Search results

  1. P

    FusionGEN Mists of Pandaria theme

  2. P

    FusionGEN Mists of Pandaria theme

  3. P

    FusionGEN Mists of Pandaria theme

  4. P

    FusionGEN Mists of Pandaria theme

    Hello, I'm excited to offer this unique Mists of Pandaria theme for FusionGEN for sale. This is a one-of-a-kind, exclusive copy that will belong solely to the buyer. Once purchased, the theme is entirely yours to customize, modify, or use as you see fit. What's Included: Exclusive Ownership...
  5. P

    [3.3.5a] - AzerothCore: Registration Page

    Hi! This is a simple register page created for AzerothCore with user input validation and confirm password. It was created using PDO PHP and JavaScript (for input validation). Feel free to use it as you wish. You can find about the installation proccess in the readme file. Demo...
  6. P

    Looking to buy a Cataclysm 4.3.4 Core

  7. P

    Looking to buy a Cataclysm 4.3.4 Core

    I'm looking to buy a 4.3.4 source code. Source must be in decent working order. Please don't waste my time and don't try to sell me Preservation TrinityCore or something like that. Requirements: * The code must be written according to the basic standards of Trinity. * The core should be...
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    Class bugs

    Mage Dragon's Breath is also bugged.
  9. P

    Class bugs

    Rogue smoke bomb is bugged; Paladin aura mastery is bugged; Arms Warrior overpower scales a lot; Shaman lightning strike / lightning bolt low damage; Priest psychic horror doesn’t work.
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    Conquest Points bug - Version 17.1

    Could be caused by the world config setting to make characters born with level 85.
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    Conquest Points bug - Version 17.1

    I have sent you a full video on discord that shows exactly how to reproduce the issue. Please check it.
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    Version 17.1 - Tol Barad

    I'm using version 17.1. Have you modified anything on it that I need to re-download? Thanks.
  13. P


    Bump! Main thread has been updated!