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Bugged quest list (using emucoach VIP v13 Cataclysm v4.3.4 november 2020)


Trial Member
Quest bug list tested for release:
Emucoach VIP v13 Cataclysm v4.3.4 november 2020
In this list I focus solely on quests that cannot be completed due to problems. Quests that do not play out as intended, or have issues but can be completed regardless will not be added to this list.
I have added a 'possible solution' to all quests in an effort to help fix the problem. Take this with a grain of salt however, as I have no coding skills and my assesment might be way off.
All bugged quests tested with a Horde Forsaken Priest and verified with a Horde Tauren Druid. Quest ID's are in the wowhead links.
This is NOT a complete list of all bugged quests, just the ones I have personally come across. As we are soon migrating to the Gold version, I will not update this list. If time permits, I'll make a new list for the bugged Gold version quests.


To The Rescue!
How it should work: You mount Brutusk the war kodo and ride to Splintertree Post, fighting several mob spawns along the way.
What actually happens: Brutusk moves towards the first fight point and freezes. You are unable to dismount. Logging out is the only way to gain control of your character again. This is actually a known problem that is persistent even on Blizzard servers.
Possible solution: According to Wowhead posts, removing all worn items before mounting Brutusk might solve the problem. Edit: tested several times with different characters. Does not work! Also, killing Kadrak (quest giver) and Brutusk with an Alliance character, and then abandoning and retaking the quest with your Horde character might also solve it. A coding solution might be to just auto-complete it, something Blizzard seems to have done as well on official servers.


When Science Attacks
How it should work: Using the Fireliminator X-21, you hose down 8 buildings and 6 research interns.
What actually happens: The building fires can be extinguished, but the interns can not.
Possible solution: No idea. Maybe give the interns the same quest qualifiers as the buildings?

The Blackmaw Doublecross
How it should work: Use the disguise near the questgiver, get teleported in, have a chat with Ungarl and kill him, then kill some more ursa on your way out.
What actually happens: Conversation with Ungarl is impossible. It appears the script table is missing. The following error is generated in the dialogue box:
Possible solution: Add the proper dialogue options, or add a dialogue option that completes the dialogue portion of the quest and turns Ungarl hostile when picked.


The Day that Deathwing Came
How it should work: Get transformed into the dwarf Theldurin, punch a few earth elementals, punch a few walls and finally punch an ancient dragon aspect of death.
What actually happens: You transform into a dwarf (enter a vehicle), but turn invisible and you have no way to leave the 'vehicle'. This persists until someone with GM capabilities uses the .unaura all command on you.
Possible solution: Although this quest and the ones that follow are supposed to be hilarious, they aren't so funny now. Maybe just auto-complete and make sure the event (entering the vehicle) doesn't happen.

Third Sample: Implanted Eggs
How it should work: Beat Nyxondra into submission, then steal her eggs.
What actually happens: Rhea disappears, as do Nyxondra and her eggs. Rhea can now be found at New Kargath, but the quest cannot be completed.
Possible solution: Nyxondra and the eggs seem to phase out. They shouldn't.

Borean Tundra

A Race Against Time
How it should work: Use the beryl shield detonator on the shield surrounding Inquisitor Salrand, and slay her. A small lootbox spawns, which holds the key.
What actually happens: Upon killing Salrand, a sparkling lockbox appears, but it cannot be interacted with in any way.
Possible solution: Set activation triggers.

Escape from the Winterfin Caverns
How it should work: Free Lurggblr and escort him to the river.
What actually happens: When you reach the shore, Lurggblr says his quest completion line, but despawns seconds after, as if cut short. Quest completion is not granted. It's almost like he despawns when exiting the Wintervin Caverns area, because he cannot be in a different area.
Possible solution: Increase his 'stay alive' time? Or maybe check if he is bound to a specific area? This problem appears similar to the one encountered in the quest 'Cold Hearted' in The Storm Peaks.

Patching Up
How it should work: Notoriously confusing quest, because of the poor quest directions. Gather 5 uncured caribou hides and cure them over steam vents in the Geyser Fields. The correct vents are the ones with red plants around them that sometimes bellow out black smoke.
What actually happens: None of the vents I went to allowed me to cure the hides. If someone has been able to find a proper vent, please let me know.
Possible solution: Link the hides to the steam vents. Could also be that the workable area is too small and needs to be enlarged.

