Trial Member
- 5
- 2019
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Thanks for sharing! 
So, to compare this to the current JadeCore 5.4.7 repack floating around, is this v1 superior to that as a baseline?
Yes, it's core base is the firestorm 5.4.7 leak (which was jadecore 5.4.7) found here https://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php/2357-FIRESTORM-SOURCE-LEAK-548-547-MOP-Based-on-Jadecore
and has been improved with 2 years of development in many areas, and to name a few:
(no longer 5.4.7, it's now true 5.4.8)
core functioanlity
the only thing the 5.4.7 repack will beat us in (atleast for now) is dungeon/raid scripts for previous tiers than mop, as those scripts are removed to be rescripted blizzlike and correct rather than buggy hacked scripts
Hello. Can please help me with an issue that i have with the repack @Artamedes; and friends developers?
I have a problem with the mage skills only. When i cast a spell to a creature, that dissapears from the place and appears somewhere else nearly. In that case, i can't loot the items and character stucks sitting with nothing to do and the loot windows doesnt displayed. Did you know what i must do to solve that issue and play normal?
I play the cataclysm repack withouts issues. This happen when the repack is in the same machine with the client, and happens too when when server and client is on different PCs.
Thanks in advance!
Is the Pandarian start area working for all classes? Every Emu I have ever tried for MOP seems to be flawed in some way or another in this aspect. I realize this is not a finished product, but was just curious.
Hello, I already fixed this bug for v1.1 there will be an update later today
NOTE: These are not all changes between these 2 versions, these are just a few to name
All BattleGroundPackets have been fixed
http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=108945 - Angelic Bulwark spell fixed
There was an issue with cooldowns using an old system, this has been corrected
Wrote an anticheat (NoCheatPlus, - it's currently not yet ready, which is why you see a missing config option of it disabled)
http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=29976 - Presence of Mind spell fixed
AoE spells can now hit inivisble targets
You can now stun stealth targets with AoE like shockwave or slow with blizzard
GM Fly/Cheat fly will now copy through map teleportation
Fix world states
Update Taxi Packets
Optimize item loading
Added result count to lookup item
Fix .invsee server crash
Port https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/0eacccc2cd614aaef790ad0ce9df3d57212e9b58 to fix spellclicks visuals that aren't actually useable by the player
Creatures now move in water with correct animation
Improve charge spell
New worldserver.conf option: Packets.ForceCharTemplate, Setting this to 1 allows you to create Pandarean race with horde/alliance right on character create screen
Fix a movement packet crash
Script spell used by https://www.wowhead.com/item=52514/thonks-spyglass (Quest is still bugged)
Script smart events for vehicle exiting and exit requests
Fix a crash caused by a battleground packet
Some fixes to http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?npc=56732
Rewrite some haste code, controlled units now inherit haste
When SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS is used with SMART_TARGET_POSITION it will now return in LoS incase it doesn't
Fix DK runes - which fix plague leech and blood tap
Lock and load no longer procs off of explosive trap
Fix frozen orb
Some movement on transports have been corrected
Hellfire Ramparts - the quest givers will now update to players faction (Alliance/horde)
Remove some duplicate NPC
Throne of Thunder has been enabled
ScriptedAI: New functions for event execution
Scripted HellfireRamparts until last boss (50%)