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  1. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  2. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  3. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  4. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  5. orangefire

    Heroic Shadowfang Keep Frantic Geist Fix

    So, I noticed in heroic Shadowfang Keep, the Frantic Geists don't actually attack the player, and are not attackable. They just run around, well, frantically. It's a pretty insignificant bug, but also seemed like it'd likely be an easy fix so I went in and took a look at them. Turned out they...
  6. orangefire

    Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Crashes Server

    [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Four Winds, Alliance and Horde, seen on Blood Elf Death Knight, Worgen Druid, Blood Elf Rogue [Name, Type] Al'Akir, Boss Scripting [Problem Description] After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% Health he breaks the platform and gives players flight, which seems to...
  7. orangefire

    Icecrown Citadel Lich King Intro Resets

    [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] The Lich King, Boss Scripting [Problem Description] Currently the Lich King encounter in Icecrown Citadel is inaccessible entirely, due to other bugs within the raid, however if his throne is successfully reached...
  8. orangefire

    Icecrown Citadel Sindragosa Always Evades

    [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Sindragosa, Boss Scripting [Problem Description] After Sindragosa flies to the platform and becomes attackable, she will continue to evade (reset) when attacked and become stuck in a never ending loot and saying...
  9. orangefire

    Icecrown Citadel Blood Prince Council Unlootable

    [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Blood Prince Council, loot [Problem Description] After defeating the Blood Prince Council in Icecrown Citadel, Valanaar will show as lootable, however attempting to interact with him does nothing, and will not...
  10. orangefire

    The Eye Kael'Thas Sunstrider Scripting Delayed

    [Location, Faction, Race] The Eye/Tempest Keep, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Kael'Thas Sunstrider, Boss Scripting [Problem Description] Kael'Thas Sunstrider's scripting has a long delay after the second round of fighting the advisors. He will take several minutes before attacking the...
  11. orangefire

    V12 Exit/enter dungeon

    For entering, I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I've sometimes noticed it won't allow manual queueing for Zul'Gurub or End Time, though can still get them in random queues. It also won't let me enter Hour of Twilight dungeons from the dungeon finder, random or otherwise, without the...
  12. orangefire

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    I figured something out and thought I'd post this here in case it helps anyone else. This patch will by default show as a weird, confusing mess of files if you open it with an mpq editor, which is typically seen with patches that don't have a listfile in them. The patch does however contain a...
  13. orangefire

    Well of eternity: Azshara fight

    This is accurate, though a pain for solo. She has two mind control abilities, one group wide and interruptable, one single target which cannot be interrupted. With a five player group, you get a hand which has to be destroyed to free the victim. Naturally for solo this doesn't work well. I did...
  14. orangefire

    Hellfire Ramparts | Loot |

    I've encountered this bug as well, not 100% sure it's the same issue but I'm guessing it is. From the testing I've done, the issue occurs when Vazruden the Herald (ID 17307) is killed, rather than the bosses, Vazruden and Nazan. This is most likely to occur from a different bug, in which, when...
  15. orangefire

    Creatures of the Eco-Dome Fix

    Hello everyone! This is just a fix for the quest in Netherstorm "Creatures of the Eco-Dome". I originally planned to post a couple fixes here but unfortunately I couldn't figure out why my other one wasn't working. The quest will be a bit easier than the actual game as you can tag them multiple...
  16. orangefire

    V14 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    Can confirm, still happened for me as well.
  17. orangefire

    Emerald Dream map development for Cataclysm 4.3.4

    This looks really nice! I've been encountering a strange issue with this patch, when loading some areas, the client will stop loading usually near the end of the loading bar, with some variance. After that it won't load, and I can only close the client via the task manager. I haven't tested...
  18. orangefire

    Deathwing Boss Fights Give No On-Kill Currency

    This seems to be mostly fixed in V15. Spine of Deathwing and Madness of Deathwing both seem to be giving 115 Valor Points instead of the intended 120 and Spine gives a Mote of Darkness rather than Essence of Corrupted Deathwing, which it is supposed to give from what I have read. Madness gives...
  19. orangefire

    Throne of the Tides | Missing Loot

    Ozumat is supposed to give loot via spawning a chest. Is the chest not spawning for you? I've had some issues with getting stuck in combat but have always seen the chest spawn as of V15. Edit: After posting this, the chest now did not spawn for me, at least in my run of heroic on this dungeon...
  20. orangefire

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Definitely would not expect a custom patch. I tinker with a lot of stuff and the creative element is the main draw of private servers for me, so I'm bound to end up having to deal with some conflicts. The bug isn't effecting any of the characters I play and no one else has the bug, so that's...