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  1. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Simmering Expanse)

    Please note I did this on a horde character and I hope that in certain quests the phasing mask is ok for the alliance. I will test later with an alliance character but long quest chain before. Missing creature spawns:- Info Format: NPC / related quest...
  2. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Abyssal Depths)

    NPC spawns -- -- missing npcs -- -- missing npc for SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var...
  3. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Darkmoon Fair) > Updated 26/05/2021

    Missing NPC Darkmoon Fair > Mola npc whack-a-mole event -- missing npc whack-a-mole event SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var FROM creature; INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`...
  4. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Tol Barad)

    Missing gameojects for daily quests (this was the same on V13.1 and therefore same fix) -- -- SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var FROM...
  5. Stiga

    V14 World Server Crash

    Gettting a server crash on ONLY one character at login. The character enters the game but server crashes immediately. All other characters on that account are fine. All other accounts & cheracters are also ok. I quickly removed all auras on the character and summoned the charcter to another...
  6. Stiga

    V14 Warmaster Blackhorn Encounter (Dragon Soul)

    Update: I tested this again on 25 heroic. Same issue. Was working fine in V13.1 on both 25m& 10m normal & hc
  7. Stiga

    V14 Escape from Durnholde Dungeon (normal) Boss 2

    Issue after escaping with prison Thrall the ecounter with the doesn't happen. The Captain appears, but nothing further happens until he then disapeears. Thrall remains rooted to spot after that. This was the same issue on Durnholde (Old...
  8. Stiga

    V14 Warmaster Blackhorn Encounter (Dragon Soul)

    Issue: Impossible to start the Warmaster Blackhorn Encounter:- Tested on 25man normal (horde) Result: Speaking to Captain Swayez just reuslts in a TP to his position. There is no "Brings us in closer" just some text "....horde" which when selected will just perform the formetioned teleport. I...
  9. Stiga

    V14 Starting XP Rate

    Would be nice to have this at 1 by default and then let players use the NPC if they wish. For example I've restricted to x1 or x2 but new players are at x10 and will remain like that unless I run my work-a-round or they visit the NPC (unlikely)
  10. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Dragon Soul)

    Edit: Found a couple more incorrect hostile & freindly mobs. Updated SQL in the first post.
  11. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Service Gate)

    You really don't have to worry about that. I fully understand the necessity to ensure best practices & methods but to also to work on continuous improvement. That includes myself on all levels. Professional, personal & hobbies (like wow). Luckily I'm like most open-minded people. They can usualy...
  12. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Elwynn Forest - Darkmoon Fair Camp)

    Not really. Had done this in V13.1...this roll = copy/paste :)
  13. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Elwynn Forest - Darkmoon Fair Camp)

    Issue:- Missing camp just south of Goldshire (same issue on v13.1) Note: Mulgore camp is spawned. Spawned npcs, gameobjects (gates, wagons, tents etc) and the portal. Please note that the exact layout of the camp is not exactly like Blizz, I don't have the time to do it exactly, but it looks...
  14. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Service Gate)

    :) I always do usually. You were right to point it out on the BH fix. I reposted a variation there.
  15. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Service Gate)

    This problem existed on V13.1, so re-applied the same fix (little work-a-round) Issues: Two last ziggernaut doors remain closed. The event before with the ramstein clone mobs doesn't open the door for Ramstein and killing Ramstein doesn't open the last door to Baron Rivendare No...
  16. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    Luckily no. I checked beforehand ofc. Nevertheless, I totally agree with your points. I normally use the best practice that you stated above for the same reasons you stated.
  17. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    I totally agree with your point above, but I wanted a GUID in the same group range for the others in that instance and that one was not used. Even though I know it's not necessary, I just like to keep things grouped. Personal choice.
  18. Stiga

    Minor fixes for v14 05.04.2021

    Good work !
  19. Stiga

    V14 Starting XP Rate

    Despite having the following configuration all new characters (and intial migrated chracters) are starting at x10 xp rate. The Rate changer NPC is working ok (I restricted to x1 and x2) but the above is occuring. WorldServer.conf # # Rate.XP.Kill # Rate.XP.Quest # Rate.XP.Explore #...
  20. Stiga

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    Diverse issues with boss spawn ,loot etc. in Baradin Hold Occu'thar 52363 / 54229 spawn had spawn 62363 which is an instant kill and no loot template. Alizabal 55869 (other versions 57270 have no loot template or AIscript) had spawn 65869 which is an instant kill, no AIscript and no loot...