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  1. Titesusy

    V10.1 : Translation bug

    Bug : The "locales_creature_text" table doesn't alter the game in V10.1 , but it works as well in v7. What it should be : The "locales_creature_text" have to alter the game ! (it's a translation table...) Tested with version V10.1 (prenium) and v7 (free version). The tests made in 2 times...
  2. Titesusy

    To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest

    infact, the cache is using the "previous" kit you had to use instead of to use the new kit. In that way, the new kit has one skill added for placing the bombs in the places. And in same way, there is a third quest (in the following) you have to clear again the cache (if i remember the following...
  3. Titesusy

    To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest

    i think i got this, but maybe clear your cache. With me, in the Redridge Mountains with Alliance side, i had to clear often my cache, and it was resolved on his own. 5Maybe because it reloads the kit that your cache already knows, instead of to load the new kit (with the correct skills)
  4. Titesusy

    Issue special caracters EC v7 => VIP v10.1

    Indeed, some special symbol (extended latin : " ê " , " è " for exemple) aren't working well for the vip version but it was working nice with the public version v7. (language used : french) To note, the texts had been imported v7 to v10. (e.g. : the "locales_* " tables) Test phase below...
  5. Titesusy

    [This is not an event, only a notebook] My testings in creation...

    Sorry but i like to play, so i suggest to put inside some things which could run into my mind, and God knows how many we are in my mind Because it isn't a fix to EC "official", i won't link this post in my profile... at least, for the moment (and because there aren't not yet enought as a...
  6. Titesusy

    Lunar Event

    Lunar Event The script allows the player to get every achievements of the lunar event.
  7. Titesusy

    v10.1 : npc 54142

    in EC : the npc 54142 is a boss. But it shouldn't be... (because it's a npc for an event - halloween)
  8. Titesusy

    10.1 Bug + Fixed in post : Strangletorn (next to Booty Bay) : Quest 26612

    In the database, it's called object "3921" (if i remember), so we replace by the correct item => 59145. Fixe : UPDATE `quest_template` SET `RequiredItemId2`='59145' WHERE (`Id`='26612');
  9. Titesusy

    Noblegarden v10.1 Emucoach

    Noblegarden A global comment about "@SpawnEgg". In the script, it's set to 30 minutes. If the time is too short, the egg will respawn more faster, so there is no more game :/ To the opposite, if the egg has a large spawn time, one "farmer" can take all of them, preventing the respawn to...
  10. Titesusy

    [EXECUTED] Patch Commoners with v10.1 Emucoach

    Commoners (patch) Because they are active in many events, i make this "patch" separately to take care only to Commoners. In the script, the quests are sorted like in my visitor page (the order i made the scripts) To comments my "setups" template in this script: Because I have done a deletion...
  11. Titesusy

    Pilgrims Bounty (v10.1)

    Pilgrims Bounty This is mainly a patch to "complete" the actual version of the event in V10.1 EmuCoach version. I didn't tried the achievements requiering other players around, it may works, or not :) But we can't reach this achievement: maybe a script...
  12. Titesusy

    V10 Bloodmyst Isle Quest : ending their world

    bug always in v10.1 It's sad, because it's the last bugging quest in Draenei Isles :)
  13. Titesusy

    Gold? Who was talking about gold? (Rihanna - "Diamonds" ) More Seriously, if we suppose i would like to create a new NPC (or edit one, or editing an object...), i would like to know the ID of "gold" item that creature could loot. If someone could help me, thanks per advance :)
  14. Titesusy

    [EXECUTED] Brewfest Event

    Brewfest The below script reseolves some achievements of the seasonal event. But some quests aren't scripted ( 12191, 12022, 11293, 11407 ) These are the main quests which allow to succeed many more achievements. By the way, here it's the actual script. It's tested already and functionnal for...
  15. Titesusy

    10.1 Bug quest 27600 (in Swamp of Sorrows)

    The quest 27600 seems unscripted. We can take is but the npc who let us to go inside the ship is unreactive. (I'll need to wait the flying mount) EDIT : I just got the fly mount. Tested , and there are no creatures in the ship, then the quest is unscripted.
  16. Titesusy

    10.1: Bug + Fixe quest 28314 & 28315 (Burning Steppes)

    We can't be rewarded for these two quests , so let's make it correctly: DELETE FROM creature_involvedrelation WHERE (id = '48306' AND (quest = '28314' OR quest = '28315')); INSERT INTO creature_involvedrelation (id,quest) VALUES ('48306', '28314'), ('48306', '28315'); Test: Ok! Comments to...
  17. Titesusy

    [EXECUTED] 10.1: Bug + Fixe quest 28226 (Burning Steppes)

    It seems we can't loot or collect the requested items for the quest 28226, so i'll try to fix with : DELETE FROM creature_loot_template WHERE ( entry = '7039' AND ( item = '63333' OR item = '63334' OR item = '63335' OR item = '63336')); INSERT INTO creature_loot_template (entry, item...
  18. Titesusy

    Fix BloodIsle achievement for alliance race different to Draenei

    I just saw we can't reach the global number of succeed quest in Bloodmyst Isles if we aren't Draenei (tested with a Worgen War and an Human Demonist). Looking at the databases (official and EC), i found the Bloodmyst Isle is identifed like the area "3525". SELECT * FROM quest_template WHERE Id =...
  19. Titesusy

    10.1 Guild item 62286 : Issue

    I got yesterday my guild reputation to friendly. It's a guild level 25. I could by the 62286 item (to unlock the 7th page of guild bank). When i click on the item, there is an alarm ingame "you can't do it right now". The item stay in my inventory, and the 7th page is still unlock. Is it normal...
  20. Titesusy

    10.1 West Plagues: Bug Quest 27053

    Bug : We can't get the reward of the quest 27053 .... (but we can only by the cheat ".quest complete")