Can get past 0x000007b error. And yes I alredy downloaded tons of dll´s and put them in system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64, with no luck. So I am unable to test this repack. Any help with this?
I just noticed that version 5 has enabled the GM commands for achievements and guild experience.
-20 minutes pass-
I may have gone SLIGHTLY mad with power. My guildmaster of a level 25 guild, a level 8 priest I was fiddling with, now holds the world firsts for hitting level 85 and slaying deathwing.
...I love everyone who makes this repack possible.
This is finally the world I always hoped it could be.
So my friend got an private server up and tried to run it on Hamachi but it didn't work out well.
TrinityCore 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - Deathwings Madness v.5-[EmuCoach's Official Repack]
We used HeidiSQL to change the realm adress in auth to his hamachi ipv4. So i took his ipv4 adress changed my realmlist of wow to it. And I started wow up and tried to log in but it got stuck at ''Connecting'' all the time .We even disabled firewall and it still didn't work this is mostly the problem but didn't work.
Can someone try to explain me another solution or help me out for an solution for this with teamviewer ect. You could just pm me for it.>? We just want to play for fun ect. On hamachi. Does skype or any commen program have something to do with the cause of this btw?
Please help me out thx.