Search results

  1. 3

    quest Honoring the Dead (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Southern Barrens, Ruins of Taurajo [coords 43,50], Horde, Blood elf [Name, Type] Krulmoo,Danh,Yonada,Omusa. fallen tauren [Problem Description] Item "funerary totem" doesn't update the quest parameters "Krulmoo|Danh|Yonada|Omusa eulogized". also I only found the name...
  2. 3

    - Changelog (13) - VIP (Old VIP RELEASE!)

    Sorry if I hijack this post, but can someone explain what's this about v13.1 please? I have seen some references to v13.1. but in the VIP download/repackage section I see only v13.0 I currently run Cataclsym 4.3.4 v13 VIP package, downloaded august 2020. Is v13.1 available as a VIP ? Or is...
  3. 3

    v11 Bugged Troll Quest 24814 "An Ancient Enemy"

    applies to v13 as well. After the dialogue, Vol'Jin and Vanira should combat Zar'Jira, but they don't. Sidenote: in the near area, all the trolls are passive while standing next to the mobs.
  4. 3

    In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress (V13)

    Questgiver is Chief Blastgineer Bombgutz (in case this helps)
  5. 3

    Move/replace license

    Ah, much obliged!
  6. 3

    SRV Records for Different Realmserver Ports

    AFAIK port 3724 is for your authentication server, not for the worldserver and thus not suited to make your realms available. I suggest you try port 8086, 8087, 8088 etc for any additional realm. If that doesnt work: For each realm, I think you'll need another domain (and corresponding IP...
  7. 3

    Move/replace license

    Can one of the admins/devs reset my license and/or whom can I contact regarding this issue? I'm moving my v13 VIP Cataclysm server from my 'test computer' to another computer which I bought today. worldserver.exe keeps asking for a license, when starting, which is valid on the old computer but...
  8. 3

    4.3.4 Emucoach Weapon Creator

    file cannot be opened, corrupt.
  9. 3

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    Well...finally solved it.... what worked for me is: port 8085 had issues, had to change to 8086. Changed in worldserver.conf and authserver.conf IPs to the local (LAN) IP of the computer. Apparently works only for local connections, but not remote connections Changed in...
  10. 3

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    Same here, locally on my pc the game and server runs great. Connecting externally to my pc is succesful for AUTHSERVER, but fails at connecting to WORLDSERVER. Port 8085 (worldserver) simply WILL NOT open to external connections, no matter what I configure. (conf files and DB) Port 3724...