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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Trial Member

I have done about 1/2 the Goblin staring zone and to say it is "well scripted" is a little generous. It is fairly buggy and several quests are buggy if not outright inaccessible. In saying that it is actually one of the better scripted Goblin starting areas I have played (outside of Blizz's of coarse) and you can do all the quests with a bit of GM command jiggery pokery. It is okay but not exactly what I consider "well scripted". But in saying all of this keep up the really good work can't see how this turns out, assuming it's still being worked on.

I have now nearly completed the Goblin starting campaign and I must say the 2nd half if definitely a lot closer to being complete excellent job.
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Trial Member
I need help I made the mistake of using the hearthstone on the lost isles not realising that it doesn't automatically set it to town-in-a-box like retail does and now i'm stuck in kezan and cant get back to where I was. Any idea what I can do to get back?

I was able to get back using the .go xyz command.
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Trial Member
Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to run the servers? because I can't get them to work.
i unzipped all forders in one and when i start authserver.exe or worldserver.exe it says it cant find MSVCR71.dll


Trial Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.



Trial Member
I just downloaded and unzipped the files today. I followed all the steps, but now I’m a bit lost. When I attempt to load the worldsever.exe, it immediately closes and after looking at the server logs it states “.map 0004331 not found” any luck with working through this? I’ve used WOTLK in the past and went through those files and didn’t see it there either. Over deleted, redownloaded and re-unzipped the files to now avail. Any ideas where I’m going wrong?


Trial Member
Hallo ich bedanke mich für das Repack
Als erstes muss ich sagen das dieses Repack besser ist als die wir davor getestet haben auf denen ging sogut wie kaum was
und alles war verbuggt und die 98 % bei den Repacks waren die Raids und Instanzen alle geschlossen .
Bei dem Repack ist das allerdings nicht so , viele Klassen funktionieren und bisher auch die Quests die getestet wurden Funktionieren
Ihr habt bei dem Repack eine super tolle arbeit gemacht und ich hoffe das ihr mit dem Text das Repack verbessern könnt . :)
Uns ist bisher einiges Aufgefallen was NICHT funktioniert .

Personen die das Repackt testen :
10 bis 30 Personen

Datum : 15.05.2023

-das Repackt reagiert etwas langsam auf Aktionen im Spiel


-Alle Quests ,Schreien von NPCS Namen etc sind NICHT auf Deutsch umstellbar und auf Englisch !
-Ich bitte um eine möglichkeit das auf Deutsch umstellen zu können Danke

-Verschiedene NPC's sind zwar sichtbar aber nicht Angreiffbar nachdem mein NPCScann die erkennt


-Todesritter / Deathknight
Die Quests funktionieren bisher nur leider funktioniert die Phasenverschiebung nicht richtig bei den Quests .
Die Klassenlehrer für den DK sind nach Abschluss des Startgebiet nicht mehr da und nach dem erreichen von Stufe 85 auch nicht mehr da wo sie stehen sollten .
Portale nach Orgrimmar oder Sturmwind sind nach dem ende vom Startgebiet nict mehr da .
Die Fähigkeiten vom Todesritter machen zuwenig Schaden Unheilig und Frost skillung die Blutskillung wird noch getestet
Todespakt funktioniert nicht, krankheiten und Säuchen machen kaum schaden bis kein schaden über zeit

-Hexenmeister / Warlock

-Krieger / Warrior
Siegesrausch funktioniert nicht

-Schurke / Rogue

-Druide /

-Magier / Mage

-Priester / Priest

-Jäger / Hunter

-Paladin /

-Schamane /


-Bastion des Zwielichts-
Halfus steht nicht an der stelle wo er sein müsste und wurde mit dem befehl .npc add sporalisch hingestellt
Cho'gal steht nicht angreifbar beim Rat und nicht an seinem Thron und wurde mit dem befehl .npc add sporalisch hingestellt und läuft rum und verschwindet in dem boden
Die beiden Portale Links und Rechts funktionieren nicht beim Thron
NPCs haben kaum bis gar kein Loot