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  1. 3

    Bugged quest list (using emucoach VIP v13 Cataclysm v4.3.4 november 2020)

    Silithus Desert Recipe How it should work: Go to Twilight Base Camp and pick up the Sandy Cookbook from a chest in the south-west part of the camp. What actually happens: The book isn't there. Possible solution: Make it spawn. The book on...
  2. 3

    Date and Time of Events (v13 VIP)

    thank you, will take a look there.
  3. 3

    Date and Time of Events (v13 VIP)

    Does anyone else has this same issue? On my greenfield/out of the box VIP 13 Cataclysm 4.3.4 server, the "date and time for events" seem out of sync with the "local time and date" The server displays the right time at the minimap, but the timing of events are seemingly off by 6 hours and 6...
  4. 3

    Halloween Event NPC V13

    On my Cataclysm V13 VIP server the event worked without any bugs My server is greenfield; clean; out of the box tho. I and one other player played the event multiple times, single with 4 NPCs, as horde.
  5. 3

    The Path to the Citadel (v13.1)

    Cheers for the update, Raggahc1 :)
  6. 3

    The Path to the Citadel (v13.1)

    Same here. The questname is "The Path to the Citadel" When you release an horde slave by clicking the ball-on-chain, the quest doesn't update. "slaves freed" doesnt update from 0 to 1, from 1 to 2 etc. up to 15. Hence it's not possible to complete the quest, and the questchain for The Icecrown...
  7. 3

    V13 / Character Model change

    Multiple players on my server had the same stealthbug with the quest "Deathwing came above " in the badlands. I personally did not do the quest, but I'll try to give some details. I noticed, as GM, that the spell cast on the last character I visited was ID 61831: Q2 Phase, Rank 1 ".unaura...
  8. 3

    v13 Playerbots

    Note: This post is about NPCbots, not playerbots. To obtain NPCbots, you have to have at least VIP version and then type ingame: .npcbot helper in worldserver.conf you can change some settings regarding NPCbots. I personally find a damage multiplier around 2.1 for melee and 1.9 for...
  9. 3

    Hallowed End - Candy Bucket Quests (Horde) v13

    Player on my server reported that the Candy Bucket is missing for horde Eastern Plaguelands Light's Hope Chapel
  10. 3

    V13 - Bug quest - Invisible issue - the day that deathwing came, What really happened

    thank you, will try that command once opportunity arises
  11. 3

    V13 - Bug quest - Invisible issue - the day that deathwing came, What really happened

    agreed. same issue on my V13 VIP 4.3.4 Cataclysm. player on my server had same issue where he was turned into a dwarf and could not get out of it, no matter what. Applied the same workaround, I have been told.
  12. 3

    - Changelog (13) - VIP (Old VIP RELEASE!)

    aha, thank you for answering.
  13. 3

    bug quest Gurgle help gurgle 7.0

    in v13 VIP, Orkus walks out of the water, then his mount drops dead. Both vanish thereafter. Quest does not complete.
  14. 3

    Coastal Delicacies quest not working in 4.3.4

    confirmed this is how it should work: Location: HillsBrad Foothills, Western Strand, (33,82-ish)
  15. 3

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    I suggest to let the clients simply run wow.exe, instead of using the battle net launcher. I use a prepared*, prepackaged 7zip file of the client which I distribute. I let them unpack the file to a folder of their choosing and run wow.exe. *wow.mfil has contents replaced and made readonly...
  16. 3

    V13 - As Hyjal Burns - ID 25316

    thank you very much! I wanted to try the fix first before replying, but haven't been able yet, but will do so at the first opportunity....
  17. 3

    no mailbox in Astranaar (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)

    excellent, thank you very much! it worked
  18. 3

    V13 - As Hyjal Burns - ID 25316

    same here. after going through the portal, Aronus seemed to have disappeared and letting you then drop to your death. location: Mount Hyjal (53,53), blood elf Aronus should be there to guide/transport player to quest's objective
  19. 3

    no mailbox in Astranaar (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Ashenvale, Astranaar (36,50), Alliance, Human & Night Elf [Name, Type] mailbox [Problem Description] no mailbox at 36,50 (inn, innkeeper Kimlya) [How it should work] expecting a mailbox
  20. 3

    quest The Butcher of Taurajo (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)

    [Location, Faction, Race]Southern Barrens (48,57), Horde, Blood Elf [Name, Type] Garthok, General Hawthorne [Problem Description] Garthok isn't at this location after starting the quest, as seen on, for example, [How it should work] Garthok should be at 48,57, so the player can speak to him in...