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  1. remamakiller

    Count To 2.000

    92 xD Participaré, pero no tengo ni idea de lo que estoy haciendo jajajja
  2. remamakiller

    Legendary rogue quest missing part

    it is missing in the lotid. 55294 Add that id and you have the corresponding loot from ultraxion
  3. remamakiller

    quest bugón
  4. remamakiller

    create custom set for 434

    With this sql query, you will get Cataclysm pvp and pve set, weapons and accessories, with all its stats upgraded by 25% and its selected vendors. It is not created by me, it is only adapted, for vip 4.3.4 V13 repackaging To my personalized items, I put the name of an awesone one, you put the...
  5. remamakiller

    [other] V13.1 - Added missing spirit healers and corrected some chest drops

    A number is missing in the first line emucoach_v13_vip_world.creature INSERTAR EN emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature (id, `map`,` zone`, area, spawnMask, phaseMask, modelid, equipment_id, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientación, spawntimesecs, spawndist, currentwaypoint, curhealth...
  6. remamakiller

    Legendary rogue quest missing part

    This is the chest?
  7. remamakiller

    Bugged quest list (using emucoach VIP v13 Cataclysm v4.3.4 november 2020)

    arreglar búsqueda falta el npc, (id 36025), se coloca y la misión se puede completar
  8. remamakiller

    Quest bug

    Testing , the version 13.1 of the Emucoach Cataclysm Blizzlike Repack. In the mission "The Arts of the Hunter" the hunter master does not teach you "Steady Shot" and therefore, you cannot complete the mission. To fix this, open the Mysql, with an editor (I use sqlyog) go to creature_template...
  9. remamakiller


  10. remamakiller

    Tame beast

    Tamed beast, is it wrong? testing , the version 13.1 of the Emucoach Cataclysm Blizzlike Repack.
  11. remamakiller


    Good people I need you to tell me, as I get a land mount, run more than normal How to be this mount Magic Rooster - Spell - World of Warcraft From already thank you very much In other words, I want him to walk faster ( Sorry for the translation, I use google translator )
  12. remamakiller

    block the factions

    Good people I need to know how to block the factions So that, if hordes are created, they cannot create an alliance, in the same account From already thank you very much
  13. remamakiller

    Npc spell portal

    How can I create a creature that, when dying, generates a portal? The npc will be created, but I don't know where the portal spell goes, to do this, which I ask From already thank you very much
  14. remamakiller

    npc teleport class 7.3.5

    I provide a npc teleport to the class headquarters, to improve the artifact weapon Creator: I do not know Improved by me!mXxHjC4Y!JwDu6AYwewFOApDEhNajtyGRclL9CAxrHx3g9Um8Nw0 image uploader
  15. remamakiller

    mourning of pets

    Please, someone has the solution for this ?? He can not mourn and because of that, I can not get wild pets I would thank you eternally, to help me Source jadecore 5.4.7