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  1. znzz

    [TUTORIAL] SEO | Traffic Tips | Back Link Tips | GOOGLE

    [TUTORIAL] SEO | Traffic Tips | Back Link Tips | GOOGLE Step 1 - Choosing Your Domain When it comes to choosing your domain this plays is a very important part in ensuring your going to have proper SEO down the road. The first thing I am going to recommend is that you choose a domain with a...
  2. znzz

    SEO - 9 Great SEO tips for 2016 - Get higher up in google

    SEO - 9 Great SEO tips for 2016 - Get higher up in google 1. Use long search terms Longer search terms will get higher positions. These search terms are more targeted, convert better and have less competition. 70% of the Google searches are longtail search terms. This means that only 30% of the...
  3. znzz

    SEO - Tips to reach the first page in the search engine GOOGLE

    SEO - Tips to reach the first page in the search engine GOOGLE Organic SEO this is not an easy job You need a lot of patience I will give a few tips that will make your site be promoted better 1. If your content does not change frequently, it is advisable that you add to a blog site. Adding...
  4. znzz

    SEO - Increase Site Loading Speeds

    Hey guys, while looking up methods on how to increase TTFB and such, I found a pretty simple quick method. Now, a lot of you may already know about using CDNs, this is more for people beginning in SEO. 1) you have to sign up for CloudFlare, which you can do for free or pay for it depending on...
  5. znzz

    List of HIGH PR SEO/SMO Websites [100% Working] - SEO Backlinks - SEO Information

    List of HIGH PR SEO/SMO Websites [100% Working] - SEO Backlinks - SEO Information How do Backlinks Help in SEO? If you've ever read anything about SEO, you've come across the term "Backlink" at least once. For those, who are new to SEO, you may be wondering, what a backlink is?, and why they...
  6. znzz

    Get Viral on Facebook - The Easiest Way

    The Easiest Method Ever to get traffic to your website or blog for Free I will be sharing the easiest way to promote your product, service, website or blog Steps to follow: 1. Login to Facebook > Search Box (See Screenshot) 2. Type the niche of your product or service, Like I have searched for...
  7. znzz

    SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Build .edu backlink (SEO ranking)

    SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Build .edu backlink (SEO ranking) .Edu backlinks plays a huge role regarding your website ranking / website SEO, so this might be very handy for you: Alright before anything to to this link and read the policies:
  8. znzz

    World of Warcraft - Profession Guide - What you need to know.

    If your other characters are rich then go ahead and level a crafting profession. If you’re poor then you might want to stick with the gathering professions for awhile. You can earn gold with the crafting professions, but it takes some work and you need to keep an eye on the Auction House. Tycoon...
  9. znzz

    World of Warcraft - Honorbuddy - 4.3.4 Cataclysm - WoW Private Server Bot - WoW Bot

    --Edited by Iroflu-- This post used screenshots, and the same url download from this post: Due to me, Iroflu, not knowing the origin of the download links or the screenshots, znzz is only getting an infraction from this event...
  10. znzz

    World of Warcraft - Script to Announce Logins and Logouts for Eluna

    World of Warcraft - Script to Announce Logins and Logouts for Eluna Because so many people have requested a script to announce logins and logouts over the years, and due to a lack of simple scripts that I could find, I've written up a very simple script that announces whenever a player logs on...
  11. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Set Creatures to Wander Randomly

    World of Warcraft - How to Set Creatures to Wander Randomly Notes: There are four fields in the creature table of the world database that we will be dealing with. The fields are as follows. spawndist - The distance, in yards, in which a creature can wander from it's spawn point. MovementType...
  12. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Change the Login and Character Creation Screens

    World of Warcraft - How to Change the Login and Character Creation Screens The first question that you should ask yourself is "Which screen do I want to change, and to what do I want to change it to?". Pick out something and then refer to the bullet-points below to figure out where the files...
  13. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Setup Waypoints for an NPC

    There are a number of waypoint-related commands and you may be wondering what they're all for even if we won't be using them in this tutorial. The commands are as follows. .wp add ID - This command adds a new waypoint record to the database using the specified ID. It is recommended that you use...
  14. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Remove Duplicate Gameobjects from the Database

    World of Warcraft - How to Remove Duplicate Gameobjects from the Database Simply execute the set of queries below as many times as you want and for any objects, where two or more objects use the same displayId, all duplicate objects will be deleted and all reference to those objects in the...
  15. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Create New Factions

    World of Warcraft - How to Create New Factions There are a few things that you'll need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I'll...
  16. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Change Starting Equipment

    There are a few things that you'll need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I'll only be recommending the programs that work for...
  17. znzz

    World of Warcraft - How to Fix the Red Question Mark Error on Custom Items

    How to Fix the Red Question Mark Error on Custom Items: Although this issue has been discovered, discussed, and solved, there seems to only be one tutorial, on a certain site that cannot be linked to from here, which detailed a permanent fix to the old red question mark bug on custom items...
  18. znzz

    Trinitcore: C++ Fixing stackable item container bug

    Trinitcore: C++ Fixing stackable item container bug The bug: Well basically if you have an item container such as a box of supplies or any other stackable item container for that matter, and you edit your database to make it stackable, a bug occurs. For the sake of the guide i will be calling...
  19. znzz

    World of Warcraft Gold Guide - How to AOE farm as Mage - TBC, Wotlk, Cataclysm, MOP

    World of Warcraft Gold Guide - How to AOE farm as Mage - TBC, Wotlk, Cataclysm, MOP Mage AOE Talent Spec Talent Calculator - AoWoW - World of Warcraft Database Simple guide on farming DME as a Mage So, as a mage – Using AOE is great for leveling ( if...
  20. znzz

    [Tool] Ferib - Ferib's Pumpkin Tool, Tool to increas you'r fun in WoW, Free!

    Download link 1 / 53 2016-02-02 17:23:06 UTC The featurs are: • Drop teleport - Teleport you a down, used to combinate. • Toy Box - Allows you to use high level toys*. • GPS - A little tooltip in the uper left corner shows your XYZ coords. • Up teleport - Teleporting up, used in a video, not...