I have not been digging too deeply with this repack yet, but I have run across a few bugs:
1. Auction House Bot isn't in the WorldServer.conf file. (Someone mentioned it was included in this repack)
2. Several instances/raids were in Disables (Ruby Sanctum, Ulduar, Archavon, Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight).
3. Kezan had a couple of quest issues. NPCs would: give a "completed" quest or "pretend" they have a quest to offer with the ! but there isn't one to get. The link to go to the Prince's ship is always offered by Sassy, but it never works. After the cutscene and the shipwreck, my phase never updated and all of Lost Isles was empty of questgivers (few scattered NPCs and none of the Naga).
4. Worgen starting zone has several buggy quests, but it was stable enough to mostly complete the zone. The cannons would not work, so you couldn't get onto the ships. After using the quest complete/reward command and after the cutscene, NPCs were floating in the water, but I was unable to click on them and do anything. Somehow the Prince was killed while standing on the shore and never respawned. (sorry I don't have more details about that).
5. Professions are an issue, but not easily fixed. You can set the ability to learn all professions, but you cannot learn more than 2 from any trainer. The UI for professions was changed so it will only ever show 2 professions (plus Archaeology and your secondary ones).
Ha, interesting! I am glad you asked where I got the repack from....I originally got this repack from ACWeb (4.3.4 v5) and it did not include the AH Bot settings at all. I downloaded the one from this thread and you are correct, it is there, thanks!
Yeah, I knew that they were still being worked on, but I did not know what was a known issue that was being fixed and what was not. For example, in Ruby Sanctum, Halion spawns twice (he is there right as soon as you enter) and none of the mobs have the correct HP.
Yes, I made the change in the WorldServer.conf to allow for players to learn all professions. The limitation is the GUI for professions, which was changed in Cata. Maybe it would be possible to use the old professions GUI, but only if the server is setup to allow players to learn more than 2. Currently, I did exactly what you said, I just did .learn #spellID. I don't know if that will allow me to train the next rank or each profession or not though (if I can't learn it from the trainer, I probably can't increase the rank either). I'll see and let everyone know, just for reference.
I do not want to nitpick, but I didn't see a Bug thread. Overall, the repack itself is one of the better 4.3.4 releases I have come across. I'm considering a VIP because of it![]()
Stuck on Authenticating server, any fix?
Is v5 is new? if it is can anyone tell me which files i have to replace with? thanks.
P.S i got v4 in my pc