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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Hey! I'm new to all this, WoW Repacks and server stuff. I'm able to to "start" up the server, and I changed my realmlist in my WoW's WTF folder to both "localhost" and the IP that the repack provides. There's no way I can log in, and I don't know how to make a new user/account to be able to login. I tried root, ascent. Failed, it says logging in for about half a second. Thanks!

Hi there,
You should change it to "set realmlist" and then you can login with "admin" "admin"

You should check out http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?157-EmuCoach-s-Official-Repack-FAQ-(Useful-Good-to-read)
It describes how to create an account, make it a GM account and other useful things.


Trial Member
Thanks! I got it to work, now my problem is it won't let me join the realm. It says logging in, then nothing happens, the message goes away.


Trial Member

I downloaded your emulator which seems fine for a server, however, I have a problem.

When I run WorldServer at the beginning everything is going well, but once loaded to finish, window locks, and then an error, obligation to close the program.

The last lines are:

View attachment i5RWzps.png

Can you help me?




I downloaded your emulator which seems fine for a server, however, I have a problem.

When I run WorldServer at the beginning everything is going well, but once loaded to finish, window locks, and then an error, obligation to close the program.

The last lines are:


Can you help me?


Have you done any custom changes to this?
- Please also post your worldserver.conf on a pastebin and link it here, and I will look into the issue further!


EmuCoach V.3 - Deathwing's Madness (Changelog list) - Most of the updates are added, not the minor ones though.

Emucoach Repack v.3.0 - Changelog

Before you read this changelog, be aware of that some changes may be listed zone-wise or random.
Meaning they were not specified, yet fixed through a bug report.

-- Random Quest Fixes --
- Fixed quest "Robbing Hoods" in Kezan
- Fixed Quest "Good Help is Hard to Find"
- Fixed the Death Knight cart quest.
- Fixed the "Exodus" quest in Gilneas.
- Fixed a lot of quests in Gilneas regarding objects that didn't work.
- A lot of misc scripting to gilneas. (Both core and database fixes) (Which will fix different quests, issues and similar)

-- Item Fixes --

- Fixed Trinket - Bone-Link Fetish Proc & Added blzzlike cooldown on it.
- Reduced Proc Chance of Trinket - Creche of the Final Dragon.
- Fixed Trinket - Starcatcher Compass Proc.
- Fixed Trinket - Matrix Restabillizer Proc.
- Fixed Trinket - The Hungerer Proc.
- Fixed proc of Spidersilk Spindle
- Fixed Moonwell Challice
- Fixed a lot of trinkets and weapon procs from dragonsoul and simillar raids.
- Fixed the Obsidian Nightwing mount (You can now carry an ally on your back)
- Fixed an exploit with Living Ruby Pendant

-- Spell Fixes --

- Fixed an issue with Rune Strike not available to use while in Blood Presence
- Fixed Moonkin forms for Trolls and Worgens, as well as epic Flight forms.
- Fixed Travel form from Trolls that looked like Night Elfs forms.
- At the moment is stacking with other spells like sprint, dash, And it indeed doesn't supposed to stack with sprint or dash, although both can be active at the same time." - Fixed.
- Fixed Feral Swiftness (Druid talent)
- Fixed Stampeding Roar (Druid)
- Fixed Wild Growth
- Fixed Nitro Boosts and other engineering tinkers
- Fixed Blinking (Requiring mmaps though) - already included in the download link.
- Fixed Glyph of Holy Light
- A lot of different spell fixes, for example glyph of sunder armor and some of the spells have been rewritten for a better stabillity & cleaner code.
- A lot of shaman spell fixes has also been included.
- Fixed Shadowy Apparition
- Triggered spells will now be cast on the primal target instead of on the caster. This solves a pretty common crash. #TC
- Fixed an exploit with Chakra
- Fixed Shadowmeld (Elf Racial) - (Thanks to Phil)
- Some rework and fixes to holy power which fixes some different holy power talents and similar. (Thanks to Phil!)

-- Creature/Spawn Fixes / --

- Fixed a lot of missing spawns in Deepholm.
- Health of Young Stone Drake now has the correct amount of health.

