Search results

  1. OMGhixD

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Interesting stuff! Thank you :)
  2. OMGhixD

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    First time i've seen people successfully do this. Well done! And thank you for the share
  3. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  4. OMGhixD

    StormGarde | Player Review | 8.3.7

    Appreciate the information update.
  5. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Service Gate)

    Awesome! I'm so happy you took my recommendation that well, many people would take it very aggressively :p My messages are never meant to be aggressive or anything alike. I just recommend, if one wants to do it or not. That is completely up to the individual. Regardless! You had a extremely...
  6. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Service Gate)

    Nice :) Thank you! Also glad to see that you are using the max+1 thing :D
  7. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    Good to know :)
  8. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    Just to point it out, my query was a tad incorrect (see my reply again for the corrected version) I get that you want to group it and all. But this is genuinly bad practice. Luckily 172154 does not exist in the creature table from before, so from what i can see it wont really cause any issues...
  9. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Baradin Hold)

    We might have some complications with that "insert into `creature`" query If i recall correctly, such a query like this will pull the MAX value within the table creature and ensure we dont get a "duplicate" notice whatsoever, regardless of whoms world DB this is ran on. Such a practice should...
  10. OMGhixD

    FusionGEN, Continuation Open-Source Project of FusionCMS.

    A minor announcement for the future plans of FusionGEN It is without doubt that SRP6 support is around the corner for most if not all Emulators. Thus to continue with our attempt to atleast TRY and be as modern as we can with the CMS. We will be concluding the support for the Master Branch...
  11. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes v14 (Dragon Soul)

    Wonderful work :) I have some pinpointers regarding the queries, but its not really a matter on queries that are to be ran once or not be handled by an auto-sql implementation system. Regardless, Thank you! :D
  12. OMGhixD

    [NEW] X-Treme Mists of Pandaria Repack!

    Would be nice if Source Code was released.
  13. OMGhixD

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Emucoachs Cataclysm Repack Project is better than anything on the world wide web. Definitely one of the most promising and long-term projects i've come across in my 10 year long emulation journey =)
  14. OMGhixD

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4

    What a nice release! Well done and thank you.
  15. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes for v14 05.04.2021

    Hey, your name is by default imprinted on that suggestion/kind-reply as well ;)
  16. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes for v14 05.04.2021

    Ohh woaw! Did not expect this much. You all and this community is truly wholesome <3
  17. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  18. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

    ◯—|◯◯◯—◯ —◯|◯◯◯—◯ —◯|◯◯—◯◯ I fancy the Soroban Abacus