Really interested in doing the new version. Could I ask if the DK starting zone works correctly? eg. the quest where you have to fire the ship cannons at the elite scarlet crusade. Also are there fixes around the Worgen start zone?
Really interested in doing the new version. Could I ask if the DK starting zone works correctly? eg. the quest where you have to fire the ship cannons at the elite scarlet crusade. Also are there fixes around the Worgen start zone?
Really interested in doing the new version. Could I ask if the DK starting zone works correctly? eg. the quest where you have to fire the ship cannons at the elite scarlet crusade. Also are there fixes around the Worgen start zone?
Sorry for not replying sooner. I didn't see your question.
I believe the DK starting zone is mostly working. I can't remember if the ship cannons part is working or not, I'm just going to say it doesn't, so I don't get your hopes up. It's been a long while since I've played it, if even on v6.
Same situation for the worgen area, it's been a while, but I've heard a lot of bug fixes towards it.
When I did play it, I had to use a few commands to advance through. Once you get out of the initial city/starting area it gets better. I mainly only remember the carriages not working, which isn't really a problem.