Search results

  1. Skug

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    Was also looking at the legion repack, once download quotas are beaten ill be able to try it out. I hope the data files are good! I keep getting corrupted files from the 7.3.5 version
  2. Skug

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    This seems to be the holy grail, I cant wait to embark on the journey again. :) This was my first wow experience and myself and friends are thirsting for more. Thank's to all of you for the hard work!
  3. Skug

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Looked around for a second but did find documentation, does Solocraft automatically scale? And If I wanted to host a private server for my friends would I have to disable it to avoid becoming grossly overpowered in instances?
  4. Skug

    hacked stories

    Maybe not so much as hacking, but in a small server in retail I saw one guild/account control the entire economy :| the hacking was probably the auto gathering bots XD
  5. Skug

    How do you spend your time when not playing computer games?

    Traveling! I dont think I'll ever stop. Just ordered two displates of the last to national parks I went to, Zion and Grand Canyon :)
  6. Skug

    Chores you hate doing?

    I haven't found a great chemical to use, my greatest strength was in the scrub brush that I chose. Also soaking in dawn concentrate helped too :P
  7. Skug

    Chores you hate doing?

    After working in the restaurant industry, dishes are a cake walk in my house (Even having 6 of us). My most dreaded chore is mowing the lawn, because of wasps and that I am allergic to grass :S
  8. Skug

    How did I find out about this site just now?? Glad to be here!

    Hey there! Ive recently been posting around in order to achieve the member status and in that wake, I've found a lot of like-minded individuals and come across both hilarious and thought provoking conversations. Regardless of all that, how did I only just find out about this website now?? I've...
  9. Skug


    What version?? I remember grinding world quest caches for the gold bonus in legion! The only thing that got me to that point was buying the game and playing for the first time and getting the free boost.
  10. Skug

    Trying to get member status, whats your computer specs?

    A i7-4770k was my first processor! Can attest that it still puts out in 2021. My plan is to turn it into a family server on my LAN because of the multithreading outperforming this older Xeon I came across!
  11. Skug

    Trying to get member status, whats your computer specs?

    i7 7700k, 32gb of TridentZ 2080ti I ran two AiO loops for liquid cooling for the cpu/gpu Recently picked up a second 2tb Nvme and Im thinking about using them in raid zero, if it doesnt destroy my data xD
  12. Skug

    Count To 2.000

  13. Skug

    Why did you leave Retail?

    Hey there! First time poster, actually on my journey to unlock the 7.3.5 repack. I started in legion and I ended before the first raid tier in Bfa. Progresses through the first raid in Shadowlands as my friends were really interested in trying retail again and it all fell apart before we could...