exo, do you think there is not much to do in Cataclysm?
Mayyyybe I´ll take a look at the MoP repack, I´m not interested in that expansion and I don´t care for the lore, but for the gameplay and that got better in WoD and now in Legion. I´m really surprised that MoP beat Legion by a quite long shot, still can´t understand that.
From a personal point of view I think that the best option would be legion since Trinity itself is working for that version in that way a few years from now we would have a stable legion.
That's the point, a few years lol. I doubt people would want to wait a few years for a stable repack. Rather people would prefer to wait a few weeks/months for an repack that's far beyond more stable. And Trinity moves on to the next expansion once a new one comes out so they'll be discontinuing legion once BFA comes out meaning they won't be working on legion for a few years. Also from my point of view not many people prefer legion, although it has a pretty good single player, it's not that good and is missing a crap on stuff pertaining to scripts/systems
Ok.. next on the agenda? MINECRAFT! For some reason it seems like people are intensely addicted to "commodore 64 like" graphics?Ok... I will admitt I actually had 1 running on Hamachi, but I am a shadetree server runner. Forgot how I even got it working now. But it uses Javascript, and can be modded? lol
BTW... don't listen to me. I also had a eudemons server running. That game stinks even when you are the one running it!. lol :smirk:
Since MOP was the winner has a specific core been settled on as the base?
Hello. In my humble opinion, you should only take care of Mop at this point, since he won. There are a few good 3.3.5 repack and unfortunately there is no 5.x.x. Of course, I'm not saying that you will not make a better WOTLK, but we all know how much time it takes and hard work, I've been modding myself a bit of STALKER. So why distribute powerI play all repacks in order to see how WoW has changed. There is no good repacking of the MoP. I'm keeping my fingers. Best regards.
I would love to have a minecraft server up and running for EmuCoach, and even willing to pay for the server charges, but not enough people seemed interested in it. Even then, I understand it'd take time to get attention to it, but I also didn't have enough builders, staff to help set it up, etc. If I can get a few people to help build the world/maps (for free most likely, as I can really only afford the server, but would be awarded staff positions on said server), and maybe 1 other person to help manage the server, which would have to be someone I know enough/trust, so I likely already have someone for that if he's interested, then I'll look a lot more into it.
The biggest thing stopping me is the builders, and maybe a little bit more interest, and I'd absolutely love to start one up.
A core has been chosen, yes. It is a heavily modified core from the original choice, and it is being worked on. It's taking a while to get things set up, as the developers and ExO want a stable core with enough features that it's worth it.
EmuCoach will only be working on Cataclysm repack and MoP repack. The WotLK repack I posted was more so for convenience. If any work will be done to it at some point, it will be done by me, and I'm not really a developer so it wont slow down anything on the official development of the 4.3.4 and 5.4.8 repacks.
I have WOLK, BUT i WANT TO GET YOURS TO. (I want to try out JadaDevs gear maker for WOLK anyways! lol) The online one i used years back got shut down. tHE ONE I HAVE "WHEN I DIG IT UP HAS AN awesome gm iSLAND. iT IS A gm RUNNING A SERVERS PARADISE. wILL TRY FIND IT, BUT i LOST THE ORIGINAL "NEVER UNZIPPED" FILES. Sorry about the caps. I'll take pics of the GM Island if I find my old server. You might like it, and find a way to add it to your server. If you like it.
I actually had a minecraft server going free off hamachi a long time ago. those files were findable online, but i lost all that long ago. It an oddly addictive game. Truly? The whole square thing makes me think [Commodore 64] but it can be heavily modded to make almost anything you want in your world. That much I remember well. lol
Muchas grasias por tomarnos encuenta pero sin olvidar a cataclismo, mas me gustaria continuar con la historia y ese es MOP Mist of Pandaria