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  1. znzz

    [Emucoach Repack] How to change Ingame Announcement / Autobroadcast text

    This guide will explain how to change the announcement on the Emucoach 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack / the autobroadcast text if you'd like to edit it for your own server. 1) Open the database (Use a DB editor/client as HeidiSQL/Navicat/SQLYog) 2) Locate the auth database: - emucoach_auth (or...
  2. znzz

    [Any Expansion] - How to change Starting Money / Increase gold to players at start

    Simple but hopefully useful tutorials to contribute to people! The tutorial shows how to change the amount of gold/money when you create a character. Works on repacks as well, including Emucoach repack. 1) Head into your release folder (where you have your worldserver, authserver, and vmaps...
  3. znzz

    [Any Expansion] - How to change Start Player Level - Wotlk, Cataclysm, MOP - instant

    Simple but hopefully useful tutorials to contribute to people! The tutorial shows how to change starting level when you create a character. Works on repacks as well, including Emucoach repack. 1) Head into your release folder (where you have your worldserver, authserver, and vmaps etc) 2)...
  4. znzz

    Best Cataclysm Server?

    Hello. I am curious what you think is the best Cataclysm server available in the wow private server scene? I know there are monster wow providing a Cataclysm wow server and they claim to be the best cataclysm server , but are there any others that people can recommend? Population for the...
  5. znzz

    Emucoach 5.4.8 MOP Repack?

    Dear guys on Emucoach. Is there any ETA on the Emucoach 5.4.8 / 5.4.7 MOP repack ? Maybe just a calculated ETA, month eg few months or 1 month etc. Thanks :)
  6. znzz

    [GET REAL GAINS - Instagram]- Boost your Instagram Activity! Instagram Stats

    This is a quite large, detailed and well produced tutorial on how to make your Instagram grow, with or without investment. It will boost your instagram likes, instagram profile, instagram followers, instagram comments etc. Boosting. Download the instagram boosting below: Hidden content
  7. znzz

    Snapchat - How to boost your snapchat score - Make your Snapchat Score Explode!

    A guide on how to boost your snapchat score & make your snapchat score explode. iOS Only This is a very simple method to follow and essentially autopilot. Do not hesitate to hop on this before it's too late! Tutorial on boosting Snapchat Score: Hidden content
  8. znzz

    [GUIDE] iOS - How to get free Spotify Premium

    Recently one of my friends showed me this method. I thought why not sharing it with you guys. This is a guide where I want to share a method that makes you available to listen to Spotify (Premium) without any advertisement. Read the guide below to get free spotify premium for IOS, Iphone...
  9. znzz

    Getting Verified on PayPal - How to get verified on Paypal- Verify PayPal fast

    Getting Verified on PayPal First off: Thank you very much for purchasing this method. It should only take you two business days to go ahead and get verified. Requirements to get verified on PayPal: 1. US Citizen with social security number that is 18 years old or older. 2. Address for...
  10. znzz

    How to get free starbucks [working june 2017]

    Download the app on iPhone or Android Make an account and follow the tutorial to get free starbucks: Hidden content - Starbucks
  11. znzz

    [Get FREE] LifeTime VPN 50GB/Month 8 Countries

    No credit card, PayPal or phone verification needed! 1. Go to this link and select Use for Free: 2. Register by selecting "Use for Free" option and click the "Have a voucher?" button and enter this code to get 50GB instead of 10GB: 50GBFREE 3. Create the...
  12. znzz

    Free Spotify Premium Method - Spotify Premium Free - Get Spotify Premium Free

    Free Spotify Premium Method - Spotify Premium Free - Get Spotify Premium Free This is a method on how to get a free spotify premium, a spotify premium method. You will need either a PayPal or BTC/Coinizy account. Free Method. (Paypal): NOTE: You might need a small Paypal Balance for this to...
  13. znzz

    Seo tools & programs [free]

    This is a list of some free SEO tools and programs that might come handy. Let me know if I'm missing something. All in One SEO Pack An alternative to the Yoast SEO plugin. The All In One SEO Pack has a few unique features that make it different...
  14. znzz

    Guide to Marketing & Growing a Successful MMO Private Server Project

    A thread with tips on how to grow your mmo private server (wow, runescape etc) Point 1. The game. The best way to create a cool game is to get on other servers, walk around, play a bit - and figure what was your type of game... What would you want to have changed, if you had chance. There is no...
  15. znzz

    Host your server for free! (Google Cloud)

    This will show you how to obtain a free google cloud server. Google has a free trial of their Google Cloud servers. You need a credit card to sign up though. Once the free trial runs out (you get 2 months), you can just make a new account and repeat. 1. Navigate to...
  16. znzz

    TrinityCore - Spellworker (Display information about spells)

    SpellWork is a tool to browse and display information about World of Wacraft spells. It is implemented in .NET and it runs on Windows and Linux (with Mono). It is created by the TrinityCore developers, so all credits to them. I'm just sharing their awesome tool. It is available for all patches...
  17. znzz

    STOCK RELEASE - CMaNGOS 4.3.4 (x86) - Database - Files included

    This is a stock release including a compiled CMaNGOS 4.3.4 cataclysm server. All of the installation info is included in the file and I made it as simple as possible. CMaNGOS 4.3.4 cataclysm (x86)!jUMnSL4b!Mu0hoqdBexVw9uhQQZOJa229Dlu6mPVblmKjZuCMXAg Thanks to Radimus for the...
  18. znzz

    Some basic information about making a private WOW server

    Some basic information about making a private WOW server If you are annoyed by the website design, you can find this same page here (in black and white). It's also mobile-friendly. You don’t need advanced knowledge to create a working server. In fact, you can even be a complete incompetent and...
  19. znzz

    Top 3 best WoW private server of 2016 - Handpicked

    Find the top 3 best WoW private server of 2016 for you! Top 1 on our list top 3 best Wow private server is Heroes-Wow server. Heroes WoW is a quality server utilizing talented developers and resources to ensure the best fun experience around. Our team is a dedicated team that professionally...
  20. znzz

    SEO - Basics and Importance - Empire - Google - Ranking - Thoughts of SEO

    SEO - Basics and Importance - Empire - Google - Ranking - Thoughts of SEO In this tutorial i will teach you some important aspects of SEO. It will be really helpful for everyone and i hope you learn from it Primitive Steps Before selecting a domain, you need to be clear with the idea of what...