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  1. Titesusy

    Some Quests Fixes [Emucoach V6 and less] & Bugs reports

    Hi back there ! I post some fixes for some quests. For the moment, I tested only - for the Horde: hellfire penninsula, Zangarmarsh, and Terrokar (not finished yet Shattrath) - for the Alliance : Draenei starting isles and Duskwoods Fixes: -- Xilus Portal, Hellfire peninsula UPDATE...
  2. Titesusy

    The Flame Gate [Sunwell, Emucoach V6, tested... with condition]

    Hi there! Reflecting on some sql Scripting (to prepare an event), I downloaded "Event Horizon" ("event horizon sai editor 121"). It's a helpful program to help Scripting gameobjects and creatures. I used it to "open" the flame gate, at Sunwell (near to Brutallus). But there is an incovenience...
  3. Titesusy

    Event Scripts

    I can't share my Hallow'end script because I don't have :) I only use Emucoach V5 (always... I know! But I prefer it....) But the event scripts I put are working too on V6! So... For now, I'm working on Darkmoon Faire events. There are Three events linked to the main event. I reached the...
  4. Titesusy

    For Frenchies :-) [V5 or V6]

    Hi There! I post SQL script I use to fix wired font. /!\ BEWARE: These following scripts are for the V5 emucoach version. For the V6, you need to go down to the page to see "V6" in bold type ( )...