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  1. P

    Bleefest CMS [2.0]

    Welcome guys! As I’ve said in the thread of my first CMS, I’m re-creating it! The proccess might be a bit slower now since I’m kind of busy with exams and some issues. But hey, this wont die, and even if it does I’ll release the code as it is. CMS structure: Admin Core (holds all the...
  2. P

    [VERSION 2.0] Fusion CMS Burning Theme converted to Azer CMS

    Hello guys, After two years of releasing the Burning theme designed by EvilSystem (that was originally created for Fusion CMS) that I converted to Azer CMS, I decided it was time to give it a update since my code was really bad back there (didn't even formatted the code correctly). The people...
  3. P

    [RELEASE] MYSQL to MYSQLI Converter

    Hello guys, here's another release: Today I'm giving you a MYSQL to MYSQLI converter. You can still find this tool online here, but you might want to apply some modifications to the source code so I'm sharing it here today :) Note that absolutely no security checks are performed by the tool...
  4. P

    [RELEASE] AzerCMS themes

    Hello EmuCoach! I was doing some clean up on my current disk and I came accross these AzerCMS Website themes, which some I made others I just found online on another forums and also here on EmuCoach. I do NOT intend to disrespect anyone while releasing this and if the creator of any of these...
  5. P

    [RELEASE] Bleefest CMS (Outdated)

    Hello guys, as I was searching for some stuff on my Hard Drive and I found my first CMS that I ever created. It has some features, but the code is bad and the security is not good. I'd use this as learning purposes only. Please don't use it to create your own server. Features: Login / Logout...
  6. P

    [PORTABLE] Photoshop CS6

    Hello guys, I'm here to give you Photoshop CS6 portable version. I've been using it and it's great :) Download link here. Have fun :)
  7. P

    Need help --> TrinityCore Compiling Error

    Having errors while compiling trinity 4.3.4 core: I'm using windows 10! IF you need any more info, let me know!
  8. P

    [MULTIPLE STUFF] Bleefest Shop

    Introduction Hello EmuCoach! As I got a new hard drive today, I was doing some clean up on my current disk and I came accross these Websites / Logos & thread designs that I made, but never gave any use to them. Some of them are modifications of Original files, while some I created from...