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  1. orangefire

    Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Crashes Server

    I had been encountering it reliably with both solo and as a group when non-GM characters are present in V15. I have so far only tested as a group in V16, however I am happy to test solo again as well if it would help. The group consisted of two actual players, no bots. This is the message the...
  2. orangefire

    Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Crashes Server

    This crash seems to still be happening in V16.
  3. orangefire

    V15 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    Looks great! Thank you!
  4. orangefire

    V15 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    This is a repost of as that thread is in fixed but the issue is still present. Hopefully that is alright. [Location, Faction, Race] The Deadmines, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Cookie, NPC [Problem...
  5. orangefire

    V15 Random Dungeon Finder queue's wrong dungeons

    Encountering this as well. It also seems to do the opposite, putting me into lower level dungeons than it should that are often lower experience and worse gear than what I could be getting with a more level-appropriate dungeon.
  6. orangefire

    V15 CATA VIP WotLK Raids ignore player raid difficulty setting.

    I believe this is an issue I've reported as well, but don't mind seeing more attention put on it as it is probably at the top of my wishlist for getting a fix in the next version. I'm guessing that you enabled the config setting to allow entering a raid without needing a raid group. From my...
  7. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  8. orangefire

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    Glad I could help! Unfortunately it might be a tad more intricate than you're thinking, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it. - Download WDBX Editor here if you don't already have it. - Download Ladik's MPQ Editor here if you don't already have it. - Open up the patch, extract...
  9. orangefire

    V15 bug Spell Mage "Deep Freeze" 44572

    Can confirm, this issue is occurring for me as well.
  10. orangefire

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    I had a copy of these files on my computer from before the links went down. I offered them to Jivani but she didn't plan to use them again and told me I could post them if I wanted, so here you go.
  11. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  12. orangefire

    When did you start playing WoW?

    I started playing back in summer 2016, very late WoD era, when a friend of mine talked me into playing with him. I got to level cap and got a chance to do a little bit of Tanaan, then Legion pre-patch came out and I played quite a bit during Legion with a small group of four people that did...
  13. orangefire

    More Mob Level Fixes

    Hello! A while back I posted some fixes to mob levels in dungeons. I've caught a few more issues that I missed in my initial fixes as well as the same issue in Cataclysm dungeons. -- Hellfire Ramparts UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel=61 WHERE entry=17450; -- fixes Fiendish Hound level...
  14. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  15. orangefire

    V15 Helix Gearbreaker Reset Broken

    [Location, Faction, Race] Deadmines, Alliance, Draenei Paladin [Name, Type] Helix Gearbreaker, Boss Scripting [Problem Description] Helix Gearbreaker encounters several issues if he resets from all players dying or leaving the area while in the second phase, after the Lumbering Oaf is killed...
  16. orangefire

    V14 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    Would be great to see a fix for this for V16. :)
  17. orangefire

    Raid Difficulty Settings Do Not Work

    Hoping maybe this can get fixed with V16. The issue is definitely with the option to enable entering raids without a raid group. If you enter solo, it will put you in normal or the last raid difficulty you had entered, but ignores your actual raid difficulty settings.
  18. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  19. orangefire

    Count To 2.000

  20. orangefire

    Sinestra wasn't present in the repack, and I wanted her on normal difficulty anyways, so I made...

    Sinestra wasn't present in the repack, and I wanted her on normal difficulty anyways, so I made my own fight. I couldn't replicate the original mechanics exactly with just SmartAI so I did my own thing a bit.