Stop the Plague
How it should work: Go into the small cave at the Den of the Dying, use the seeds on the cauldron, turn in quest.
What actually happens: The cleansing seeds do not detect the cauldron, so they cannot be used. This problem appears to be very similar to the one encountered in the quest 'Taking Part' in Desolace.
Possible solution: Map activation triggers. This problem appears to be very similar to the one encountered in the quest 'Taking Part' in Desolace.

The Honored Dead
How it should work: Take a torch and build a pyre! Torch 10 dead soldiers / workers.
What actually happens: No pyre! The dead cannot be torched.
Possible solution: Map activation triggers.


How it should work: Kill Blubbergut the orca.
What actually happens: Blubbergut doesn't spawn. Further testing required? Might be killed by pier guard.
Possible solution: Make it spawn.

Fish in a Bucket
How it should work: Dive into the water, find and open shellfish traps, loot and turn in.
What actually happens: There are no shellfish traps. They seem to be missing entirely.
Possible solution: Make them spawn.

Taking Part
How it should work: Find mounds of earth, then plant seeds in them.
What actually happens: The mounds sparkle, but using the seeds on them gives the error message "Requires mound of earth".
Possible solution: Map activation triggers. This problem appears to be very similar to the one encountered in the quest 'Stop the Plague' in Borean Tundra.

While You're Here
How it should work: Pick up 6 defiled relics scattered throughout the Maraudine camp.
What actually happens: The relics are scattered throughout the area, but can not be interacted with.
Possible solution: Set activation triggers.

Durotar (including Orgrimmar)

An Ancient Enemy
How it should work: Accompany Vol'Jin to confront Zar'Jira the sea witch. Help him by dousing braziers and kill adds, while Vol'Jin fights her.
What actually happens: Both combatants spawn and exchange some dialogue. Vol'jin fires an arrow, but then the quest freezes.
Possible solution: Auto-complete seems like the easiest option. Other than that, make the event progress as normal.

A Staggering Effort
How it should work: Daily fishing quest. Kill a stag near Orgrimmar's northern gate, get a stag eye, attach it as a lure and fish up a sandy carp in the Valley of Wisdom.
What actually happens: No fish can be caught in Valley of Wisdom.
Possible solution: It appears the fishing loot table is not attached to several bodies of water in the city. Strangely, it is possible to fish up Old Crafty in the waters of the Valley of Wisdom, but I have yet to fish up anything else in this area. Fishing is possible in the Valley of Spirits (troll area), so it might be worth it to check those settings.

No Dumping Allowed
How it should work: Daily fishing quest. Go to the Goblin area and fish up 6 toxic puddlefish from the polluted water.
What actually happens: No fish can be caught in the waters of the Goblin Slums.
Possible solution: It appears the fishing loot table is not attached to several bodies of water in the city. I have yet to fish up anything in this area. Fishing is possible in the Valley of Spirits (troll area), so it might be worth it to check those settings.


A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow
How it should work: Arthas and Illidan duke it out and with your help, you defeat Arthas.
What actually happens: Game crashes to desktop. If you log in again immediately, the quest is still going. Arthas and Illidan exchange some dialogue, after which the game crashes to desktop again.
Possible solution: Fix the event, or auto-complete it and disable the event entirely, so the game no longer crashes.

Crying Violet
How it should work: Find some flowers and turn them in to Andalar Shadevale.
What actually happens: Andalar Shadevale should be in front of the barrow Shadow Hold, but he's not there. I've been unable to locate him.
Possible solution: Make him spawn.

Forces of Jaedenar
How it should work: Kill a bunch of baddies and turn in the quest to Andalar Shadevale.
What actually happens: Andalar Shadevale should be in front of the barrow Shadow Hold, but he's not there. I've been unable to locate him.
Possible solution: Make him spawn.

Hellfire Peninsula

Arelion's Mistress
How it should work: Buy a bottle of cenarion spirits from the innkeeper in Cenarion Camp. Give it to Viera, who will then get up and walk to a discrete location to drink the booze. Use the scroll to polymorph her.
What actually happens: The bottle of spirits can be given, but she does not get up and does not move to the discrete location.
Possible solution: Either make her move towards the discrete location, or make a permanent instance of her at the discrete location (or move her there, if that's possible).

Hillsbrad Foothils

Coastal Delicacies
How it should work: Kill murlocs and let the spider eat them.
What actually happens: The spider doesn't eat the murlocs.
Possible solution: The lashtail raptor used in the quest 'I Think She's Hungry' in Northern Stranglethorn acts in much the same way as this spider should. Maybe the solution can be found there?