- In Kezan (Kajaro Field Zone) Hired Looter mobs were not spawned which made quest Robbing Hoods unavailable to complete, fixed now.
- In Kezan (Kajaro Field Zone) a lot of Kezan Citizen were also missing. (Waypoints on the ones that should have it, is included)
- A lot of misc scripting to gilneas. (Both core and database fixes) (Which will fix different quests, issues and similar)
- Fixed equipment set for Forsaken Sailor in Gilneas. (And a lot of other npcs with the same issue)
- Fixed some issues with bugged mobs in gilneas running around (that weren't supposed to be there)
- Fixed Gilnean Crow(s) in Gilneas
- Fixed some guards in Gilneas
- Including a lot of other similar scripting in Gilneas.

- Fixed Pet Attacking.
- Fixed an issue with General Marcus Jonathan where he was agressive at Hogger Hill so you got one shotted when trying to kill Hogger
- Twilight Rifleman was friendly & also level 1, which is fixed now.
- Guardian Demon has had their health corrected.

-- Dungeon & Raid Fixes --

- Fixed Gundrak Door.
- Reworked/better scripted Morchok (Dragonsoul)
- Reworked/better scripted Ultraxion (Dragonsoul)
- A lot of different random fixes to Dragonsoul
- Scripted some spells from Warlord Zon'ozz (Dragonsoul)

- Lord Rhyloith is no longer friendly (Firelands)
- Some more scripting to Baleroc in Firelands, spells etc.
- Fixes regarding the doors/objects in Firelands that didn't despawn - even after the boss was killed.
- A lot of code scripting in Molten Front

- Fixed a crash with Altairus in the Vortex Pinnacle.
- A lot of fixes in HoT, scripted different ads with Smart AI etc.
- A lot of fixes in Well of Eternity, a lot of the ads has been corrected with correct health, spawns and more.
- Fixed Divine Reckoning from Temple Guardian Anhuur in Halls of Origination
- Fixed a wrong boss displayid in Blackwing Descent
- Fixed the correct health on ToC, archavon and naxxramas (10 mans raid) (Thanks to Renzo for the contribution!)
- Fixed Gal'darah door
- End Time - Echo of Baine were missing item drops, which is added now.
- Fixed an issue with Earthrager Ptah in Halls of Origination where auto attack didn't work. #Thanks to Anton.

-- General Fixes --

- Fixed Dungeon Finder!
- Improved Raid Finder slightly, and use-able.
- Improved Guild Finder slightly, and use-able.

- Fixed Honor rewarding for winning & losing battleground(s)

- Fixed an URGENT issue with rogues having delay on each spell.
- Fixed a hack crash.
- Fixed a Calender crash
- Fixed a warden crash.
- Fixed a crash regarding trading soulbound items.
- Fixed a crash when players goes near darkshire. (Was related to the LFG system)
- Fixed a common pet crash.
- Fixed a crash if you teleported yourself to Blasted Lands.
- Fixed the pet attack function.

- Fixed an exploit with looting.
- Improved the looting system a little.
- Fixed honor rewarding in BG.
- Reworked the spell function with - haste, like shocks that caused -0.25 haste rating, which would bug your attacks and damage from tooltip(s)

- Fixed online state when member logs out & improve spell system with spells like Thunderstorm
- Better handle system clock changes. There was an issue with the clock so that autobroadcast would end up spamming each millisecond and would result in a server crash. #TC
- Improved the spirit death system so that the timer that indicates how long it takes untill the player can reclaim their corpse now starts counting down when the player actually releases it's spirit instead of when they die. Fixes an issue where the 'Accept' button in the reclaim corpse window would already be clickable but have no effect. #TrinityCore - Discover

- Fixed an issue with client crashing, if you invited a character with a non english name to a guild.
- Fixed another important issue with guilds, where you would get a client crash if you kicked a guild member.
- Fixed 7th Guild Tab.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't buy more than one guild tab.

