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[REPACK POLL] - Which PATCH? Need your VOTE!

What other patch should we provide fixes and repack releases for?

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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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:) I voted for legion, reasons below:
1- Client is easy to obtain, live server for sniffs, bigger audience.
2- Trinity master branch, solid foundation (mostly stable, though lacks proper scripting to make things work blizzlike).
AshamaneCore master branch, faster commits, even though db is a little behind, good foundation to start a project on as well.
3- Artifact weapons with 3rd slot unlock and skin unlock,this is the deal breaker and the WOW factor, either the hacky implementation or blizzlike implementaion (tons of work to do).

Thoughts on MoP route :
1- JadeCore is a solid foundation for MoP too.

Just some wild thoughts.


Some people dislike the newer expansions completely, even if they do have MoP content. Personally, MoP was my favorite expansion, and haven't quite enjoyed retail as much since. WoD garrisons kept me going for a bit as it was something new, but after that I quit renewing my WoW subscription.
Also, a Legion repack would probably be a long way out before artifacts are even close to working, along with everything else. Whereas a MoP repack, as you've said yourself, can have a great foundation depending on the core.

Why MoP if you can play Legion? Legion has more content, updated graphics and sounds, I personnally like switching specs on the run and not using an item for that or easily changing talents.

While I would love to have the updated graphics/sounds, it's just not enough to convince me to fully enjoy Legion. The only thing I really liked about Legion was the story, and Demon Hunters. I absolutely loved playing my demon hunter in the starting area, but after that, I didn't much care for it. Plus in Legion there are many different features/changes from how MoP was that I didn't like.
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Gold Supporter
Well MoP is already further developed than Legion is by far. From past experiences I would assume 90% or the spells work and if JadeCore is selected then lots of the content works in MoP disregarding a few endgame content. Although Legion does have a lot of content, graphics, sounds, etc, it would be an extreme hassle getting everything working. The phasing system for Legion is currently broke right now and TrinityCore and Ashamancore are both struggling to get it working. Spells are around 60% from what I've seen (maybe it has changed), I believe the artifact system still needs a lot of work and no one has got the creature scaling working for older contents. Along with creature scaling they're still trying to figure out how stat scaling works with gear, meaning players won't have the same stats blizzard has at max level for the best gear. The reason I'm picking MoP is due to the fact the it has a lot more content working and if it were to be selected for a possible next repack it wouldn't lacking so much stuff like TrinityCore and Ashamancore. Not to mention a big team would be needed to keep up with, if they're only 2 people working on a Legion core here on emucoach (and they're main focus wouldn't the core, it would be the cata core) they would most likely fall behind. In my opinion stick with MoP because no one is working on one right now and there's a huge gap between working expansions between cata and later expansions. Leave legion to tons of people already working it.

Excellent points, to get artifact system working , ArtifactUnlock.db2 must be implemented on server side, whole bunch of stuff needs to be put into the hotfix database as well, that requires a huge amount of work, and a fairly sized team to back it up, too bad no functional legion content from Firestorm/Freakz/worldofwarcraft.by has been leaked out yet, and they will never ever release any of them without charging a ridiculous amount of money, so ill have to reconsider my statement earlier, was way too hotheaded to demand something like that.... Mop is a more realistic goal for sure at the moment.

Some people dislike the newer expansions completely, even if they do have MoP content. Personally, MoP was my favorite expansion, and haven't quite enjoyed retail as much since. WoD garrisons kept me going for a bit as it was something new, but after that I quit renewing my WoW subscription.
Also, a Legion repack would probably be a long way out before artifacts are even close to working, along with everything else. Whereas a MoP repack, as you've said yourself, can have a great foundation depending on the core.

While I would love to have the updated graphics/sounds, it's just not enough to convince me to fully enjoy Legion. The only thing I really liked about Legion was the story, and Demon Hunters. I absolutely loved playing my demon hunter in the starting area, but after that, I didn't much care for it. Plus in Legion there are many different features/changes from how MoP was that I didn't like.

Yup, legion is indeed too far out of reach, everything has to be started from scratch without a playable source , It's a shame a lot of open legion projects are ditched, but I do like the fact blizz simplified class system with legion/wod , i pvp a lot, having less spells/talent setups to worry about is a big plus.


