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  1. OMGhixD

    Minor fixes for v14 05.04.2021

    This release is rather minor but i do hope it helps and that it is of quality enough to be added. These were a few minor things i noticed while i was setting up the core locally. I'll be committing more work by the time that passes by, should it be wanted of course :) This resolves the...
  2. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  3. OMGhixD

    Bacon or Sausage?

    A reply i very much agree with.
  4. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  5. OMGhixD

    Howdy, folks

    Definitely get the VIP or Donator Rank. Emucoach has been providing a steady amount of useful and important fixes for years. It is definitely worth supporting.
  6. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  7. OMGhixD

    Count To 2.000

  8. OMGhixD

    db additions for 13.1 vip

    My bad, i failed to read about "remove reduntant" part. Alltho i would recommend adding these values in the query when releasing it. Just because its good practice. It takes time but you ensure that it works every-time on everything and for everyone. I'm not bashing your release at all. It is...
  9. OMGhixD

    db additions for 13.1 vip

    Improved your SQL Query a bit. You see with the current way you are doing it. You are initially sending 880+ requests to your DB. Which can potentially be rather stressful and also take quite a lot of time to run. This was not done to just improve this, But to perhaps get a "good" practice...
  10. OMGhixD

    Heaven-WoW 3.3.5a Original Website

    Would be nice to have an upload where you didnt have to do a social share. I feel this is just a cheap way of getting more attention/publishment/advertised. And not really in a favorable way.
  11. OMGhixD

    FusionGEN, Continuation Open-Source Project of FusionCMS.

    CDN has been turned to FALSE as of commit (actually removed in a commit after this commit) Original Themes have been restored as of commit Updates and improvements will be done to the...
  12. OMGhixD

    FusionGEN, Continuation Open-Source Project of FusionCMS.

    Yes but the discord was recreated. Due to a high demand. Also updated the thread design and added a lot of changes
  13. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Path of Classic Beta is upon us! Journey back to the oldest time of Azeroth but experience history anew! Are you looking for something new and exciting to try out? Then World of Warcraft Path of Classic may just be the place for you! World of Warcraft Path of Classic is a Classic Server...
  14. OMGhixD

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Best of luck. Can definitely vouch for Darksider, he does some amazing work.
  15. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Direct Link to the News Article Champions of Azeroth! You know what time it is. Development Progression Allow me to start off this Devblog by letting you know of our current Development Progression. It has been a hefty 4 weeks of intense development, movement of the server to many different...
  16. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Hello Champions of Azeroth! for the past couple of days we the team of Path of Classic has been talking internally and we've decided to allow 2-4 People from the Community onto the <Beta> Firemaw Realm. You will not be on it as BETA Players. But instead you will be a part of our Quality...
  17. OMGhixD

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Bump! Don't miss out on the latest changes done to Path of Classic. Devblog #1 : Devblog #2 : Devblog #3 : Devblog #3 hold information related to many key changes for a successful Classic...
  18. OMGhixD

    JunkyBulgaria's 3.3.5a Blizzlike/FUN Repack /Newest/

    This repack was released in 2016. Keep your hopes high! It may only so happen that someone has it on their drive. But i wouldn't expect it.