*Gurgle* HELP! *Gurgle*
How it should work: Speak to Orkus. He will get out of the water, wait for his mount Kasha, which falls to the ground injured. Complete quest.
What actually happens: Orkus and Kasha despawn immediately after Kasha falls to the ground, leaving the quest objective open.
Possible solution: Orkus is supposed to give several more quests. Auto-complete the quest and having a second iteration of Orkus permanently stationed on the shore might work (as I have a feeling phase shifts don't work in this build, which this quest/NPC essentially requires to work properly).

Mount Hiyal

Egg Hunt
How it should work: Unveil and egg in a shadow cloak generator, after which several mobs spawn in to try and destroy the egg. Beat them up, win the day.
What actually happens: The egg is revealed, but the mobs that spawn in (?) are invisible and untargetable. The egg starts to suffer damage and breaks, while you cannot do anything to stop it.
Possible solution: Cause targetable mobs to spawn in, or turn the invisible mobs visible.

Get Me Outta Here!
How it should work: Speak to Kristoff in the cave and agree to escort him out. He stealths and follows you out of the cave, completing the objective when you leave the cave.
What actually happens: While a tooltip appears that he's following you in stealth mode, he doesn't actually appear to follow you out of the cave. The tooltip remains until you abandon the quest.
Possible solution: Make him follow you out.

The Nordrassil Summit
How it should work: Speak to Thrall, watch the cutscene, turn in the quest to Aggra.
What actually happens: Nothing. Thrall cannot be spoken to and the event doesn't start. Using gm commands to force objective completion does not allow the quest to be turned in to either Aggra (there are 2 of them very close together). Using gm commands to force quest completion does not make either Aggra give you the follow-up quest.
Possible solution: Perhaps this is the wrong 'instance' of Thrall? According to Wowhead, it should be https://www.wowhead.com/npc=54313/thrall. No idea what the problem with the lack of a follow-up quest might be.

Mulgore (including Thunder Bluff)

Corn Mash
How it should work: Daily cooking quest. Find bowls of corn around the city, hammer the corn with furious anger, return when done.
What actually happens: When trying to interact with the corn bowls, the character attempts to open the bowl, instead of pounding it.
Possible solution: Change activation triggers.

The Restless Earth
How it should work: Go to the Bael'dun Digsite, calm 6 elementals with the drum, return to Ahmo Thunderhorn.
What actually happens: Quest works fine, but for some reason, Ahmo doesn't consider the quest complete. A yellow questionmark appears on the map and above his head, but the 'Complete quest' option remains greyed out.
Possible solution: Make it so he can complete the quest. Probably a flag or setting that is off.

The Ring's the Thing
How it should work: Daily fishing quest. Go to the Pools of Vision under the Spirit Rise and fish up a blind cavefish.
What actually happens: No fish can be caught here.
Possible solution: It appears the fishing loot table is not attached to this body of water. Nothing can be caught here.


Don't Kill the Fat One
How it should work: Kill 10 Boulderfist invaders, then beat up Unkor the Ruthless and make him submit. He will then give you the quest 'Succes!'.
What actually happens: Unkor does not spawn.
Possible solution: Make him spawn.

Northern Stranglethorn

Bwemba's Spirit / To Bambala
https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29219/bwembas-spirit / https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29220/to-bambala
How it should work: Both quests start in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar by talking to Bwemba and end in Bambala in Northern Stranglethorn upon talking to Kil'karil.
What actually happens: A yellow questionmark appears on the map, but Kil'karil does not have a questionmark and says nothing but 'Greetings [name]' when interacted with.
Possible solution: Maybe this requires a different 'phase' of the character? The quests cannot even be completed when using GM commands to force objective completion. Another option might be that different pre-quests need to be completed first. Needs further research.


Desert Recipe
How it should work: Go to Twilight Base Camp and pick up the Sandy Cookbook from a chest in the south-west part of the camp.
What actually happens: The book isn't there.
Possible solution: Make it spawn.

Silverpine Forest

The Waters Run Red...
How it should work: Hop on a cannon and blast the incoming worgen to bits!
What actually happens: No worgen spawn.
Possible solution: Make the worgen spawn.

