[COLOR=#008000]Before you read this changelog, be aware of that some changes may be listed zone-wise or random.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#008000]Meaning they were not specified, yet fixed through a bug report.
[/COLOR][B][COLOR=#008000]- Improvements in Gilneas, before the map was buggy, aka you couldn't see anything on map, which is obviously very frustrating and hard to deal with, so that is fixed now, and improvements in phasing has been made as well.
- Made Morchok have 1 hour of spawntime instead of 10 min.
- Fixed all portals in Dragonsoul, they can now get used and working after boss kill of X boss depending on the teleporter.
- FIRELANDS instance / portal can now get entered with .gm on and also as dead.
- Fixed Flame Stomp spell from trash mob Molten Lord (In Firelands)
- Fixed Summon Lava Jest from trash mob Molten Lord (In Firelands)
- Shannox has been spawned correctly, with waypoints and based-text.
- Baleroc has also been spawned correctly along with other trash-mobs.
- Fixed some issues with Illidan
- Fixed looting for High Priest Venoxis
- Fixed an issue where the heroic version of Glubtok in Deadmines (First boss) was spawned in the normal instance.
-- The normal one, now has the correct boss (in level 16) spawned, and the heroic one has the heroic one.
- Removed the blocking access to Illidan as he's now attackable.
In some instances in Scarlet Monastery, bosses had wrong drop chance of items in percentage and (most) of them, have been corrected now, and you can see the bosses there have been through a correction in looting:
Interrogator Vishas
Fallen Champion
Bloodmage Thalnos
- Fixed 85% of the Dragonsoul Portals.
- Fixed the health of Stalagg. There was an issue where it only had "60" health.
- Fixed the health of Feugen. There was an issue where it only had "60" health.
The Eye Of Eternity:
- Fixed duplication spawn of Molygos,
- Fixed an issue where Molygos only had 600 health.
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Splinter Fist Firemonger.
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Splinter Fist Ogre
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Splinter Fist Warrior
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Black Ravager
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Coapelt Bear
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Batn Owl
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Anguished Spirit
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Forlorn Spirit
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Skunk
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Black Widow
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Plague Spreader
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Rotted One
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Bone Chewer
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Flesh Eater
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Dire Wolf
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Venom Web Spider
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Tarantula
- Fixed some duplication spawns with Great Goretusk
Lately, we've put a lot of focus on the duplication spawns because it's very frustrating.
We have therefor worked on a PHP script that sorted out the distance between z,x,z as well as position_z, position_x etc, and this have resulted in us removing over 53K duplication spawns,
Yes 53K. This results in a LOT of duplication spawns being fixed in Version 5, that I hope will become useful for you guys, I hired a PHP coder to code it, but should be worth it.
There's one downside though, it's "only" removing the duplication spawns that has the same entry, this means there are still duplication npcs all around the world, (just far from as many), and it's different entries, names etc so it won't look as bugged and so on for yourself/players/friends and so on.
If we made it also remove other entries than the same ones, we would be removing blizzlike spawns so we had to refrain from doing so.
- Fix Frenzied Regeneration (Didn't buff up the additional HP)
- Fixed Guaridan of Ancient Kings
- Rewrite Redirect spell script. Fixes combo points not transferring properly.
- Fix Honor Among Thieves Stacking
- Fix an issue where Rapid Killing wouldn't regenerate +50 focus if you had Rapid Recuperation.
- Fixed Holy Shield
- Fixed an issue with Death Grip where it didn't work.
- Fixed an issue with Invisibillity where it didn't work.
- Fixed issues with Chains of Ice.
- Fixed Rapture
- Fixed Stormchops, no longer able to use stormchops on targets other than the player itself.
- Fixed Siphon Soul not stacking per each tick of affliction auras, capped at 18%
- Fixed an issue where Tentacle of the Old Ones (proc from Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps) didn't proc in Arenas
- Fixed Variable Lightning Capacitator trinket
- Fixed Matrix Restabilizer trinket
- Fixed Tree of Life, so that the 15% Healing Bonus (Passive) now works
- Fixed an issue where Dark Transformation could be used before an arena match started to stack up.
- Removed old code with Unholy Blight & Fixed up the damage.
- Fixed an issue with Lightwell being spawned with 1 HP. It now spawns with 30% of the caster's maximum health.
- Fixed an issue where Killing Spree targetted totems.
