Search results

  1. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Appreciate the kind words :) Please do! We are more than thrilled to see your arrival :)
  2. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Experience a brand new World of Warcraft Private Server unlike anything we have seen before! <Fullscreen-Version of the Thread Design> World of Warcraft Path of Classic. What is it exactly? We utilize the new spells, abilities, talent system and all of the glorious features Legion has to...
  3. OMGhixD

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Probably the best Cataclysm Repack that has existed for years. Hands down to you guys. You guys are truly amazing <3
  4. OMGhixD

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    So in its entirety. Its the same fork but the one you guys work on have about 132 more commits.
  5. OMGhixD

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Now now, Theres no need to get outoff hand and start calling people names. If this repack of yours is nothing like the source VarjGard posted then i suppose a commit log would prove wether it is or not?
  6. OMGhixD

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    I don't doubt that. But this isn't an official release from the creators of Honorbuddy and this has been modified for local supportance. Thus it seems only right to me to call it Un-Official? Dont get me wrong. it is still a great release.
  7. OMGhixD

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Interesting! I loved honorbuddy when it first came out. Glad to see that theres a un-official version which works just as good as the one you could buy back in the day =)
  8. OMGhixD

    Count to 1000...

  9. OMGhixD

    Count to 1000...

  10. OMGhixD

    Selling Game Launcher

    Best of luck, Looks amazing!
  11. OMGhixD

    FusionGEN, Continuation Open-Source Project of FusionCMS.

    Click the thread design to access our Discord Server or use the link below Commits Page Current Features are in the works of being implemented - Forum Bridging Notable Matters - All FusionCMS Themes and Modules are Compatible - Works with PHP 7+ - No Recorded...
  12. OMGhixD

    [] 7.3.5 Looking for Developers and Quality Assurance Candidates

    Any questions? Feel free to ask down below! Regards OMGhixD
  13. OMGhixD

    Cruel-WoW | Instant 80 PvP| Testers Recruitment (Potentially Paid)

    > Discord Invitiation Link < > Website < > Forum <
  14. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] - [Cataclysm] Maelstrom Blizzlike x7 | Cruel-WoW

    -Free Heirlooms at start aswell- Register Here Visit Website Here Visit Forums Here Join our Discord Server Here
  15. OMGhixD

    Cruel-WoW Hiring Staff

    Website Forums Application Section Discord Thank you for reading and good luck to all applicants!
  16. OMGhixD

    AreaTable.dbc Values. (Sanctuary, Duels and FFA)

    So i was looking for the DBC values for different purposes! and after trying about every value i could find in relation to what i needed them for. None of them really worked at all, But! i did end up finding 3 that does work and does fulfill the purpose of what i needed them for. Perhaps this...
  17. OMGhixD

    Cruel-WoW - Staff Recruitment - Developers & Gamemasters

    - Website - - Forum - - Application Format - Forum - Gamemaster recruitment is well explained on the forum. Feel free to apply for this spot as well :)