Veteran Member
Legion has more content, updated graphics and sounds, easily changing talents. MoP-Legion (These two are disputed) because Mop has more history, the damage is quite balanced than in legion (in legion the pvp was lost because the damage is out of balance). In the end I vote for legion but I would like MoP too. I leave the vote for the programmers who in the end are the ones who spend time fixing the servers of the wow, and they do this because in the end we are their clients .. but I know that they will know how to satisfy our goals. What I would like as a client that this page is the best programming any wow server.


Silver Supporter
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Hi WoW Junkies ;-) So I would be open to Legion, I know myself with this matter of programming, but is not it better to continue working on MOP? Another voice for Legion is, of course, if the time and desire to build Legion from scratch on, first takes a lot of time and desire to create this work überhaubt, clearly I'm not interested in Legion, I say so Conclusion, if you enjoy it and build from scratch on Legion, then I fully agree for legion, otherwise stay with MOP!

So far, all of you are doing a good job here

greet you


Silver Supporter
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I voted for MoP as well. While the others would be interesting, there are huge differences /changing in the core game compared to Cata. That would be a lot more work.

As for Open Source, that is a conundrum wrapped in an enigma. While it gives others a chance to contribute core code fixes it also opens that work up to be taken and either forked or just re-branded as someone elses work as ExO pointed out.
Even limiting access to certain groups is only as good as the relationship of the group. How many projects with that setup have we seen where someone gets upset and leaves, taking the source with them to either do there own folk, which really does not help the project at all. You just end up with resources being divided. If you want examples just look at the leaked section of the forum. I imagine when they started out the project creators never imagine what would happen.

Now if there was a good update system in place that would be nice. The ability to apply the database fixes that accompany the new compiled server that is released would save a lot of time restoring character data to the new server setup or needing to manage what database patches to run from user submitted fixes, provided updates are released in a timely manner. Fortunately for me I have the ability to do that but many of our fellow forum members do not so they either don't get updates or they wipe all data and start new characters each time there is a major release. I could see that getting old fast.

I have actually considered reviving the patch system that was being worked on at one point. The trouble is figuring out the best solution before just diving in. Would need to be some kind of version control flag in the database to know what patch level the database was on. The patch scripts would need to the serialized or sequenced and maintain from a central host that the updater would read to see what patch level the database was on and find the patches that are on the host site that needs to be applied and then apply them one at a time until finished. For any of this to work it would have to start at the core level. To create the table for versioning and set the start point. Then any database chance from that point on with be an update script added to the patch list to be downloaded and applied by the updater. When there is a full server release then it would of course be up to date with the current patch version flag and the updater would find that is nothing to do.

Anyway I kind of went off topic. So back to the point. MoP sounds like a good version to try.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Excellent points, to get artifact system working , ArtifactUnlock.db2 must be implemented on server side, whole bunch of stuff needs to be put into the hotfix database as well, that requires a huge amount of work, and a fairly sized team to back it up, too bad no functional legion content from Firestorm/Freakz/worldofwarcraft.by has been leaked out yet, and they will never ever release any of them without charging a ridiculous amount of money, so ill have to reconsider my statement earlier, was way too hotheaded to demand something like that.... Mop is a more realistic goal for sure at the moment.

Yup, legion is indeed too far out of reach, everything has to be started from scratch without a playable source , It's a shame a lot of open legion projects are ditched, but I do like the fact blizz simplified class system with legion/wod , i pvp a lot, having less spells/talent setups to worry about is a big plus.

I didn't play too much PvP in MoP, or Legion as I only played it for a week, but I think with private servers, a lot of people typically care more about PvE than PvP, except for those instant max level servers. This is just from personal experience though, I could be wrong.
Also MoP just has a really nice vibe to it, mainly due to the story. I think it's an epic and beautifully story and land, and would love to see it brought to EmuCoach as a repack.

Legion has more content, updated graphics and sounds, easily changing talents. MoP-Legion (These two are disputed) because Mop has more history, the damage is quite balanced than in legion (in legion the pvp was lost because the damage is out of balance). In the end I vote for legion but I would like MoP too. I leave the vote for the programmers who in the end are the ones who spend time fixing the servers of the wow, and they do this because in the end we are their clients .. but I know that they will know how to satisfy our goals. What I would like as a client that this page is the best programming any wow server.

Haven't you heard of "The customer is always right"? If the votes are tied or close enough, we already have a decision (can't say which), but if the votes are clear for one specific expansion, we'll follow what our community wants, whether it's easy or difficult


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All a good idea however I would hope the community understands in order to make the most complete playable repack out there the devs need access to the sniffs, information related to npcs, quests, etc. That being said cata repack still has many bugs and much of it is incomplete, look around darnassus missing trainers, npcs standing still, etc. So whatever choice is made i hope this information is available to the emucoach devs so they can do their work.


