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- 2018
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Understandable, but i'm asking which raids would you like to see first?
Inside Core, make a folder named Data.
Insert db2, dbc, maps, mmaps and vmaps in there. Try to run the server again.
First of all i would like to show my sincere appreciation of the work and hours put into this repack. Thank you a lot!
Here are some bugs i stumbled across as i were testing around:
1: Holy power does not generate correctly.
2: Water elemental does not move along with the character and falls behind. Other pets also moves in an incorrect pattern.
3: Valor point upgrade on gear does not work on rings, trinkets, neck and you have to transmogrify the gear in order to get it working on the items that can be transmogrified.
4: Fall damage seem to be slightly off, when dismounting from a low height as you enter an area where mounts are prohibited, there is a chance you die even when falling from a height you should not die from.
5: Glyph that makes consecration able being cast on any area chosen does not work properly.
6: When learning profession, using the command ".learn all profession" you start at level 75 and not 600.
Tell me raid priority of scripting then. Reason there are no scripts is for me to script them correctly and blizzlike and for experience of learning
Throne of Thunder SQL updates
Implement CMSG_SHOW_TRADE_SKILL, and SMSG_SHOW_TRADE_SKILL, now when a player links their profession in chat, you can view their recipes!
Fix SMSG_CATEGORY_COOLDOWN - Example: now when you have guild perk http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=83944 it will show you have less CD on hearth stone
Handle spell target: TARGET_UNIT_ALLY_OR_RAID, Now when you buff player in raid with kings/power word fortitude for example, it buffs the raid.
Scarlet Halls Heroic dungeon SQL Updates.
Fix Lightning strike http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=137597 http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=141004
Fix Dancing Steel.
Fix Exploit ([Exploit] Swap weapon marco and enchant buffs)
Fix server crash in BWD
Fix getting areaid on WMO, Example: if pvp server in dalaran, they could attack each other
Fix DK runes
Fix announce command
Update world bosses SQL
Update template of jade serpent SQL
Fix autokill zone in Kunlai summit (sha of anger add)
Update scarlet monastary SQL Heroic
update mogushan palace SQL heroic
World boss: Nalak: Updated a bit https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69099/nalak
Fix group invite in guild roster ( Realm name is now dropped from party invite packet )
Fix leather specialization for guardian druid.
Fix some world boss loot that was broken.
Fix crash when player added to instance map that happened when they didnt reset old one
Fix Warlock Glyph of Soulstone http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=56231
Druids now unlearn old flight form if they learned swift flight form
Fix master loot
Fix bad spell code
Fix Heal prediction of spell cast
Fix wrong spell learn on rogue level 3 eviscerate
Fix a movement crash.
Improve error output on .modify phase
Fix 131618 (Item - Mage PvP Set 2P Bonus) http://mop-shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=131618
Fix dampening aura showing 0%
Rewrite Spectral Guise
Rewrite psyfiend
Rewrite transendence
Rewrite duel reset
Vanish no longer stops spells mid air
Fix Glyph of Death's embrace
Enable some spells that were disabled
Fix Fire elemental totem.
Fix Item upgrade
Update template of jade serpent SQL
Presence of Mind is used with Ring of Frost, it has now delay
Fix powers (which fixes holy power)
Fix spell crit
Fully rewrite frozen orb
Fixed issues reported to bug forum:
Yessss, looks like lots of great work, can't wait to try it.
Edit: Looks like things are broken, I am unable to start the server.
Updates: 1.1-1.2
SQL - REPLACE INTO instance_encounters VALUE (1418,0,56439,468,'Sha of Doubt');
Error - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
SQL - UPDATE creature_difficulty_template SET flags_extra=1 WHERE DifficultyID>=2;
Error - Unknown column 'flags_extra' in 'field list'
INFO [server.loading] Loading Creature templates...
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) lists non-existing Modelid1 id (62148), this can crash the client.
ERROR [sql.sql] No model data exist for `Modelid1` = 0 listed by creature (Entry: 91986).
ERROR [sql.sql] Creature (Entry: 91986) does not have any existing display id in Modelid1/Modelid2/Modelid3/Modelid4.
INFO [server.loading] >> Loaded 62827 creature definitions in 1161 ms
INFO [server.loading] Loading Creature difficulty templates...
ERROR [sql.sql] [1054] Unknown column 'flags_extra' in 'field list'
ERROR [sql.sql] Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.
ALTER TABLE `creature_difficulty_template`
REPLACE INTO instance_encounters VALUE (1418,0,56439,468,'Sha of Doubt');