- Fixed an urgent issue where you would sometimes get maximum cap of Justice Points for a boss.
- A lot of fixes in Gilneas.
- Random misc fixes in the database.
- Fixed some DB errors.
- Fixed a few core warnings
- Implemented ".Reload item_template" & ".reload gameobject_template command"

- Reworked Hit Mechanic;
- Attack usable only from behind cannot be dodged (in PvP only) and parried / blocked
- No longer blocks attack usable only from behind
- No longer makes victim reflect all the spells even while stunned
- Removes dodge chance from deterrence of the hits from behind
- Abilities like shred and backstab should not be dodged or parried vs players



V.3 - Deathwing's Madness

Version 3 has officially been released for the public, with many fixes and hard work.

For any questions, feel free to post on this thread or in a support thread.
More information will get added tommorow (further F.A.Q's) and other things.

A changelog list of V.3 is available on the post above.


Trial Member
first of all i just opened the server and the first thing i tried was gurthalak ... sorry to say but it still doesn`t working. The tentacles aren`t attacking. Did i made something wrong ?
2. EndTime isn`t working
3.Dragon Soul : I cannot kill morchok, i start fight and it gives me evade, the portals aren`t working to other bosses
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Trial Member
I came back with some things now i can kill morchok.i wanned to say sorry was my fold for morchok evanding. The classes are working very decent so good job for that. I didn't test the bgs couse i don't have so much people for that. The items seems to be working fine. Gurthalak's tentacle seems to do kinda low damage 2 3 k damage per hit but in rest seems to be ok. And one last thing please review the scripts from cata dungeons.

Thanks a lot for the release and keep up the goos work.


No, I have not made any changes since the download.
Here as requested pastebin link:



Hi there,
Please try to replace the current things in your pastebin to this one;

And let me know if that did the trick.

Nice ExO!

Checking it out!
Sounds good!

I came back with some things now i can kill morchok.i wanned to say sorry was my fold for morchok evanding. The classes are working very decent so good job for that. I didn't test the bgs couse i don't have so much people for that. The items seems to be working fine. Gurthalak's tentacle seems to do kinda low damage 2 3 k damage per hit but in rest seems to be ok. And one last thing please review the scripts from cata dungeons.

Thanks a lot for the release and keep up the goos work.

Hey again,
Thank you for your re-feedback, I understand there may be bugs occuring on the way but I am happy that you seem to be overall satisfied, remember you always have the .debug bg command so you can solo-queue (just in case you didn't know)

"And one last thing please review the scripts from cata dungeons."
I don't understand this part though, can you elloborate?


Trial Member
I was wondering if anyone one had a quick super easy account registration page for the _Server/htdocs folder? I'm sort of a noob at this and just want to do dungeons with my friends for fun. Thank you!


Trial Member
The script from the bosses in EndTime HourOfTwilight and Well of Eternity are really bugged. Jaina is spawned twice, the flare is attackable and i can go on, but in rest is ok :), i will try tommorow when i come from my job the bgs and leave a reply. Have a good night and keep the good work.


Trial Member
I was wondering if anyone one had a quick super easy account registration page for the _Server/htdocs folder? I'm sort of a noob at this and just want to do dungeons with my friends for fun. Thank you!

In your world server type :
.account create "name" "password" - normal user
.account set gm level "name" 3 -1 (name from the account you create with the upper command)
P.S : the second is for gm set


Hero To The People
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Manchester, England
I was wondering if anyone one had a quick super easy account registration page for the _Server/htdocs folder? I'm sort of a noob at this and just want to do dungeons with my friends for fun. Thank you!

I will upload one shortly for you.


Hero To The People
Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Manchester, England
Well here is my EMUCOACH registration page for all those who would like one. You can edit your server details through the core folder and the images how you like it even has three themes for WOTLK and Burning Crusade.
It provides you with a signup page and a nice status page for your server aswell as a link to your forum and an information page on how to connect that you may edit yourself through the index.php file. Here is a couple of screenshots


Extract the zip into your htdocs folder and run apache and your good to go if you run default setup for EMUCOACH.


This is V1 of the registration page I hope to make it a big nicer in updates. This was originally from another creator its not completely my work I modified another users script quite a bit to make it perfect for EMUCOACH.
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