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  1. P

    [ITEM - TRINKET BUGGED] - Vial of Shadows [V.17.1 - CATACLYSM]

    [Name, Type] Vial of Shadows Heroic (item id: 77999), Item [Problem Description] The proc of the item does not work, it does not trigger anything. [How it should work] When the porc is triggered, it should send aditional 5682 damage to aditional target. NOTE: Same happens with non heroic...
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    MySQL Version

    Please, consider updating MySQL version on next update. The current version is really old.
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    BUMP! Sirius WoW has received multiple updates :) Check our discord for more information! (Link in thread)
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    [GENERAL] - Battleground Conquest Wins - Cataclysm V17.1

    [Location, Faction, Race] Any race, any faction [Problem Description] The battleground conquest points gains are registered in the arena conquest points gains [How it should work] Battleground conquest points gain should be own rated battleground gain.
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    Hunter feign death - Version 17.1

    Issue: Spamming Feign Death with the mouse wheel does not show the cd What should happen: Couldown should be showed anyway Proof:
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    [HUNTER] Glyph of Kill Shot - Version 17.1

    Current behavior : Sometimes i can't use my kill shot 2 times. When my first kill show puts the target low, the 2nd is not usable. I think it's when with my first kill shot I manage to pass the target below 10% life that I can no longer use it a second time. How it should work : I should be...
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    Unable to see other player's spec - Version 17.1

    - Current behavior: Unable to see other players spec. (Yes, the character was using a spec). - How it should work: You should be able to see it when inspecting.
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    Conquest Points bug - Version 17.1

    As of version 17.1 conquest points are bugged. If you create a new character, on the first week your conquest points wont work properly. On the first week of the character existance, instead of getting 180 points for every win, you'll get a randomized number from 1 to 180. That number, will also...
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    SIRIUS WOW | INSTANT 85 | PVP SERVER JOIN US TODAY! Opening promotion: Every created character will start with 500 honor and 1350 conquest points! REGISTER HERE.
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    Version 17.1 - Tol Barad

    - Current behavior: - How it should work: - (Optional): Any additional resource (ie. videos/pictures)
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    Hunter losing pet after dying

    Bro, it's a bot chill xD
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    Hunter losing pet after dying

    bruh hahahahahah
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    Query to remove useless items from database

    This query will remove custom items from database which shouldn't really be created (custom gear). DELETE FROM item_template WHERE entry IN (999999, 93017, 93016, 93014, 93013, 93012, 93011, 93010, 93009, 93008, 93007, 93005, 93004, 93003, 93002, 93001, 93000, 100100, 17122, 19879, 27486...
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    Suggestions regarding bots on 4.3.4

    Hello, I have a few suggestions for bots on 4.3.4 expansion that I'd like to share with everyone. Arena Team Bots: 1. Instead of naming bots arena team as bot team ID, they could use regular team names; 2. Bots should match enemy team gear and not their rating. For example, if you go as full...
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    Dungeons / Raids Damage bugged

    - Current behavior: All bosses / mobs damage in all raids/dungeons is bugged. They can hit for more than 200k, easily. - How it should work: Bosses / mobs shouldn't be hitting this hard. - (Optional): Any additional resource (ie. videos/pictures) Already spoke with ExO about this, he has the...
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    Beware of scammer Splicho

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    [BLEEFEST CMS V2.0] - Selling

    WELCOME TO BLEEFEST CMS V2.0 SELLING THREAD Storyline: Bleefest CMS was started in the mid of 2016. Why? Because I honestly got tired of all the non-updated paid / free World of Warcraft CMS's. I was tired about the code not being updated, about it having multiple flaws and no one didn't seem...