Search results

  1. Stiga

    VIP - Version 18 | Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack Blizzlike Version - Blackrock Depths min level fix

    Blackrock depths min level is 42 (server was set at 50) REPLACE INTO `access_requirement` (`mapId`, `difficulty`, `level_min`, `level_max`, `item_level`, `item`, `item2`, `quest_done_A`, `quest_done_H`, `completed_achievement`, `quest_failed_text`, `comment`) VALUES (230, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0...
  2. Stiga

    VIP - Version 18 | Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack Blizzlike Version - Razorfen Downs > Belnistraszs Brazier & Glutton - Spawn Fix

    Two missing spawns from Razorfen Downs -- SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var FROM creature; INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`...
  3. Stiga

    VIP - Version 18 | Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack Blizzlike Version - Stratholme Service Entry Dungeon > Graveyard Fix

    Hi All, Back after a long break due to moving home and a new addition to the family. Stratholme Service Entry (EAST) > Bug when dead. There is no linked graveyard so teleported to first (playing horde) which is The Crossroads Barrens Stratholme East is 5917. There is an entry 5916 which maybe...
  4. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Silverpine Forest)

    Quest & Spawns for quest There are sea dog crates (gameobjects) spawned but the quest according to the DB info and wowhead requires a npc Orc Crate. Therefore modified the faction and spawned 5 crates. Tested & working fine. Just seems strange...
  5. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Eastern Plaguelands EPL)

    quests -- missing npc (pc will rephase later but not spawned in first phase) -- missing npc...
  6. Stiga

    V14 World Server Crash

    I deleted the character in question and used a backup restoration from a previous week so a little loss of progress. Problem solved. Thx for the return.
  7. Stiga

    V14 Valor and Justice Quartermasters Inventory Update (T11 now as well)

    A great piece of work even more so if you take into account the task required. Well done ! :)
  8. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Crusader Square Dungeon)

    Missing spawns missing npc missing npc missing npc missing npc Unneeded spawn...
  9. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Western Plaguelands WPL)

    Not working yet as the smart script fix for some reason is not working - posting to see if better/cleverer people can spot the problem and fix it. I posted a temp work-a-round solution below Quest *** NOT WORKING fix for the moment *** -- no...
  10. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Tirisfal Glades)

    Quests -- missing npcs -- -- missing npcs -- -- --
  11. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Deepholm)

    Modified. Thx. Typo error :)
  12. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Deepholm)

    Quests quest missing npcs -- missing npc -- missing npc -- quest...
  13. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Mount Hyjal) *** work in progress 07/07/2021 ***

    Quest -- quest loot missing from Not important as armor items are also on the ground. --...
  14. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Twilight Highlands)

    I'm playing questing etc. and then when I encounter something I check and try to rectify it. Apart from spawns most changes are done via HeidiSQL and even with spawns I then use HeidiSQL to export the SQL code. Apart from that, I use wowhead as reference and my own memeory from the official (I...
  15. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Twilight Highlands)

    Missing NPC spawn -- missing npc (not necessary for quest as you can fly directly, but npc missing nevertheless) -- -- missing npc (not necessary for quest but missing nevertheless) SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var FROM creature...
  16. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Underbog)

    Corrected. Small typo DSELECT instead of SELECT. You may want to delete the new spawns (highest GUID, map 564) from the creature table before re-runnning or you'll have doubles.
  17. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Underbog)

    Quest: (missing npc & event Claw not working) -- (missing npc & event Claw not working) -- (missing spawn) SELECT...
  18. Stiga

    Minor Fixes v14 (Uldum)- work in progress as questing this zone currently - updated 06/03/2021 -- switch incorrect npc hidden markers for quest Quest worked before just that the markers were reversed. -- -- switch incorrect npc hidden markers for quest UPDATE creature...
  19. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Abyssal Depths)

    Well done by connecting. You can just select the world database (make a copy first as suggested above just in case) and copy paste the code above into a querie (tab marked query) and run it. (Run button is the blue arrow). As you can see I have some backup DBs. Simplistic guide but I'm sure...
  20. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Abyssal Depths)

    A lot of these are not fixes, just work-a-rounds so players can advance as closely as possible to the original (quests etc) while real fixes are found and tested. As for applying the fixes look for the guides and help here in the forum. I'm sure there are some posts on how to run SQL queries...