Sorry for the re-post
Only a curiosity, TDB 4.3.4 v.3 does not have the Entry=51796 on item_templace table (Warmace of Menethil), have you guys merged TDB 3.3.5 with TDB 4.3.4 in order to obtain it or my 434 v.3 TDB copy is screwed up? xD
PS: VERY eager to see the V3![]()
ok so let me get this straight, because i think i am missing something.
I watched the video but it seems that it is not 100% complete to install everything right and do everything to make it work.
I downloaded everything, server folder with DB and apache, authserver and worldserver. extracted as shown in the video and ran them all, first db, then auth then world (also the apache ).
then i went to the game folder, wen to realmlist.txt and typed setrealmlist and saved
is that everything i have to do ? because when i run the game and type admin - admin, it says "Connecting" and then as if there is no connection.
what am i missing?
Is v3 coming out soon? At least give a very pessimistic ETA cause I like to be pleasantly surprised (Ex. say you think you can have it done in a week, say two or three) that way I don't stress over it. and then when it comes out early, everyone is happy. or not. I just wish v3 would come faster. Also may be able to donate in the future around may if things work out.
I've been trying to get an ETA for while too, but it seems like they're putting together the last pieces. As they already stated, release is soon.
Yeah, I know, It's just that soon is a bit too open ended for my OCD, I can ignore it and wait, it just drives me crazy in the process... regardless, I will still donate when I have the chance; this release is awesome once you get it to work! The cataclysm race intros are broken right now but maybe they will work when the update comes out, one can only hope!
Should Be
Okay thanks, and how do i change settings like the autobroadcast and realm name?Should Be
You should look for the config file named authserver.
Edit: In that file you find a lot of settings. Scrool through, have a look. You will probably stumble across other interesting settings that you didn't even think of changing before![]()
I have found the realm name thing in the sql but i now ran into another problem, not sure if this is where to post bugs, but when i after i finish creating a character it kicked me back to the character like usually but the character is not there.
EDIT: This only happens when you make a character with the same name as another character.