Gold Supporter
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All a good idea however I would hope the community understands in order to make the most complete playable repack out there the devs need access to the sniffs, information related to npcs, quests, etc. That being said cata repack still has many bugs and much of it is incomplete, look around darnassus missing trainers, npcs standing still, etc. So whatever choice is made i hope this information is available to the emucoach devs so they can do their work.
From the looks of some releases they already have a bunch of sniffs so I wouldn't worry about it. And if they don't have sniffs they can simply go and sniff information, it wouldn't be that hard. Also it's possible the issues you have are only related to non-vip version of the repack, and not the VIP version.
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From the looks of some releases they already have a bunch of sniffs so I wouldn't worry about it. And if they don't have sniffs they can simply go and sniff information, it wouldn't be that hard. Also it's possible the issues you have are only related to non-vip version of the repack, and not the VIP version.

Doubtful the wife pays for vip we play on the lan. Darnassus is very incomplete, I only suggested if emucoach plans to support other expansions they make sure they can get the proper data to fix as much as possible. That said i'm honestly not sure if sniffing MOP data now is possible has a lot changed up to legion? or is most of that data on retail good?
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
Doubtful the wife pays for vip we play on the lan. Darnassus is very incomplete, I only suggested if emucoach plans to support other expansions they make sure they can get the proper data to fix as much as possible. That said i'm honestly not sure if sniffing MOP data now is possible has a lot changed up to legion? or is most of that data on retail good?

You can sniff private servers, such as wow freakz, tauri wow, etc. I'm sure it wont be a problem


Veteran Member
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You can sniff private servers, such as wow freakz, tauri wow, etc. I'm sure it wont be a problem

I really miss the original trinity core team, they took such pride in their fixes and the data was legit. Private server sniffing isn't reliable, but I guess we shall see how that goes. Long story short emucoach should really just jump to legion, the data is there to sniff on free accounts till banned an most would be willing to help. The repack would be up to date and able to collect any and all information needed to properly fix quests and gather data for npcs and such.
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
I really miss the original trinity core team, they took such pride in their fixes and the data was legit. Private server sniffing isn't reliable, but I guess we shall see how that goes. Long story short emucoach should really just jump to legion, the data is there to sniff on free accounts till banned an most would be willing to help. The repack would be up to date and able to collect any and all information needed to properly fix quests and gather data for npcs and such.

Although legion has reliable sniffs, the amount of work required it a lot. It's missing so many scripts and as I said in an earlier post it's missing phase system, scaling, etc. And sniffing private servers are quite reliable, as long as the server you're sniffing has a lot of content working, such as Tauriwow. They probably have the best and most blizzlike MoP server with just about everything working.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I really miss the original trinity core team, they took such pride in their fixes and the data was legit. Private server sniffing isn't reliable, but I guess we shall see how that goes. Long story short emucoach should really just jump to legion, the data is there to sniff on free accounts till banned an most would be willing to help. The repack would be up to date and able to collect any and all information needed to properly fix quests and gather data for npcs and such.

As Ravish is saying, it would take a lot of time and effort to get a reliable, somewhat-decent Legion repack up and running. My general rule is wait about 1 or 2 more expansions after, then there's usually enough data to work with.
We shouldn't just jump to Legion because it's the latest expansion. We will follow what the community decides. If y'all vote for a MoP, we'll gladly do so, and will have something we're proud to put EmuCoach's name on within a relatively short time. If y'all vote Legion, it'll take a good bit longer, and would likely slow the development of the Cata repack in it's early stages. We'll still do it, of course, but you guys should know what that would mean.

Plus, a lot of people are probably like me and think MoP was the best expansion (keep in mind I only get 1 vote, so I don't get any extra advantage in voting). Legion was just too boring for me. It felt like typical WoW, whereas MoP was something new.


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As Ravish is saying, it would take a lot of time and effort to get a reliable, somewhat-decent Legion repack up and running. My general rule is wait about 1 or 2 more expansions after, then there's usually enough data to work with.
We shouldn't just jump to Legion because it's the latest expansion. We will follow what the community decides. If y'all vote for a MoP, we'll gladly do so, and will have something we're proud to put EmuCoach's name on within a relatively short time. If y'all vote Legion, it'll take a good bit longer, and would likely slow the development of the Cata repack in it's early stages. We'll still do it, of course, but you guys should know what that would mean.

