to give players those kinds of items. It's merely just a cosmetic feature that can't be added without recompiling the whole server. I just thought it would be a nice suggestion for people who like to go crazy with numbers :)

I didn't know it'd be in the source. That's my bad on that.
Maybe in the future there would be a patch or something that would be released that would set that? I've no idea, as I'm not in any way associated with the development of the repack, so I can't really say yes or no on that.