Search results

  1. Stiga

    V14 - Wintergrasp & Tol Barad / Baradin Hold

    A quick feedback concerning TB/BH & WG (Horde test only) Tol Barad > (only tested Horde side when defending) Phasing or (de)spawning issue during active battleground. Mobs are visible during the battle, and at the end of conflict we have doubles of every mob. (same problem existed with V13.1)...
  2. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Dragon Soul)

    Faction problems in Dragon Soul Twilight Assaulters - some are friendly > moved to hostile otherwise hard to complete the event Eye of Go'rath - friendly -- twilight assaulter 56352 56353 56386 UPDATE creature_template SET faction_h = 14 WHERE entry=56352; -- value was 35 UPDATE...
  3. Stiga

    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack, Fake players system/Sort of Playerbots (in progress)

    Looking good. The thing that attracted me to Emucoach was the NPCbots as I prefer this system to simple raid/dungeon scaling. (Even though there are drawbacks in certain movment & control fights)
  4. Stiga

    v13 VIP Emucoach > Vault of Archavon (error: This Instance Is Closed)

    Thx for that. Very useful also for some other instances. I am currently running the V13 VIP (Npcbots). I can't seem to find the V14 announce and download which you mentioned.
  5. Stiga

    [Release] Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Event for 4.3.4

    Feedback: Working as intended. Sorry for the delay reporting back but I've been busy for a few Sundays.
  6. Stiga

    v13 VIP Emucoach > Vault of Archavon (error: This Instance Is Closed)

    Hi, Annoying error trying to enter Vault of Archavon (when and not controlling Wintergrasp). Same problem with Horde or Alliance (lvl 80+ tested) Please note I'm able to enter with GM on. "The instance is closed" message I've tried changing the Instance.IgnoreLevel and Instance.IgnoreRaid...
  7. Stiga

    TBC and WoTLK raid bugs

    Just one little fix for the Frozen Throne teleport (not perfect as it's a little above the floor on the Z axis so a small drop to the floor) UPDATE spell_target_position SET target_position_z = 840.857 WHERE entry=70860; -- old value 830.857
  8. Stiga

    Hallowed End - Candy Bucket Quests (Horde) v13

    This worked as attended for me on my player account. I'm using v13 not v13.1
  9. Stiga

    Hallowed End - Candy Bucket Quests (Horde) v13

    Candy Bucket quest & Trick & Treat acheivements Acheivements Quests > Candy Bucket I have only checked the horde side as player. All were working except the...
  10. Stiga

    [Release] Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Event for 4.3.4

    I applied the fix posted above but no event launched except event id 15. After checking the DB, I noticed that the holiday values in the v13 setup were wrong (see just befow) event id 14 = holiday 0 event id 15 = holiday 301 (was correct) event id 62 = holiday 376 I really don't see the...
  11. Stiga

    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    Lot's of work recently but a few more to add to above. I'll update the main list later with these 3 UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel =255 WHERE name like '%(test)%'; UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel =255 WHERE name like '%monster -%'; UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel =255...
  12. Stiga

    [VIP 6.3] Culling of Sratholme

    This will remove the additional crate request. Note: You still need to reveal the crates 5/5 so that the quest giver appears later along the road. UPDATE quest_template SET RequiredNpcOrGo1 = 0 WHERE id=13149; -- value was 30996 UPDATE...
  13. Stiga

    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    I have used the SQL file attached earlier and added a few more (still not 100% but I like to double check before changing things so it's slow going) Work in progress !!! (All the attached SQL file entries in previous file are also included below with my other corrections) UPDATE Item_template...
  14. Stiga

    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    Good work-a-round. I had done the following (not finished all yet) to put all QA Test and other such gear at 255. However I hadn't noticed that the AH setting. Really good idea! Thanks! UPDATE Item_template SET RequiredLevel = 255 WHERE Name LIKE '%QA Test%'; UPDATE Item_template SET...
  15. Stiga

    v13.1 Shattered Halls > Quest NPC 54931

    Quick fix for to correctly end quests INSERT INTO creature_questender VALUES (54931, 29655), -- (54931, 29653); --
  16. Stiga

    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    Hi, In the worldserver conf file for the Auction House there is this configuration: AuctionHouseBot.DisabledItems = " " While not wanting to remove certain items from the database I would like to make them unavailable to the AH (QA Test equipment for example) However this is quite an...