Plus, a lot of people are probably like me and think MoP was the best expansion (keep in mind I only get 1 vote, so I don't get any extra advantage in voting). Legion was just too boring for me. It felt like typical WoW, whereas MoP was something new.

I agree if there is enough reliable MOP data out there in sniffs then by all means do it if thats what everyone decides. I wasn't suggesting a jump to legion because it was the newest, I suggested that because the data is available and legit. Gathering sniffs from other private servers isn't wise and will only lead the pack down the road of becoming the next wowsource repack.... a half assed half working pile of crap. I personally have no interest in anything past MOP as I quit retail at that point, but before jumping into something else cata repack still has a lot to fix.


I agree if there is enough reliable MOP data out there in sniffs then by all means do it if thats what everyone decides. I wasn't suggesting a jump to legion because it was the newest, I suggested that because the data is available and legit. Gathering sniffs from other private servers isn't wise and will only lead the pack down the road of becoming the next wowsource repack.... a half assed half working pile of crap. I personally have no interest in anything past MOP as I quit retail at that point, but before jumping into something else cata repack still has a lot to fix.

I actually agree. Also with the Darnassus, I will look at it shortly. We have gotten a lot of sniffs obtained from Cataclysm and up.
So now I am able to fix most waypoint issues, missing emotes, texts etc very, very easily. I'll look on Darnassus soon enough. Just going through Durotar & Mulgore currently.

We have a lot of sniffs contained, so don't worry :)
Level 1-60 + capitals + npc routes on each race/class done during MOP, and also ~~ 15-17 GB of sniffs :) (In rar, imagine when we extract that out.. will almost need an extra hdd just for it)

But of course there will be times where particular sniff's are needed (we don't have much about eg mop dungeons/raids), but in most cases legion sniffs are just fine - as we need the flags (eg, unit_flags etc), which are the same in Legion. (Looking away from health, damage etc)

But you have a valid point! But I'd say we have it covered as our ressources have grown heavily. And so does @ravish123 regarding the huge amount of extra work on Legion on the systems/scripts that completely missing.

Don't worry, we won't ever be a Wowsource project. We know what we are doing, and I have worked in the scene since 2012, even on big server names with much higher requirements.


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I actually agree. Also with the Darnassus, I will look at it shortly. We have gotten a lot of sniffs obtained from Cataclysm and up.
So now I am able to fix most waypoint issues, missing emotes, texts etc very, very easily. I'll look on Darnassus soon enough. Just going through Durotar & Mulgore currently.

We have a lot of sniffs contained, so don't worry :)
Level 1-60 + capitals + npc routes on each race/class done during MOP, and also ~~ 15-17 GB of sniffs :) (In rar, imagine when we extract that out.. will almost need an extra hdd just for it)

But of course there will be times where particular sniff's are needed (we don't have much about eg mop dungeons/raids), but in most cases legion sniffs are just fine - as we need the flags (eg, unit_flags etc), which are the same in Legion. (Looking away from health, damage etc)

But you have a valid point! But I'd say we have it covered as our ressources have grown heavily. And so does @ravish123 regarding the huge amount of extra work on Legion on the systems/scripts that completely missing.

Don't worry, we won't ever be a Wowsource project. We know what we are doing, and I have worked in the scene since 2012, even on big server names with much higher requirements.

Well now knowing you already have the data and correct data in had you have my vote for MOP if that's the direction you wish to take. I know it will be great and please take your time do not rush, we all want a great repack and it's going to take time. We have the cata repack to enjoy for now.


Gold Supporter
:) Glad to see this thread is going well and everyone is tuning in, I have just finished my hacky 3rd relic slot implementation on my test legion trinitycore base, it's working and even the artifact perk enhancement from relic items are working correctly, but the implementation is way too hacky its laughable lol. spells in legion for different classes are 65% percent at most, most older contents are bugged to a point where you can't level up properly without a Exp modifier to skip all the buggy content, with a bit of work on spells and classes yes we can probably build a pvp-only legion repack ( LoL ), but pretty sure people play repacks for the solo PVE experience, the only way for a single player PvP repack to even work is getting player bots to real human players level which is impossible.

Wild thoughts again.



Veteran Member
By the votes is winning MoP. In the end you have to follow the evolution of the wow, and this community can not stay behind because they have good programmers who already have a few years of experience in this area. I like to play PVE, in all the wow I've played although I did'n have the chance to play a decent wow until I made vip in this community. The stories of the missions, walking by the world itself is what I liked about all the wow.
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