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Why did you leave Retail?


Verified Member
New Zealand
Hi everyone,

Why and when did you stop playing retail WoW, im really interested to know what killed it for you.

For me it was Cataclysm expansion, I just couldnt get used to Orgrimmar all twisted and everything in the wrong place.

Also, I just couldnt get over my favorite levelling area and village, Camp Torajo, was gone forever.



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MoP Premium
Veteran Member
I'm probably in the minority here, but, I really didn't. I haven't been on recently just because I've been distracted with other things, but that's not due to any actual changes on the game's end and I'm sure I'll be on again to check out new stuff at some point when I feel like it.

I really enjoy the creative aspect of having my own server, with access to the database, dbcs, etc, so that's the main draw of private servers for me rather than any actual issues with the retail version game. Well, I guess except the fact that, for some reason, even if I ask really nicely, Blizzard won't turn full creative control of the game over to a random player.


Mythical User
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Superior Member
I started to write a big story. But it became a bit too much of a novel.
I started on official when the MoP started. I found that game quite difficult to play, especially to rotate. So I found Honorbuddy (BOT) and the game became very fun for me. The Wod came with my first ban. (A friend of mine had two accounts and he lent me one. And 6 months later I was banned again. I came back to BFA with my account. I played without the bot for 3-4 months and finally quit wow. (With the token I could sell my gold and buy all Blizzard games)
The only good thing about it.


Verified Member
I've taken a few breaks in the past, but I quit for good early in BfA, and Shadowlands was the first expansion I never bought. It feels like they can't decide on what they want to do with the game, and I have no interest in seeing what they've thrown together this time. I just play on private servers now whenever I get the urge to play again.


MoP Premium
Verified Member
South Carolina
I played since vanilla with many gaps due to boredom over the years, but the level and stat squish of Shadowlands and how boring it frankly looked was enough for me to have not gone back since 8.3.5 (that is my last version of retail on my desktop).


Verified Member
I really can't remember why I quit, I think life just got in the way - It takes a lot of time to play endgame stuff, I was rolling a prot warrior as my main, which through WOTLK was great, rolling arms in PVP offered a lot of fun too :) I lost interest after getting to cata endgame and only dipping into raiding.


Trial Member
i quit retail for a few reasons. First of all it cost me money that i dont really have. It was really hard for me to pay for it every month... And also because i couldn't really do anything in the game. If i wanted to do a raid i needed a guild and to join a guild i needed achievement from the raid and to get the achievement i needed to complete the raid which requires a guild.... So yeah, that part didnt really work for me LoL. And also to be in a guild means that you cannot miss any raids. You must show up at the raid time otherwise you get kicked. So yeah... That was also too hard for me to be active every raid time.

And well. I also liked pvp but i was never really that good at it. I reached 1911 raiting in 5v5 during wotlk on ele shammy but and around 1700 raiting 2v2 but i couldnt really get past that. And everyone who played with me in arena just got angry at me. It was just too much to control at same time. So yeah, pvp didnt really work for me either.

And the next reason for why i left the game is because i played it for too many years. I started at the end of TBC and well. I quited at half MoP expansion until they released WoD. Then i decided to play again. So i played half WoD expansion and quit again then i joined again when they released legion. I played about half legion expansion and quit again and i did the same with BFA. I never tried Shadowlands.


Verified Member
Warlords of Draenor pathfinder showed me they didn't even care about making interesting content anymore, they just wanted to string us along for the subscription money


Verified Member
The fact that their work environment was so bad, it drove a female employee to suicide, underscored my decision.


Warcraft Legacy
Veteran Member
Hello Guys, in fact i don´t know if i really have quit wow or not because, i play since 2005 i was really addicted playing 10 hours day with 2 accounts until warlords expansion, in middle of warlords my oldest account is permanent banned, so in rage i said i quit i never come back to retail.

The true is we never quit, what happen to me was, i lost that sensation be old player the memory items are lost, the money we spend in the game, collectors editions we can´t have anymore.
I don´t have age time and patience to farm again 450 mounts and 500 pets 20000 achievements and a lot things we cant get anymore.
That feeling that we have for ourselfs, we are proud to have a wow account with historic mounts items, hundreds memory's are lost.

After warlords i never played like before, but i still buying the collectors edition and i keep go back to play every new expansion unlock flying, then stop, until next expansion.

In 2008 joined emulation community, AC-Web because jargs TBC repacks, still have them, i still have more then 100 repacks since that time.
Still in 2008 Played in retail, and in 3 private servers same time, wowscape, wowfusion online and toxicwow for 1 year, that was the most addicted time i had.

Good day everyone.