Southern Barrens

Honoring the Dead
How it should work: Go to the Ruins of Taurajo and use the funerary totem on 4 tauren corpses. Each tauren spirit says something, crossing that name of the objective list.
What actually happens: Placing the totem near said corpses does nothing.
Possible solution: Map the totem to the corpses.

The Butcher of Taurajo
How it should work: Meet up with the orc assassin Karthog, then ambush and kill General Hawthorne.
What actually happens: Karthog cannot be spoken to. General Hawthorne doesn't spawn.
Possible solution: Make General Hawthorne spawn, either as a permanent character (much like Lieutenant Valorcall, which is needed for the quest Sigil of Arathor in the Arathi Highlands), or through dialogue with Karthog (as it's supposed to work).

Stonetalon Mountains

In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress
How it should work: Mount one of the heavy guns and use it to shoot down any planes (and gnomes) you see.
What actually happens: There are no guns. Flying machines that spawn are immediately destroyed and no parachuting gnomes appear.
Possible solution: Auto-complete might be the easiest way to fix this.

Terokkar Forest

Shrimpin' Ain't Easy
How it should work: Go a little north to Umbrafen Lake in Zangarmarsh (any water in Zangarmarsh works though) and fish up bloated barbed gill trout. Gut them to find the shrimps you need.
What actually happens: The bloated barbed gill trout can not be caught. 30 minutes of fishing, no bloated trouts.
Possible solution: Add it to the fishing loot tables.

The Cape of Stranglethorn
Ol' Blasty
How it should work:
What actually happens: Quest giver does not give quest. Perhaps a missed pre-quest? Needs more research.
Possible solution:

The Storm Peaks

Cold Hearted
How it should work: Go to Dun Nifleheim, mount a captive protodrake, use it to free the frozen Brunnhildar prisoners by blasting the ice blocks, fly back to Brunnhildar Village, rinse and repeat.
What actually happens: Everything goes well, until you return the drake to Brunnhildar Village. When almost at the turn-in point, the drake and all carried prisoners despawn in mid-air. That is when you discover you're out of reagents for your Levitate spell...
Possible solutions: Increase the 'stay alive' time of the drake? Or maybe check if they are bound to a specific area? This problem appears very similar to the one encountered during the quest 'Escape from the Winterfin Caverns' in Borean Tundra.

Data Mining
How it should work: Use the inventor's disk to mine 7 data nodes.
What actually happens: Data nodes cannot be data mined.
Possible solution: Set activation triggers.

Forging the Keystone
How it should work: Go to the Temple of Invention, speak to Brann and start the event.
What actually happens: Brann is not present at the Temple.
Possible solution: Make him spawn.

The Last of Her Kind
How it should work: Enter the Hibernal Cave, go to the very end of the cave and find an injured polar bear matriarch, click on the bear to mount up and return to Brunnhildar Village.
What actually happens: The matriarch cannot be mounted and cannot be interacted with in any way.
Possible solution: Set activation triggers.

Changing the Wind's Course
How it should work: Assume the role of Stormhoof and fight the North Wind. When the North Wind is brought below 20% health, Stormhoof 'dies', unmounting you and spawning a horn. Blow it to defeat the North Wind.
What actually happens: Stormhoof spawns, but you do not enter his body. The North Wind doesn't spawn. Using gm commands to force spawn the North Wind allows the quest to continue, although somewhat glitchy.
Possible solution: Fix the event, or make North Wind spawn together with Stormhoof.

Valkyrion Must Burn
How it should work: Grab the harpoons from the harpoon crate found in the village, use the harpoon gun and shoot 6 haystacks.
What actually happens: While the harpoon crate has a yellow exclamation mark above it, it cannot be interacted with in any way.
Possible solution: Set activation triggers.

Tirisfal Glades (including Undercity)

Moat Monster!
How it should work: Daily fishing quest. Go to the moat just in front of the castle leading to the Undercity. Use the alliance decoy kit near the water and feed the tentacle 10 frogs.
What actually happens: The alliance decoy kit can not be used as it does not register the moat. Even when standing in the water, trying to use it still gives the 'Requires the Ruins of Lordaeron moat' error.
Possible solution: Link the decoy kit to the correct area. Could also be that the workable area is too small and needs to be enlarged.

Un'Goro Crater

The Northern Pylon
How it should work: Go to the northern pylon and fondle it.
What actually happens: Pylon can't be used at all.
Possible solution: Use the same properties as the eastern pylon and map the activation trigger to this quest.

