Search results

  1. znzz

    Rendering Disabler for Wotlk 3.3.5 - Reduce CPU/Memory Usage

    This program will reduce your CPU/GPU usage and memory usage(if you enable memory reduction) by disabling ingamerendering aswell as loading of textures. This means that you will be unable to visually look at your game while this is active.UI rendering will not be disabled and you will be able to...
  2. znzz

    [EXPLOIT-HACK] Death Knight - Death Grip - Instant Kill - Fall Underground

    This is a very catchy hack/exploit that may be useful for a lot to kill their enemies: This one is for dk class only. Originally made for MOP/WoD. The dk spell "death grip" will be required to do this: Tutorial: 1. Download 2. start PandaWoW / Pandashan (32bit) 3. start the hack 4. Hit the...
  3. znzz

    [Clean WOTLK Repack] [TrinityCore Clean Base]

    I present Pure TC Repack. Latest Trinity Core Compile x64 3.5.5a (Will be creating a x86 version) Latest TDB (Trinity Database) 3.5.5a Clean and Organized Folder Structure Ease of Access Shortcuts to make things simple for newbies. Account Creator - Tool! DB Manager( NavicatPortable...
  4. znzz

    Legacy Servers - Nostalrius; "Blizzard is willing to meet us in their campus

    Officially posted on Nostalrius; The extremely popular closed wow server; https://(fb link removed to possible scam)NostalBegins/photos/a.371973522850450.76356.289363961111407/999841470063649/?type=3&theater "Blizzard is willing to meet us in their campus: an announcement is coming this weekend! We are very...
  5. znzz

    Server Hosting - Avoid DMCA

    Where do you host your private server? Are you worried about getting a DMCA report, and a shut-down by your host? Do you believe Russia is the safest country to host in? I'd like to know your opinion! :D
  6. znzz

    Legacy servers among World of Warcraft community

    Recently after Nostalrius decided to shut-down after receving a DMCA report from blizzard (or well their host did), they have decided to initiate an open letter addressed to Blizzard. As they said; "It won’t bring Nostalrius back, but it is a way to express ourselves as a community." It has over...
  7. znzz

    2.4.3 TBC Core - PvP Preferable - Mechanics - Commit log

    An official released version of CMangos with an active developer working. Currently TBC servers are being searched for, and a lot of interest in it from the players and the developers/server owners who search for a source. This may be a good one to choose, or atleast base some fixes from...
  8. znzz

    EmuCoach - Save my data from V3 to V4

    Hi there guys, I'm looking forward to V4 with EmuCoach Repack, and I was wondering if it's possible to save my accounts, characters etc but still get the fixes from V4? Thank you very much :)
  9. znzz

    WinZip - Free - Cracked

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone knew a PROPER link for a free pro version of winzip or winrar? I'm worried of getting spam into my PC by downloading random ones. Thank you very much. I'd prefer Winzip cracked and free but WinRar would also be just fine! Thank you very much.
  10. znzz

    Fraps - Cracked?

    Hey guys, I was wondering, do anyone have a cracked fraps version for free? They all seem to be bad or I am worried of getting some virus if I download from random sites. I would appreciate a link here for fraps so that I could start recording different wow movies, and what else. I honestly...
  11. znzz

    WoD - Do you like it? - Yes or No? (POLL)

    Hey guys, I just came curious on this question; Do you like WoD more than MoP etc, has blizzard done a good job, or has it become even worse, or as boring? Vote now, and eventually reply for a description! :D
  12. znzz

    Which server are you currently playing on?

    Hey everyone, just thought this thread would be interesting for the people looking for a server, or in general just hear which servers people play on these days. So which server(s) are you playing on? I'm currently playing on WoWCircle, Warmane & some newer servers as well, when I get tired...