- Fixed an issue where Mastery - Blood Shield would proc after a Death Strike failed to hit the target
- Fixed an issue where Guardian of the Ancient Kings would reset after the paladin is stunned/feared/sapped
- Fixed Shadowstep taking the caster out of combat while it shouldn't
- Fix a typo related to Rapture - OnDispel
- Rewrite Glyph of Death's Embrace, to possibly fix an issue where you get more runic power from Death Coil with the glyph enabled, could be another aura causing it, so now only limit it to proc of the healing part of Death Coil.
- Add Vampiric Embrace spell attribute
- Reworked and fixed Harmony (Resto druid mastery)
- Fixed an issue with Gouge
- Reworked Cloak of Shadows spell mechanic so it doesn't remove spells as BG debuff.
- Possible fix for Mass Resurrection, reported by Hans on EmuCoach VIP.
- Possible fix to Typhoon, fixing the delay issue on it.
- Fix Hunter T13 2P (Cobra & Steady Shot)
- Fixed Shaman T12 Restoration 2P Bonus
- Fixed Rogue T13 2P Buff - Tricks of Time. #Ayiko[FONT=arial black]
- Implemented a Custom SpellRegulator so that you can easilly modify ALL of the spells spells through the database for your needs. #Jameyboor.
- Nerf BG Rewards as they were buffed up with extra zero counters.
- Fixed an issue with pet slots overriding each other after reaching the maximum pet slots.
- Fixed an issue where pets weren't able to be buffed
- Fix another issue with any overriding pet slot issue upon saving.
- Pets now resurrect properly in battleground, as well as frost mage's water elemental spell will reset cooldown upon revival.
- Set Spirit Wolf attack speed at 1.5s (enhancement shaman spell Feral Spirit)
- Corrected online flag set in database when logging out, spotted by e000
- Better handle system clock changes - FIX autobroadcast spam, sometimes occuring.
- Fix a stacking exploit on reforge
- Fix another reforge exploit
- Fixed Issue while a target is getting out of combat and target use a Stealth Spell. The Pet won't break the aura anymore. #Phil
- Added a Condition when the target is detected by the player and use the pet to attack the Stealthed Target. #Phil
- Fix an issue with attacking the same faction in gurubashi arena etc (FFA zones)
- Improved Auth System to avoid specefic floods.
- Fix an issue with Guild Bank Withdrawal limit settings per day not showing up correctly in the guild interface; (Issue that were reported a lot of times and furher information below):
"About guild's bank money/day permission setting bug. It store value in xxxxxx copper/day [instead of gold/day] and have value cap at 100000 [100000 copper = 10 Gold]. If 95326 is set when i go check in guild bank it will say 9Gold53Silver26Copper." (FIXED in V5)
- For now temp Disable Dungeon Finder function because it doesnt work as intended, applying when people leave, even when the dungeon is completed, needs a rewrite.
- Movement, Line of Sight System (etc);
- Fix evade issue happening when an evading creature assists another one, causing it to stay in evading state forever.
- Fix LoS issue of NPCs chasing targets
- Add Line of Sight checks to WorldObject::GetNearPoint(), fixing to TargetedMovementGenerator not reaching a point with valid LoS to the target and MotionMaster::MoveKnockbackFrom() knocking creatures inside walls.
- Remove unused movement code.
- Add LOS check for fleeingmovement target point.
Prevents fleeing or feared units from going to upper floor ignoring walls/ceilings with mmaps on(and usually get stucked).
Current implementation just randomly selects a distance and angle against the frighting unit, when in narrow circumstance such as underground caves, such targeting point would be at another floor.
- Fixed [/COLOR][URL="http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.p...nning-wild-bug"][COLOR=#008000]http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.p...nning-wild-bug[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=#008000] Related to worgen forms not being properly defined in the core.
- Fixed a strange aura bug occuring in V.5 related to pets; [/COLOR][URL="http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?1335-V5-Aura-bug"][COLOR=#008000]http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?1335-V5-Aura-bug[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=#008000]
- Declared an unk definition in core
- Don't allow to mark delete mails as read. #TC
- Fix the opcode structure of SMSG_PLAY_SOUND
- Improve Guild - Related to -> SwitchRank
- Fix the known client crash on pressing ESC
- Prevent uninitialized pointer #TC
- Fixed some issues with crossfaction BG where you weren't able to click the flag if the flag was the same faction as your orginal faction.
- Temp fixed "Through Fire And Flames"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]