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  1. mastermind

    Shadowlands Releases

    Check out ShadowCore Continued or on Discord. There is a free version that is limited to 10 players and have an advertisement. This is actively developed. You can see the change logs that lists what has been updated and when. This is not a high pressure group as far at donations. If you like...
  2. mastermind

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    ShadowCore and BFACore are rising from the ashes. Most of the devs are back and will continue to push out good content and fixes.
  3. mastermind

    SQL assistance needed

    I ran into this myself when I installed MySQL 8.0 The fix for me was to increase the max_allowed_packet value in the my.ini file to 100M. On Windows this file is in the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\ folder. Note: ProgramData is hidden by default. Stop the MySQL service, make the...
  4. mastermind

    [FIRESTORM SOURCE LEAK] - 548/547 MOP - Based on Jadecore

    Need to check this out. Hope the maps work
  5. mastermind

    Have trouble with channeling spells

    Hello All, While doing some testing I decided to do a little dual boxing. In my current setup I have a 4 warlock team running on the same PC and using HotKeyNet to sent keystrokes to the four clients. When I try to cast a channeled spell like Drain Soul only the one character will cast is it...
  6. mastermind

    Free Legal Windows Server for running Emucoach Repacks

    Free Legal Windows Server for running Emucoach Repacks There is a free windows server that you can download directly from Microsoft but very few know about it unless you work in the tech industry. It’s called Hyper-V Standalone Server. Q: What is Hyper-V A: This is Microsoft’s Hypervisor...
  7. mastermind

    Bug with npcbot (maybe)

    I posted this in under the release for version 8.1 post, which on second thought was not the brightest idea I ever had. Thought it would be better to post it here. Finally had a chance to test out the npcbot functionality in release 8.1. All the files are fresh downloads with no modifications...
  8. mastermind

    Quest - 26320 A vision of the past Item - 58147 incense burner not working v8

    Item 58147 (incense burner) for quest id 26320 (A vision of the Past) does not work inside the Deadmines instance. It states that you must be in the deadmines instance to use the item. It should start the vision part of the quest This part did working in v7. You could use the incense burner...
  9. mastermind

    Deadmines message "you must be at least level 10 to enter" v8.0

    This is the first time through on the new v8 repack. Have a party of four all level 14 and we are getting the "You must be at least level 10 to enter" message. I have not seem this for a long time. I also tried setting the ignore level config option and that did not work. I can't even port a...
  10. mastermind

    ItemID: 773 Gold Dust drops without having quest v8.0

    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 8.0 -- ItemID: 773 Gold Dust -- QuestID: 47 Gold Dust Exchange - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. -- NPCID: 475 Kobold...
  11. mastermind

    ItemID: 1019 Linen Scrap drops without having quest v8.0

    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 8.0 -- ItemID: 1019 Linen Scrap -- QuestID: 83 Fine Linen Goods - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. -- NPCID: 474...
  12. mastermind

    ItemID: 1006 Brass Collar drops without having quest v8.0

    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 8.0 -- ItemID: 1006 Brass Collar -- QuestID: 88 Princess Must Die! - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. -- NPCID: 330...
  13. mastermind

    Object 1617 Silverleaf Node drops incorrect loot v8.0

    Fix for silverleaf nodes dropping peacebloom -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 8.0 -- Object 1617 Silverleaf Node - fixes dropping Peacebloom instead silverleaf --...
  14. mastermind

    Emucoach v7 Worldserver.exe Launch Error

    Using the maps from V6 is correct as there was no change for v7. I saw from your screenshot that the folder were correct but just make sure they are not duplicated folders, a maps folder inside the maps folder for example. This is want you don't want to see. Folder within a folder.
  15. mastermind

    Fix for missing NPC spawns Gnomeregan v7.0.2

    Missing NPC/Quest givers. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- Add missing NPC/Quest givers -- NPCID: 44561 Face <S.A.F.E.> (Gnomeregan) -- NPCID: 44563 Hann Ibal...
  16. mastermind

    DBError.log Clean-up (GUILow messages) v7.0.2

    Cleans up the thousands of GUILow error messages in t -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- DBError.log Clean-up -- Fixes the GUILow errors. --...
  17. mastermind

    Fix for missing Orgrimmar Thief (Cooking Daily) spawns v7.0.2

    Fix for issue reported by sputnik1 here Orgrimmar cooking daily - Even Thieves Get Hungry Added more NPC spawns at crate location around Orgrimmar. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version...
  18. mastermind

    Additional DBError.log Clean-up (Movement/Spawn Distance related) v7.0.2

    Some more log clean up and spawn distance/movement fixes. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repack version: 7.0.2 -- DBError.log Clean-up -- Creature spawn distance and movement type fixes...
  19. mastermind

    DBError.log Clean-up (Movement/Spawn Distance related) v7.0.2

    The Orgrimmar Wind Rider's need additional attention as I believe they are handled by SmartAI. I will look into further but this is a start to correcting them. At least the DBErrors for them is fixed. --...
  20. mastermind

    DBError.log Clean-up (equipment related) v7.0.2

    Many NPC's cleaned up. The two code blocks listed below do the same thing so only one need be used. The first code block handles all the NPC ID's in two commands since there is no equipment to assigned they all get zero. I know running commands that do things in mass can make some a little...