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  1. orangefire

    Escape From Durnholde Keep Fix

    Hello! Escape From Durnholde Keep/Old Hillsbrad Foothills doesn't seem to work, as none of the bosses will become hostile. I'm not sure how to fix the scripting on this, but I was able to make all of the bosses hostile immediately. It's not a perfect fix obviously, but I was able to complete...
  2. orangefire

    V14 Solo/Fun Bugged Quest Shattrath City

    I have no idea how to script something like this, but I was able to make it auto-complete at least. UPDATE quest_template SET SpecialFlags=0 WHERE ID=10211; -- Sets the "City of Light" quest to auto-complete.
  3. orangefire

    Burning Crusade Dungeons Mob Level Fix (Updated 9/10/2021)

    No problem! Shaffar's summons should have been in the fixes already, as Ethereal Apprentices and Ethereal Beacons. I just took a look at the Unliving mobs in Auchenai crypts and they did also have the level issue. I added a fix for those to the original post as well. Thanks for letting me know...
  4. orangefire

    Burning Crusade Dungeons Mob Level Fix (Updated 9/10/2021)

    Hello! Having gotten some stuff setup the way I wanted it, I decided to finally try actually leveling a character in Outlands and figured I'd actually run a dungeon, starting at the beginning with Hellfire Ramparts. Well, that all went well until I met a level 66 and a mob with a skull as its...
  5. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  6. orangefire

    The Nexus - Crystalline Frayers V14

    I haven't run Nexus on this server yet, and it's been a little while since I've run it at all, but I don't remember being given drakes anywhere in that dungeon. I do remember being given Drakes in Oculus, the other dungeon in the same area. Could that be the one you're thinking of.
  7. orangefire

    Stat Type IDs for Items

    Hello! Sorry this isn't really a guide per se. There wasn't a "potentially helpful information" subform anywhere that I could find so this seemed like the closest match. I did a bit of testing and put together a list of stats corresponding to their stat values. These are the numbers placed in...
  8. orangefire

    4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

  9. orangefire

    Changing Spells on Mobs

    I may have figured this out. It seems like spellcasting is handled in the smart_scripts section of the database? I still need to actually try some stuff and see if it works though, feel free to let me know if I'm on the wrong track. Edit: Well, dungeon mobs seem to not be doing what I want them...
  10. orangefire


    I'm not an expert, but I'd maybe try a different client. It could be a version issue with the one you're using so might be worth a try at least.
  11. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  12. orangefire

    Changing Spells on Mobs

    Hello! I set up the 4.3.4 repack and have been getting into editing the database and such. I've been able to figure out most of it on my own. I can't, however, seem to figure out how to switch what spells a creature uses. There's an entry under creatures to assign spells, in theory at least...
  13. orangefire

    V14 Strange Behavior From Lady Naz'jar and Throne of the Tides

    [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Tides, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Lady Naz'Jar, NPC and Throne of the Tides, Dungeon [Problem Description] During the second Waterspout phase, the two of Lady Naz'jar's minions that I was not actively attacking, including the Honor Guard I CCed...
  14. orangefire

    V14 Grim Batol Breaking the Game

    Awesome! Thank you!
  15. orangefire

    V14 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    [Location, Faction, Race] The Deadmines, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Cookie, NPC [Problem Description] When entering Cookie's room, Cookie becomes active for a very brief moment, taking his intended appearance and becoming attackable. He then reverts back to his state in the room...
  16. orangefire

    V14 Throne of the Tides Normal Overtuned Mobs

    [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Tides, Alliance Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Several Enemies, NPC [Problem Description] This dungeon on normal difficulty was significantly more difficult than it is supposed to be. Many, though not all, of the mobs were level 85 with significantly higher...
  17. orangefire

    V14 Grim Batol Dragons Inactive

    [Location, Faction, Race] Grim Batol, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Battered Red Dragon, NPC and Hooked Net, NPC [Problem Description] The Battered Red Drakes and Hooked Nets were unable to be targeted, and the nets did not take damage even from AoE effects such as Consecration. This...