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  1. Titesusy

    10.1 Cooking, Darnassus : Quest 29316 unscripted

    Bug : We can take the quest 29316 to the cook master in darnassus. But the quest looks like unscripted. Indeed, some "Rice Basket" (entry=1799100) are activable, but nothing happens to show the progression to complete this quest.
  2. Titesusy

    10.1 Inscriptions bug.

    I was trying to learn my daily inscriptions and a bug happens doing the "inscription" "61177" (link below) Error catch from worldserver Player::addSpell: Non-existed in SpellStore spell #57719 request. And i couldn't learn a new glyph today wih this...
  3. Titesusy

    10.1 Bug + Fixed in post : Strangletorn (next to Booty Bay) : Quest 26612

    Bug : We can't take the object "59145" for the quest 26612. links :
  4. Titesusy

    10.1 Fishing in Strangletorn area

    Error catched from the worldserver while fishing in Strangletorn area in Booty Bay, or in differents beaches in the map ERROR Fishable areaId 35 are not properly defined in `skill_fishing_base_level`.
  5. Titesusy

    10.1 Bug on a reward item (with instructions profession)

    Tested with my instruction character from the Alliance, at Stormwind (Draenei priest), i got a message in worldserver console trying to open the container (which is a reward from a quest launched by a craftable item) ERROR Table 'item_loot_template' loot id #62062 used but it doesn't have...
  6. Titesusy

    10.1 Bug Nothern Strangletorn : quest 26343

    There is an issue in the quest 26343. Indeed, even we kill the correct creatures, we can see the item we need to complete the quest, but for unknown reason, we can't loot that precious item. ( 4053 ) Differents useful links:
  7. Titesusy

    V10.1 : Bug Duskwood quest 26760 Actually : We can take the quest, but nothing happens. What the quest should do :
  8. Titesusy

    10.1 "discomfort" : 26651

    Quest : 26651 To work correctly, i had to remove the cache because the skill (the 4th) was invisible if i hadn't clear the cache. It's only a discomfort because the quest worked as well with the cache cleared. ----- Redridge Mountains tested: Ok. (Demonist human) Personnal comments : Great...
  9. Titesusy

    10.1 [Bug + Fixed in post] : Quest 26514

    In the quest 26514, there is a bug. Actually in the quest, you need to take 1 exemplar of "58898" item_id. But you need, infact, 10 examplar of "58897" item_id. So: UPDATE `quest_template` SET RequiredItemId1='58897', RequiredItemCount1='10' WHERE (Id = '26514'); test : Ok.
  10. Titesusy

    10.1 "discomfort" in Westfall

    In westfall, when you go near to the deadmines, there is a mysterious shadow even when the quest isn't active. The problem is the shadow is always spaming her speech (spamming channels in "shout"). When the quest is active, another mysterious shadow is spawning adding more speech. It's more a...
  11. Titesusy

    V10 Glyphs issues (Tested Chaman, Mage, Drood)

    It appears one bug. You can learn glyphs, but when you restart the server, the learnt glyphs are .... unknown. (the right panel of the glyph window) But the effects of your chosen glyphs are active (the left panel of the window) There is a picture here...
  12. Titesusy

    V10 Halloween + LETC events

    It seems we have some issues with the halloween event and etc. I rewrote the scripts, i post them here : -- Last Revision 2019.01.19 by Titesusy -- Modificable setup STARTING HERE -- GUID = 'my_id+0' To GUID = 'my_id+180' must be FREE, -- or you will have errors from duplication primary keys...
  13. Titesusy

    V10 Bloodmyst Isle Quest : ending their world We can do : take the quest. But nothing happens What it should does :
  14. Titesusy

    V10 Midsummer event ?!

    Are mine scripts of midsummer event been missed in V10? If you want a link to :
  15. Titesusy

    V10 Worgen Quest : 14465

    The worldserver crashes when you take the quest : 14465 Tested with a theft character worgen.
  16. Titesusy

    Bug Lordanel taxi

    Infact, there are 2 ways to "repair" this issue. Choose one of both to repair this "small" issue. (the first should be the easier way) 1) You have to correct the flightmaster (npc entry: 3841) to let him discovered by native( = doesn't need to discover him to unlock him) for every race from the...
  17. Titesusy

    Bug Lordanel taxi

    [Location, Faction, Race] Lor'danel : Darkshore , Night elf [Name, Type] Lordanel hippogriff [Problem Description] For a night elf, the travel between rutheran and lordanel is possible. But if a human or a Draenei for example is going to rutheran, the character has to swim to go to Darkshore...
  18. Titesusy

    [EXECUTED] v7 (maybe older?) cataclysm server - Midsummer event

    Midsummer scripts for Emucoach server V10. It works too in V7. The updates since the previous edition (2018 November): - The working tests (Ally + Horde) for the V10 Emucoach - Correction of format of some numbers in the code appeared by the "quote" balise. Now the "code" balise is used. - Added...
  19. Titesusy

    My testing Walkthrough

    I use the free repack cataclysm v7 of emucoach. I suggest to play testing every quests looking for bugs. The only cheat i use is a guild level 25, and a large amount of gold. The realm is set with a lootrate x1. #Unsolved With a Draenei Shaman, level 21, the Draenei isles are almost done...
  20. Titesusy

    the fly in Lich King Arthas fight [V6, maybe the VIP version too?]

    So i'll post in french and translate it with Google translator... sorry for language ... Il semble y avoir un soucis lors du combat contre Arthas, à ICC. En effet, à un moment, Arthas fait une AOE qui nous propulse en arrière. Ici, la propulsion semble être extrêmement forte car on se retrouve...