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Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP


Veteran Member
Looked around for a second but did find documentation, does Solocraft automatically scale? And If I wanted to host a private server for my friends would I have to disable it to avoid becoming grossly overpowered in instances?


Verified Member
Is it me or is the download link not working?
I could download it from the Google drive link - what i am having problems with is the update file - when ran, it appears to attempt to open a ftp to spp.forum.de which is dead...so at the moment i only have a vanilla release of this repack - cant get the update to work as the domain is dead.



Verified Member
Thanks for the repack! The update.vbs in the second post didn't work for me, but I was able to use the updater.vbs found on singleplayerproject site instead and that worked: https://singleplayerproject.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=120

Excited to try out a SPP repack (y)
So I got it working-ish. Need some help.

I created an account using the localhost account registration site and I can log into account the account in the wow client, create a character, and log into that character. But after about 15 seconds of walking around I get disconnected and can't log back in without restarting the server. I also noticed that all of the NPCs are named "Unknown". This happens every time. Anyone else encounter this?


Verified Member
So I got it working-ish. Need some help.

I created an account using the localhost account registration site and I can log into account the account in the wow client, create a character, and log into that character. But after about 15 seconds of walking around I get disconnected and can't log back in without restarting the server. I also noticed that all of the NPCs are named "Unknown". This happens every time. Anyone else encounter this?
Server logs look clean. Client logs reported: "Client Object Manager Destroyed"

10/8 20:03:55.732 Active Player Created
10/8 20:03:55.732 Player : Exit Loading Screen : World Check Preload Begin
10/8 20:03:55.732 Player : Exit Loading Screen : World Check Preload End
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : Streaming 0
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : XML Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : World Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : Spell Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen Disable
10/8 20:03:55.732 Spellbook : Make Models Local Begin : 94
10/8 20:03:55.732 Spellbook : Make Models Local End
10/8 20:04:08.980 Stop waiting for active player
10/8 20:04:08.989 Client Object Manager Destroyed
10/8 20:04:13.054 Client Destroy


Verified Member
Well i have had no problems myself running this from a lan, however my stumbling block is getting the server available external to my lan...ive tried everything... i have got a SPP WOTLK working externally along with ExO and Teams great cata repack without much trouble at all - however this being Legion, its the first repack ive used with Battlenet and tried to make external so its setup a little different from the traditional authentication server from the earlier editions.

Of course i posted on their SPP thread, unfortunatly ive had no replies so i dont know if a) those that knew have long since left the forum or b) no one cares that much lol

I had another go at making it public again tonight, spent a few hours tearing my hair out...did i get anywhere ? No...do the logs show me connecting ? No.... bah!


Verified Member
Server logs look clean. Client logs reported: "Client Object Manager Destroyed"

10/8 20:03:55.732 Active Player Created
10/8 20:03:55.732 Player : Exit Loading Screen : World Check Preload Begin
10/8 20:03:55.732 Player : Exit Loading Screen : World Check Preload End
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : Streaming 0
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : XML Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : World Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen : Spell Loaded 100%
10/8 20:03:55.732 Loading Screen Disable
10/8 20:03:55.732 Spellbook : Make Models Local Begin : 94
10/8 20:03:55.732 Spellbook : Make Models Local End
10/8 20:04:08.980 Stop waiting for active player
10/8 20:04:08.989 Client Object Manager Destroyed
10/8 20:04:13.054 Client Destroy

A couple of things occured to me when i read what you had put, the first of i would make sure you downloaded the one posted here:

Then make sure you run the updater thats contained in the repack - this should bring yours up to Update 6 Year 1

After that i think its just create a battlenet account however i did mine through the console and linked them in the db... Game runs pretty well from what ive seen, rebalance is a little OP but that can be adjusted.

If you get it going and try to make it public ie outside you LAN and succeed - please let me know how you did it because at the moment, ive ran out of hair to pull out my head.


Verified Member
Looked around for a second but did find documentation, does Solocraft automatically scale? And If I wanted to host a private server for my friends would I have to disable it to avoid becoming grossly overpowered in instances?
Yes - it does autoscale - ive just ran through a few dungons as a level 40 mage - had no issues - yes i think you can adjust / disable if required. As it stands, for one toon - its a little op.


Verified Member
...i just got it working externally...seems the sticking point was in the realm table - for the local address, i had put my servers actual fixed ip address - i had changed this to the default and restarted the server, it was up and running internally and externally! whoop whoop!! :)


Verified Member
Hi. Excellent repack. I wanted to know:
1. How to connect to the world database? I would like to make my own changes, but do not understand how to connect to it.
2. I see that there is an auto-update of the server using the update.vsb file. Does the last update (I saw it on the author's discord channel) of the repack include the previous updates, or do they need to be queued?


Verified Member
Hi. Excellent repack. I wanted to know:
1. How to connect to the world database? I would like to make my own changes, but do not understand how to connect to it.
2. I see that there is an auto-update of the server using the update.vsb file. Does the last update (I saw it on the author's discord channel) of the repack include the previous updates, or do they need to be queued?
..you cant - thats the one drawback for this repack - the world db is locked out so you cannot modify...

...as for the q over if the last fix contains previous... id say yes from my exposure to the repack, but you may want to reach them on their discord for confirmation.


Verified Member
..you cant - thats the one drawback for this repack - the world db is locked out so you cannot modify...

...as for the q over if the last fix contains previous... id say yes from my exposure to the repack, but you may want to reach them on their discord for confirmation.
Thank you very much for your answer. I wanted to know - is it possible to customize the content of the store with donated items? I see products and prices in the game, but I do not understand how to change them in the database. I went to the auth database, store_ * tables, but they are empty.


Verified Member
Thank you very much for your answer. I wanted to know - is it possible to customize the content of the store with donated items? I see products and prices in the game, but I do not understand how to change them in the database. I went to the auth database, store_ * tables, but they are empty.
I cant be sure, but if i was to take a guess, thats in the world db too - they really screwed it right down to prevent users repacking it again and making as their own - i cant blame them i guess, the amount of work that must of gone into it would of been rediculous - its the best legion repack ive ever played.

About all i was able to do is move vendors around - but not much else - suggest you play as is, if you want flexability you are going to have to look for a paid release (i think Shadowcore do a paid and free versions).

Sorry bud, not much help on that, they got it locked down real tight.


Trial Member
As I know, previously SPP project legions versions contains coin mainer, is it still in this repack?
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