The Western Pylon
How it should work: Go to the western pylon and fondle it.
What actually happens: Pylon can be used for the crystal turn ins, but cannot be used for the quest.
Possible solution: Use the same properties as the eastern pylon and map the activation trigger to this quest.

Western Plaguelands

Latent Disease
How it should work: Kill a diseased black bear and pick up the plague tangle that spawns around its corpse.
What actually happens: No plague tangle spawns.
Possible solution: Make the plague tangle spawn. Another solution might be to add the plague tangle to the drop tables.
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member

Desert Recipe
How it should work: Go to Twilight Base Camp and pick up the Sandy Cookbook from a chest in the south-west part of the camp.
What actually happens: The book isn't there.
Possible solution: Make it spawn.

The book on wowhead with id 180503

lo item sandy
58946 - Sandy Carp
20423 - Sandy Scorpid Claw
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-- Updates for V14:

- To The Rescue!
For V14, I've hack-fixed the quest by completing and teleporting upon clicking on the gossip. It's a temp fix to functional properly, since the blizzlike event for it is not ready to be scripted yet.
This means that the quest is now complete-able.

- When Science Attacks
Can't reproduce, works fine for me. Maybe fixed since your reports, for V14.

- The Blackmaw Doublecross
Can't reproduce, works fine for me. Maybe fixed since your reports, for V14.

- The Day that Deathwing Came
This is hackfixed for V14.

- Third Sample: Implanted Eggs
Phasing issue when completing quest id 27770. TODO

- A Race Against Time
Fixed on V14.

- Escape from the Winterfin Caverns
Fixed on V14.

- The Honored Dead

Can't reproduce, works fine for me. Maybe fixed since your reports, for V14.

- Patching Up
Fixed on V14.
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Further updates for V14:

- Stop the Plague
Can't reproduce, works fine for me. Maybe fixed since your reports, for V14.

- Blubbergut
Works fine for me.

- Fish in a Bucket
There were many objects, but improved loot chance for V14, and adjusted some spawns, but 95% were correct.

- Taking Part
Fixed for V14.

- While You're Here
Not reproduceable, was already fixed in V13.1 irc.

- An Ancient Enemy
Should be do-able in V14.

- A Staggering Effort

- No Dumping Allowed

- A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow
Fixed in V14.

- Crying Violet
Fixed in V14.

- Forces of Jaedenar
Fixed in V14.

- Arelion's Mistress
Fixed in V14.

-Coastal Delicacies
Works fine for me, check in V14.

- *Gurgle* HELP! *Gurgle*
Need more investigation. Possible phasing issue.

- Egg Hunt
Fixed for V14 + scripted the event properly to be more blizzlike accurate. :)


Further updates for V14 x2:

- Get Me Outta Here!

- The Nordrassil Summit

- Corn Mash

- The Restless Earth
Cant reproduce

- The Ring's the Thing

- Don't Kill the Fat One
Unkor is already spawned by default.

- Bwemba's Spirit / To Bambala

- Desert Recipe
Works already. Probably fixed in V14.


- The Waters Run Red...
Fixed the cannon being move-able.
Summoned the worgens.
Fixed visiblity of the worgens.
ToDo: Make their waypoint work.. (core issue with random wp sai function).
-- Update, fixed! The quest now works fully as intended :)

- Honoring the Dead
Fixed in V14 too.

- The Butcher of Taurajo
Fixed in V14 too.
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- In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress
Hackfixed in V14 until a proper solution is made. But now it's not causing stuck on the chain quest (due to it autocompleting now).

- Shrimpin' Ain't Easy
Try to retest it on V14 please. (Maybe fixed).

- Ol' Blasty
Most likely missing pre-quest, yeah. Need more information.

- Cold Hearted

- Data Mining
Fixed on V14.

- Forging the Keystone
Fixed + scripted the entire quest.

- The Last of Her Kind

(Should) be fixed on V14. Let me know if any issues.

- Changing the Wind's Course
Fixed on V14. Let me know if any issues.

-Valkyrion Must Burn
Fixed on V14. Also scripted the entire quest! :)

- Moat Monster!

- The Northern Pylon
Should be fixed on V14.

- The Western Pylon
Should be fixed on V14.

- Latent Disease


The list is now completely gone through, for V14. Lots of new quest fixes :)

The majority of the bug-reports are fixed on V14. But there are a few that are on ToDo, which are noted on the posts above.