Don't know why, but when the quest is accepted, a horse appears (to ride it and round up worgens), but it says for me worldserver has stopped working... Maybe its my computer that messes, btw good job with the repack. Love it tho..
I'm pretty sure I created my worgen back on v5, and I think I know what quest you're talking about (can't remember for sure, though), but I've never had the worldserver crash because of it.
Are you running the worldserver.exe as admin? That, or something to do with the compatibility could be the problem.
Anyway, if you can't figure out how to keep the worldserver.exe from crashing, just type in these following commands while in game to get around the quest:
- This is to get the Quest ID for the next commands
- This is to complete all parts of the quest. You should be able to turn it in now, but if not, type in this:
- This will officially complete the quest for you, and reward the experience and gold, and also all items you could've chosen from.
If there is any problem with these commands, as I might've typed them in wrong, or forgotten some part, or for some reason if they just don't work, let me know, and I'll try to help again as best as possible.