See you all in Azeroth

Kyrius, Cybrus and Kronz
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Hey there! First time poster, actually on my journey to unlock the 7.3.5 repack. I started in legion and I ended before the first raid tier in Bfa. Progresses through the first raid in Shadowlands as my friends were really interested in trying retail again and it all fell apart before we could get Aotc. I was a fan of the competitiveness and looking at logs and wowprogress, but eventually we all felt ourselves thirsting for legions systems again. (The older players recommended MoP as well and I may try that one day XD) If I had to choose a reason, it was definitely the change in quality or maybe the theme, coming out of the lore end of legion and being reduced to "champion or stormwind/orgrimmar", just kinda killed it for me. Plus I feel like class expression was much higher in 7.3.5. Now later on, hearing about blizzards practices, I have no idea if I'd want to support them again :/


Trial Member
Hey there! First time poster, I played retail for 13 years and i quit reatail becoz i got tired of all the grinding and waiting for new things to do in the game it takes forever for patches to come . And i think blizz lost alot of the game feeling with Wod the only thing that was good in Wod was HFC raid, TBC and Mop was the best expansions i think with thoose expasions it came some nice and fun content

Have a nice day everyone :)


Verified Member
Hi everyone,

Why and when did you stop playing retail WoW, im really interested to know what killed it for you.

For me it was Cataclysm expansion, I just couldnt get used to Orgrimmar all twisted and everything in the wrong place.

Also, I just couldnt get over my favorite levelling area and village, Camp Torajo, was gone forever.

Funny enough I actually really enjoyed the class game play that Cataclysm had to offer, the PvP mainly. I do agree it had it's issues but each version of WoW did and they could never please all of us.

The reason I left retail was that the game had become to distant than it's original version. Blizzard chose to leave the basic fundamentals of what made their game great and one of them was slow progression. When you play a game and you invest time into it you gain a sense of accomplishment for doing challenging goals, if one small or medium task takes you many hours to complete then you really feel that you earned what you did. In the latest versions of WoW it isn't the same case... it is a lot of instant gratification and I feel that started in Warlords with garrisons.

Overall I think many players would agree that WoW lost its sense of adventure and becoming lost in the world enjoying the basics and the simplicity of a true pass time.


Veteran Member
Can't really say much about this because I didn't play for that long, back in 2011ish a classmate of mine invited to join him in the latest expansion released so I tried for like 2 months... I never got to really understand well the hotkey systems and 'proc's and rotations... and didn't help that he wanted to join a PvP server.


Verified Member
The shift from an environment that was very alt friendly to a huge grindfest in legion shut the game down forever for me among other.. insults.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
i quit when they finally killed off MultiBoxing :(

I used to love 5-boxing PVE content and played Retail until Pandaland and then came back for Classic; until they banned MBing.

Love my MoP server and the bots are so good, I've not used the MB software since 4.1 was released.

I would love it if /follow was enabled in BGs as the bots are useless in there IMHO, fucking off and doing their own thing :(


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
I've taken a few breaks in the past, but I quit for good early in BfA, and Shadowlands was the first expansion I never bought. It feels like they can't decide on what they want to do with the game, and I have no interest in seeing what they've thrown together this time. I just play on private servers now whenever I get the urge to play again.

i started playing around BFA seriously (after dipping my toes in MoP), i didn't really like it much but my friend put me on WOTLK servers and it was super fun. decided to come back and completely skipped shadowlands but i love dragonflight, maybe a hot take but ive been having fun with it.

Bundard Tep

Gold Supporter
Verified Member
I first started playing wow in 2004 beta on US servers (I live in UK). Game went live in US around November 2004 so played for a while with a bunch of friends from EU/US until EU went live early 2005. I played 18 hours a day 7 days a week for a solid 18 months then had major wow burnout. Played less than 12 hours a day after that. WotLK was way better than the previous 2 versions until Cataclysm broke the mould forever. I played regular up to MOP. Legion was my last foray into wow, went Multi-boxing, then Bots came along and now I love setting up old server hardware (Dual Xeons) and various repacks to see how they play on linux and windows.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I left it due to how bad it was getting (in my opinion). Then hearing years later about how Blizzard treats their female employees. I hope Micro$courage (Microsoft) can fix this. I also heard about how they treated their E-Sports division, which made me even less wanting to support them. I rather play MoP on a buggy and incomplete re-pack than to support them. Wrath of the Lich King was my favourite, but I have decided that it is time to move on to a newer X-Pack, so now MoP is my new favourite. If I want to play a retail MMO, it is Final Fantasy 14 now.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
i quit when they finally killed off MultiBoxing :(

I used to love 5-boxing PVE content and played Retail until Pandaland and then came back for Classic; until they banned MBing.

Love my MoP server and the bots are so good, I've not used the MB software since 4.1 was released.

I would love it if /follow was enabled in BGs as the bots are useless in there IMHO, fucking off and doing their own thing :(
Do you notice them death-matching a lot instead of doing what they are supposed to do in BGs? That is what I see with them all the time and just want to know if others have experienced this.