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  1. remamakiller

    Stuck on "Connected" - both with my server and my friend's server

    Most of the time, it appears conetando and does not connect. It is the client's problem It is not the right client, which needs that server.
  2. remamakiller

    BlizzCMS Theme [ver.]

    Muy buen aporte Muchas gracias
  3. remamakiller

    Kription-WoW 255 Fun Repack (NOOB FRIENDLY)

    Your work is excellent If you update the source, it would be one of the best custom repack at the moment.
  4. remamakiller

    Kription-WoW 255 Fun Repack (NOOB FRIENDLY)

    I have this server on my pc, running and never infected anything. The only thing wrong with it is that the source is very old, nothing else. Don't talk nonsense
  5. remamakiller

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    Have you deactivated the updates of this repack? If so, it would be nice to hear from you.
  6. remamakiller

    Update repack v7

    I wonder .... If in order to have the latest updates of the emucoach vip repack, you have to be a donor and get a license .... Why don't they release the V8 or V9 or V10 updates? It would be more interesting for emucoach followers, who can not donate and have a server 4.3.4 better than V7 and...
  7. remamakiller

  8. remamakiller

    Fix quest Bring 'Em Back Alive

    thanks bro , my English is from the caveman era xDDD
  9. remamakiller

    Fix quest Bring 'Em Back Alive

    Quest: UPDATE creature_template_addon SET auras=0 WHERE entry=25596; And the kodo is now delivered
  10. remamakiller

    Mission->Bring them back alive repack V14

    Mission->Bring them back alive-> When delivering kodo. does not count for completion
  11. remamakiller

    Pass repack jack sparrow

    Does anyone have the key , to download this file ,!fUt20Kpa!TvGT3bj0NbEKoZJexEuoqVcIVNpiVF5HDUZY0IL Uzyw , which is the complete Data (DBC / DB2 / vmaps / mmaps / maps , for the 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [Official EmuCoach Repackage] ? Please if anyone has it ...
  12. remamakiller

    Launcher idea

    If you provide this launcher, I name you "The Fucking Master" of emucoach. :P
  13. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    My Nod32 antivirus did not detect any virus and the server is working fine.
  14. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    The client in Spanish and npc, quest and others are all in Chinese.
  15. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    No change language client
  16. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    [url = https: //]
  17. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    Working, no problems It's just that it's all in Chinese xDDD
  18. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    I will be waiting for this contribution Thank you very much
  19. remamakiller

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    Come on up Likon69, you can do it xD