I downloaded and connected the server normally, but when it's time to connect, it hangs and goes pro disconnect, and it shows an error in the worldserver
set realmlist
set patchlist localhost
Help me connect, I want to test this version to sign the vip and get the latest one later.
Your attachments aren't working, so I can't view them, and I think no one else can either.
My first guess is your realmlist should be ""
Unless you're trying to make the server public, in which the IP's in the configs for the authserver and/or worldserver aren't set up properly. If they are, then it's probably your firewall.
Anytime I've had a similar problem, it's always been what I've just described, so hopefully it helps.
I can't really help any further without seeing the attachments. Check what I suggested, and if that doesn't work, try to upload the pictures to something like:
Or some image uploader, and then share the link.
News Screenshots:
the error is this: WorldSocket::handle_input_header() client
If you pay attention to the screenshots, I unlocked all the ports I found in the configs, I called a server 3.3.5, a MOP and both worked, but that I can not get to the part of creating the character.
It logs successfully, but crashes soon after connecting the account.
Thank you its super. Good job.
EnjoyDon't hesitate asking if you have questions